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Another day being a child's punching bag

Pleasehelpneedadvice's picture

Tonight I asked him to make his bed he refused to make it I asked him several times until finally he starting screaming at me kicked everything off his bed, during all this his dad happen to walk in I thought finally he sees its not something I'm doing. Well I was wrong now he begins to yell at me too (in front of the child) telling me somehow I've caused all this. My husband says I'm annoying and he doesnt blane hos son for his behavior he blames me.....


Pleasehelpneedadvice's picture

I don't necessarily put him to bed just tell him to get ready for bed. He made a mess of his blankets and pillows so i told him to make the bed.

IslandGal's picture

Dead bloody set woman. Pack your shit and get the hell out of Ring a shelter..or can the cops take you to one? If so..make that damn call!

Ladystark's picture

Wow! one-you usually do not get everyone to agree on this site, so it must be bad.

Two- why are you letting a kid put his hands on you? Its not even your kid!

Three- if this story is true- you need to take action. Noone can give you advice if your not open to it.

Pleasehelpneedadvice's picture

Everything in the post is true and then some. I mean its so out of control I was desperately hoping things would get better but they're not. My stepson wanted to do his homework in the car, it was dark, I told him no so he throws an entire box of toys down the stairs opens then slams his door over and over. After all that he just starts throwing toys against the wall in his room, screaming at the top of his lungs I hate you. Im not making any of this up just honestly at the end of my rope. We've had him tested for everything you can think of and it all says he's fine. I just dont know what to do.

DaizyDuke's picture

I agree, she needs to leave, but I don't think it's as simple as missing a cock. Doesn't she have a child with this man? So if she leaves she is looking at the prospect of sending her child to be with this man and crazy SS without her there to protect her (if need be) The thought of that would terrify me! I mean look at the post the other day (whether it was fake or not remains to be seen) about the woman who sent her 9 year old off for visitation with her ex and Ex dumped the 9 year old at college campus, with slut bag, degenerate SD, who took 9 year old to party where she was abused.

It's just not as easy as black and white sometimes and I feel bad for women that are in this situation. I'll be honest, while my DH has NEVER abused me, there was a time when SD was living with us and our house was in turmoil 24/7 that I thought seriously about leaving, BUT the thought of having to send my son to see his father and be subjected to SD and SS crap without me there to supervise/intervene made me think twice.

CANYOUHELP's picture

You are being abused; I refuse to be around the sadults because my husband says and does nothing.... Yours, my lady is ten times worse.... You are being abused in your own home by BOTH of them.

Get away from this man immediately, this is not love; he is enmeshed with this kid and as the kid ages you are in for torment like you have not even experienced.

I would file for divorce immediately and/or get an action plan to have enough resources to do so within one week. You will be abused the rest of your life if you stay in this mess.

2badsosad's picture

Disengage immediately. Also, your husband should NOT be treating you that way at all. You need to muster up some courage and stop this abuse.

sasha101's picture

So the kid abuses you and his father thinks that's ok? Your husband sees his kid abusing you and rather than deal with the abusive kid, he sides with him and also starts abusing you? How is that acceptable? You are indeed being abused by them both and it will only get worse. This kid at 12 is physically violent and will grow over the next couple of years into a big, strong, angry teen who could easily cause you some serious harm. How long are you willing to put up with this and risk ending up in hospital or worse after violence from the skid or your husband when he joins in with his son attacking you? The only way to stop this is to leave. Do as others have suggested and get yourself into a shelter, or go to your family or friends if that's an option. You will not be able to fix this, it will only get worse and you do not deserve it.

Acratopotes's picture

:jawdrop: if your SS is not making his bed why do you care, you are not sleeping in it... if he's not cleaning his room, so be it... just close the door....

but Hon... get out of this relationship - I'm sorry to say, your husband is allowing this and you are no one's punching bag