Is this appropriate for a 9 year old
So BS has told me multiple times that since his dad got their new dog a very active 1 year old mini grayhound mix that on Sunday morning while his dad is still in bed ( they are the only two people home as new step mom spends every Saturday night sleeping over at her bestie's house) that he gets up and lets the dog out on a chain. He was telling me that the dog didn't want to come in yesterday so he had to put on his shoes and go out and get her. The live in a townhouse next to an apartment complex.
I personally do not think this is a good idea as my fear is if she got loose he would chase after her and be running around by himself while his dad was still upstairs sleeping.
We do not speak and I will only communicate about BS via text or email....would you say something to him?
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I don't think it's a good
I don't think it's a good idea. I would tell your BS that he is not allowed to take the dog out unless his dad is awake and knows that he is taking the dog out. And then I would go over what he should do if the dog got loose, etc.
I don't think you should have to parent at your Ex's house but your Ex is a lot like mine and I have to often parent BS from my house when he is at his dad's because his dad makes stupid decisions.
Maybe I'm over protective but I'd rather be too cautious then go against my gut on something and regret it later. As long as I am not outright interfering with Ex's household then I think it's okay.
Nope, I have been on here
Nope, I have been on here since 06. I was married to an abusive mentally ill man. I was step mom to his 2 boys.
I can see where you might think that, but I am nor quite so what if. I am all for you do your thing and I do mine. The thought of our kid messing around outside while his dad is sleeping just seems like a bad plan imo.
I think a 9yo that can't let
I think a 9yo that can't let a dog in and out without supervision... might need a helmet to face life
calm down momma!
Well depends. Does he have to
Well depends. Does he have to leave an apartment building and go outside and let the dog out? Or is he just opening a back door and letting the dog out in a fenced in area.
9. Not 3. Not 5 or even 7. 9.
9. Not 3. Not 5 or even 7. 9. A 9 year old is capable of letting a dog in & out. You're talking 4th or 5th grader. Unless he needs a speshul sneauflayke helmet.
Well I would need reassurance
Well I would need reassurance that dad has gone over everything with BS and he knows what he needs to do in case the dog gets loose.
Our rule was always we couldn't go out of the house if our parents were still sleeping. At 9 this still applied. So to me, taking the dog out, is going out of the house.
It sounds like they live in a
It sounds like they live in a townhouse.. not the apartments which are nearby.
So, I think it does pretty much amount to hooking the dog up to a tie out chain and letting him go outside. I don't think the kid even needs to go outside to do the initial hookup.. it was only when the dog refused to come in that he went out to grab him.
I think that mom can make it crystal clear to a 9 yo that he is NOT to go off chasing the dog if it gets loose. If the dog leaves their yard area, he must get dad up to go get the dog.
I might be more cautious if it were a younger child, but 9 seems plenty old enough for this level of responsibility unless the child is developmentally challenged in some way.
did Hashag get a new account?
did Hashag get a new account?
Depends on the kid...and the
Depends on the kid...and the dog...but in general I don't see an issue with it.
My kid is so not a special
My kid is so not a special snowflake. He has chores at home and he has been taught to be respectful, gets good grades, cuts his of meat... age appropriate stuff.
My concern was that if the dog who likes to run escapes that he would be out running around in the early morning hours chasing her and his dad would be upstairs sleeping.
My plan personally is to remind him if she were to get loose to get his dad and not be running around while his dad is asleeep.
I think your plan is a good
I think your plan is a good idea.
That sounds perfect!
That sounds perfect! Especially the cutting his meat lol I used to have a SD that could neither butter nor cut a pancake at 12 or 13. Your reminder sounds great. He'll be ok, ma!
This will make you laugh, the
This will make you laugh, the other day he decided when he was putting away his clothes that his drawers were messy. He took everything out, refolded and organized the drawers. They look amazing...mine should look so good.
Trust me I do not wish to raise a beast.
I just fell in love... I
I just fell in love... I organize closets & drawers when I'm bored or anxious or upset.
ya'll have an OPEN INVITATION
ya'll have an OPEN INVITATION to the noogies house. please, by all means, come organize your little hearts out!!!
can I bring my bleach???
can I bring my bleach???
then on my way - I hope you
then on my way - I hope you can stand me for a week... and remember after a week of no booze... and 2 days , a week and 2 days I have a huge thirst on me }:)
Personally I love Clorox
Personally I love Clorox wipes! I have them in each bathroom & the kitchen. Whoever invented them are my hero!
not strong enough for me.....
not strong enough for me..... I buy heavy duty bleach, transfer to spray bottle and go crazy...
I would not be comfortable
I would not be comfortable with that either. It is apparently late since Dad is asleep and it is dark and DS may have to go far away from the house to get the dog off the chain. At night. With dad asleep and not knowing his son is outside.
