Intervention Failed (Or, Dickmatization Complete and Irreversible)
I think I am done with Ann. We've been friends for years, we work together, I love her, but I can't deal with it anymore. She can go down like the rest of us on here. I refuse to listen to her trials and tribulations with the Dicktastic Tom anymore. I can't. I guess I'm disengaging from Ann.
Two friends and I decided last week to stage an "intervention" with Ann because we all care about her and think she's making a huge mistake. So, we got together Saturday night for a girls' night, dinner and a glass of wine or two and some chit chat. You know, casual. Nonthreatening. We've been concerned with her and the things she's been telling us, like how Tom didn't want her at his aunt's funeral, how nasty Sailor Mouth Mary is, how he hasn't had a job since she's known him, etc. This isn't my first trip on the StepBus, and our two friends (I'll call them Jane and Kate) haven't been in step situations, but they've dated their share of asses.
At first, Ann was pretty open to everything we had to say. She's a beautiful woman, she's intelligent, but she keeps dating people who treat her like crap. Lately she's been not eating, she's been on the verge of manic, she's been drinking quite a bit, she hasn't seemed to care about her job. Oh, no, she's fine, she's happy, everything's great...there's just a lot going on right now.
Like what? Well, it turns out, it was recently discovered that Mary was being sexually abused by her mother's uncle, and that it had been going on for about a year. So now Mary's in family therapy with both of her parents, and there's a big investigation going on, and now Liz is losing her home because the uncle was paying for it, and he obviously won't be paying for the house anymore.
Oh, and she DID talk to Tom about the funeral, and why he didn't want her there, and he changed his mind and she did end up going, and BM wasn't there; he "didn't know what he was thinking when he said that." But a week or so later, Ann was at work crying because he didn't invite her to Easter dinner at his parents'.
Oh, and he DID have a job interview, for some corporate job that'll pay around $160K; he just needs to go through the background check and that could take a while.
Oh, and she LOVES him, more than she's EVER loved anyone, and she LOVES his kids.
I had had it by this point. Jane and Kate weren't really sure what to say. I don't have that problem. So I brought up a few things. Like the fact that she's always "babysitting" his kids, always going to their sporting events, yet Tom shows ZERO interest in her son, Chris. Like Mary kicking Chris and leaving a huge bruise. Like the fact that he may have a job interview for some amazing job, but...does he really? And how about the fact that he hasn't HAD a job in months? Love isn't enough, and Ann is too dickmatized to see it.
She doesn't see the issues because she doesn't want to. I can't reason with her. Jane can't reason with her. Kate can't reason with her. Ann wants a family SO BAD she'll do anything to stay with a guy who sleeps all day and then naps on the couch in the evening while his "nanny" takes care of his kids. She wants a man, ANY man, because she's sick of being alone. Her biological clock is ticking, and she and Tom will make "gorgeous babies." (Yes, she said babIES, plural.) And that job WILL happen, and she'll be rolling in money.
Ann downplayed our concerns, made us feel ridiculous for worrying. I can't speak for Jane and Kate, but I don't think this is a friendship I want anymore. One day she's crying over the drama, the next her life is perfect.
This morning, she came bouncing into the office, absolutely glowing, because last night she had THE most OTHERWORLDLY sexual experience of her life. Never mind that Wednesday, she decided she wasn't speaking to Tom because of the Easter blow-off. Her mind shattered into pieces, she cried tears of pure joy, and she'll never be the same again!
:sick: :sick:
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Ann needs to live with Ann's
:sick: Ann needs to live with Ann's decisions. You need to let her now that you have done what any good friend would do.
Puke worthy
Puke worthy
what Ann is still in
what Ann is still in honeymoon stage and already drinking.....
took me years before I started drinking...
Ann has to live with her life choices, however I would do something about Chris - has any one informed his father about what's going on...
Yes, his dad is aware of the
Yes, his dad is aware of the situation, of how Mary kicked and bruised him. Apparently, it's "kids being kids," but he told Ann it had better not happen again.
I have a feeling Chris will choose to live with Dad within the next couple years.
