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Grandbaby update O/T

WalkOnBy's picture

So, DD25 is pregnant with a due date of July 14.

She has had nothing but ick with this pregnancy - first she was incredibly sick, then her AFP came back slightly elevated, which brought on a whole slew of genetic tests (all of which came back just fine) and now she has just received a Intrauterine Growth Restriction. Blah...

Baby Girl is in the 3rd percentile for growth.

All tests indicate absolutely nothing wrong genetically, so we are grateful for that. However, there are lots of potential issues with tiny babies, and it's no longer a question of if Baby Girl will come early, but HOW early will she come.

Stressed out beyond belief, and so for those of you who are prayer warriors, can you please keep my daughter and Baby Girl in your prayers?

Thanks - we aren't making this info public, and I needed a place to get this off my chest...ugh.


Monchichi's picture

That's an absolutely wonderful due date. It's also Bastille Day in France and might be my birthday too Wink

I was tiny when I was born and all worked out well xx

zerostepdrama's picture

Congratulations and prayers. Due date is my wonderful Grandma's birthday Smile

MSD's son was born 3 months before his due date. Even though he was in NICU for a few months since he was so early, he has turned out perfectly fine and healthy. There are a lot of medical resources now that will help in the care of babies born prematurely.

Thumper's picture

Absolutely will pray for your daughter WOB, unborn baby/grand daughter baby wobble. And for you too.

I know your worried sick.

Welcome to the Granny Club Wink

*I am Catholic* by the way.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Mimi is the In thing for ladies in their 40s/50s. I know no less than 6 women who are now Mimi's. Smile

twoviewpoints's picture

heh, one look at that angelic little face with big eyes and tiny fingers curled around yours, and you'll be happy and willing to be called anything that little darling wants to call you.

Sincere prayers going up for you and your family.

WalkOnBy's picture

this is so good to hear. They have met with a MFM doc in her OB practice, so all is good there.

thanks for the info and the prayers Smile