I HATE him and his girlfriend!!
DD had her visitation with her dad this last weekend and his girlfriend and her 3 kids live there. Thankfully the bullying from one of the kids seems to have stopped. I know it was low but I told dd to be rude back when that girl said mean things to her or about her when she could hear them. I guess the girl didn't like dd saying things back to her. Now her dads gf is being mean to her. The gfs brother took her 3 kids out on his boat this weekend and dd was not allowed to go because and I quote, "My brother doesn't need you accusing him of touching you." She said that to dd. DD didn't need to go or be invited but she also didn't need to hear her dads gf say that to her. I took her to her therapist yesterday and he said he will testify in court if we need him to. My attorney has filed and we are just waiting right now.
- Fatamy's blog
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Does your Ex know what is
Does your Ex know what is going on and what was said to your daughter by the girlfriend?
DD said that he was standing
DD said that he was standing there. I sent him an email letting him know what was said and that I was taking her to her therapist if he wanted to join them (not me and them, just them. I was very clear I wouldn't be in the session). I got a response back saying he doesn't want me and I should move on with my life, that looking desperate is a turn off ect.. I'm not sure why he thinks I would ever look twice at him again.
LOL. Sounds like my skids
LOL. Sounds like my skids BM. She used to accuse DH all the time of not being over her...When he was trying to get her to actually be a parent.
That is it exactly! If he
That is it exactly! If he were the last man on earth I still wouldn't look at him. I will never be interested in him again! If he would just do right by dd I would never contact him again.
... oh boy....
... oh boy.... :O
Exactly what I was thinking!
Exactly what I was thinking!
1. Has your daughter accused
1. Has your daughter accused someone of touching her?
2. Did your EX go with GF on brother's boat or did he stay home with DD?
TBH, unless it's a big boat, it sounds like it would have been crowded with him, his sister and her three kids.. plus whoever else may have been there that you didn't mention.
3. I would make sure my EX heard what his GF said about his child. If GF can't be trusted to treat her with respect.. maybe EX needs to better monitor the relationship? Could be put in an email to him.
My dd was when ex dh left her
My dd was when ex dh left her with sd at an off campus party. Gf's kids went on the boat and dd stayed with dh and did yard work. I don't care that dd didn't get to go especially since I don't know him and how safety conscious he is. It was what was said to dd that is the problem.
More to this story? But your
More to this story?
But your ex's girlfriend is right, he (the brother) does NOT need anyone stating falsehoods.
You are low to suggest to a child to be rude back at anyone.
THEN to boot call your lawyer to file something? File what? What is your therapist going to testify about that you told your child to misbehave?
If I read her post history
If I read her post history correct, her DD was allowed by the father to visit with SD at a collage campus. DD was violated while there. SD refused to share any information about what happened and had to hire a lawyer. Now new girlfriend hates DD.
Oh, FFS - gonna need more
Oh, FFS - gonna need more coffee for this crap.
Can you imagine how that
Can you imagine how that would feel if you actually WERE violated and then told you couldn't go somewhere because you might falsely accuse someone of it??

You are assuming that the kid
You are assuming that the kid was actually assaulted. Remember, no police investigation that resulted in charges, no charges pending nor filed....
Maybe the lesson she is
Maybe the lesson she is learning is that she has to keep her mouth closed if it ever happens again because the adults in her life are worthless shits?
I actually agree with her. I
I actually agree with her. I believe the child should be allowed to defend herself. If someone is being mean to her, she should know that SOMEONE supports her in sticking up for herself and giving as good as she gets. Why should she teach her to be a door mat?
Police reports? Charges
Police reports? Charges filed? Forensic evaluations and interviews?