OTHERWORDLY ones, don't
OTHERWORDLY ones, don't forget.
"OTHERWORDLY" Is that what
Is that what she actually said?
Yup. Otherworldly. Maybe Tom
Yup. Otherworldly.
Maybe Tom needs to market this amazing skill since he won't get a job?
well, of course Ann had an
well, of course Ann had an otherwordly experience, that's where she lives :sick:
You did what any good friend would do - now it's all on her.
Ugh, Ann, such an idiot.
Time to step back and let
Time to step back and let natural consequences happen.
We honestly didn't believe
We honestly didn't believe we'd actually get through to her, but we hoped SOMETHING would stick. Nope.
I have no doubt she's footing
I have no doubt she's footing the bills (or at least for the most part) for all the Happy Family vacations they've taken. No doubt, though she won't say.
None of the 160k people I
None of the 160k people I know lay on the couch waiting for the next executive suite to open up and drift down on them like manna.
When out of work, they hustle, hustle, hustle. They work up their own ventures. They network. They spend every waking moment (uh, that would be 16 awake hours a day, not 10 total minutes awake!) looking for leads, working up ideas, etc. Their laptaps and phones are never quiet.
This girl is seriously screwed up. She can't be that stupid.
She may play a regular human on TV, but......
But...but...he's special.
But...but...he's special. Different. His name is "out there," and the offers will come to HIM. He's too "tired" to put forth the effort what with having kids half time, you know.
Tom is a narcissist. I truly believe this.
We are the Borg. You will be
We are the Borg.
You will be assimilated.
Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own.
Resistance is futile.
We are Hot Tom and his skids.
You will be Dicktamized.
Your nanny/babymaking and financial means will be added to our own.
Resistance is futile.
"Poor Ann" has now officially
"Poor Ann" has now officially become "Dumb Ass".
LOL! I see her alllllll day
LOL! I see her alllllll day long. No doubt she'll continue to regale us all with stories of otherworldly orgasms and how much she adores the little trash mouth!
Every single time I read an
Every single time I read an Ann post, I am convinced that Dickmatized should be made in to a song. I am just not capable of making one up for you
here, 'chichi - I've been
here, 'chichi -
I've been waiting my whole life for just one f*ck
And all I needed was just one f*ck
How can you say that you don't give a f*ck
I find myself d*ckmatized, coming back again
All I wanted was just one f*ck
One tiny little innocent f*ck
And when I feel like I'm sh!t out of luck
I find my d*ckmatized, coming back again
Tuff, sung to Violent Femmes
Tuff, sung to Violent Femmes by any chance?
no ma'am, that's actually
no ma'am, that's actually Disturbed
I could hear the Femmes while
I could hear the Femmes while I sang it
I was stomping with my docs and trying to look sulky he he he
you're welcome
you're welcome
Lock eyes from across the
Lock eyes from across the room
Take my nap while the kiddies poo
Take your hand and skip the names
No need here for the silly games
Make our way through the cheers and crowd
The field is the sky and you're on my cloud
Move in close as the soccerballs fly
Our bodies touch and the angels cry
Leave this place go back to yours
Our lips first touch outside your doors
The whole night's what we've got instore
Whisper in my ear that you want some more
And I gotcha dickmatized
I need a few things from the grocery
Do things alone now usually
Cuz I'm all jobless and lookin' for money
Surprise in my eyes when I got me a nanny
The wallet opened up and I saw a face
My heart stood still so did time and space
Never felt that I could feel real again
But the look in her eyes said I need a man
She turned to me thats when she said it
Looked me dead in the face, said suck or blow it?
And I gotcha dickmatized
ok it's terrible. But I giggled and sang the original as I typed it.
that's brilliant! what tune
that's brilliant! what tune do we sing it by?
Lonely Island's Jizz in my
Lonely Island's Jizz in my pants
I cut out quite a bit of it though... lol
Oh my God, you guys, I'm
Oh my God, you guys, I'm DYING here....
lol, I've been humming it
lol, I've been humming it since I typed it