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Exchanging tomorrow at same place and time as BM?

AllieNixon's picture

The thought of this makes me feel like I need to throw up.

I probably hate BM more than anyone I have ever met before. She's just a nasty miserable person.
ExH hasn't been around for BS but is around for xSD.

Finally we arranged a meeting for him to have BS but he also currently has xSD. SO he's been spending time with both of them.
Tomorrow I am meeting up with him to pick up BS but at the same time, AND PLACE, he is meeting with BM so she can pick up xSD.

ANd I kinda want to laugh.
Hell, I'd love to laugh with her about it if she wasn't such a cunt.

I'm sure he feels sick about it though. Meeting both his babymommas (who don't like each other NOR like him).....

This is gunna be fun.


Cooooookies's picture

I can't stand the BM2 I deal with either. Pretty common when they are mentally unbalanced.

Just a kind suggestion: If you want to stay on this board without having your blogs and/or comments reported, suspended or deleted, you need to clean up the language. Symbols or alternative names work, such as:

See You Next Tuesday
Fluffin fluff hole
Egg donor 1 and Egg donor 2
Board favorite is Golden Uterus

Also, don't get involved. This will be a trifecta of disaster that you don't need to be in the middle of. Your DH procreated with the...uh, beasts...let him handle it. You're only adding fuel to the fire.

Maxwell09's picture

SS's BM has to do this. She drops off SS then goes to the gas station to meet up with BabyDaddy2 to pick up Spawn while BabyDaddy is also dropping off his daughter (BM's ex stepdaughter) to his Ex wife. I found out when I came out the store buying DH Tums and saw them all there. The little girl saw me and hollered hello, the Ex Wife waved and the rest (BM, Fiance3, Babydaddy2, new girlfriend, Spawn and ExWife's husband) just looked over. Awkward.