But I don’t think I would say anything to your EX nut job. Just go over it with DS in a way that it will not look like you are saying anything mean about his dad or your ex will blow up as usual.
Willow, she said this
Willow, she said this happened in the morning though...daylight...different IMO.
I read the OP so wrong. Lol.
Agreed. It is a little different since it would be daylight. But it would still make me perk up and talk to my DS about what to do if this or that happened. I would not contact her cra cra ex at all.
It is happening between 6am
It is happening between 6am and 8am is what he is telling me.
I just file it all away for a rainy day.
Irony is my ex had a fit that
Irony is my ex had a fit that BS walks from the end of our street from the bus to the house. Either my husband is home or I get home about 5 minutes afterwards at the latest.
Trust me divorce 101 is that you can't control what happens at the other house. I practice that all the time. Like I said it makes me uneasy mainly because we are talking early morning and their townhouse backs up to a large apartment complex.
What does the large apartment
What does the large apartment complex have to do with it?
Well maybe he had legit
Well maybe he had legit worries. Hopefully they got worked out and it's not an issue. I wouldn't focus on... Well he used to complain about me doing this and now he does something a little similar.
Just that there are a lot of
Just that there are a lot of people and a parking lot... more traffic.
Ah okay. I think he needs to
Ah okay.
I think he needs to know what to do if the dog got off the leash and his dad should know if he is outside.
I agree. I will casually
I agree. I will casually mention it most likely using our dog as an example. Ours will run if given the opportunity. She is taken out on a leash as we too live in a town house.I have told him repeatedly if she were to run not to chase he to get one of us.
Believe me I make sure that I try not to make him feel in the middle.
I guess it depends on how
I guess it depends on how familiar he is with the dads place and what BS is used to? Like has dad lived there for a long time... does BS know the neighbors, other parents etc?
I would not be comfortable with this, but it's because of how I live. We live out in the sticks, no neighbors.. so I let BS6 go outside and play with the dog all the time. He knows not to go up by the road and not to go out back where the pond is and not to go in the horse pastures. If BS was at some apartment complex I'd be worried about him being outside unsupervised...I'd be worried about random stranger snatching my kid. But then you have the people who would be freaked by living out in the sticks with NO neighbors, bears, coyotes etc. I guess it just depends on what BS is used to?
Meh - this would not be a big
Meh - this would not be a big deal to me. Can't force someone to parent the way you do.
Dad's house, dad's rules/requests.
Not a big deal. In fact, it
Not a big deal. In fact, it is a good idea for your BS to have this responsibility.
The only thing I would do is tell your BS that if the dog every does run off, to go wake up XH and have him go after the dog.
You really can't dictate what goes on at the other parents home unless there is a dangerous situation.
This is not dangerous.
I love the fact that the
I love the fact that the child has some responsibilities in looking after his dog. If you are worried about him running after the dog then just talk to your son and say, what would you do if Rex wasn't there when you looked for him? And guide him to a solution that involves getting adult help. Hopefully he will suprise you with a responsible answer.
It depends, is it his chore
It depends, is it his chore to let the dog out in mornings? If so then I wouldn't say anything; however, if he just does it because, I would tell him to start waking up his dad instead and only because I would be worried that if the dog got lose BS would get in trouble for letting the dog loose. The kid is more likely to follow the runaway dog in fear of consequences for letting it escape.
This one is simple- BS-if dog
This one is simple-
BS-if dog gets loose while you're letting it in, go get dad. Don't chase after it.
Text to Ex: hey-BS said he's letting dog in while you're sleeping-that's cool but I'm afraid he'll run after the dog if it gets loose. Can you talk to him about what do if that happens? Or show him to click the leash on before unclicking the chain.
End of problem. 90% of my SO's issues with BM's are they way they speak to him.
If I was dealing with a sane
If I was dealing with a sane person that makes total sense, unfortunately I am not. He is the one who still thinks he can demand and order me around so I know what you mean.
Tonight I spoke with bs and asked what he should do if the dog got loose aND he said he didn't know. So I told him it is just like I have told you about our dog. Do not run after her go get a parent quickly. Sometimes if we are chasing after her you could get lost or run infront of a car without thinking. I will remind him again next time he goes.
Took me a while to think
Took me a while to think about this toffee,
a 9 year old is old enough to take a dog out on a leach, with out supervision, they are old enough to understand not to walk to are and to watch out for cars, they are old enough to ensure the chain is secure...
If there's not a chain that's easy to put on the dog with a safety clip, then I am sorry but the kid should not be taking the dog out, anything can happen any where... the dog might snap loose and run in front of a car,
I know how 9 year old boys are, they think it's cool to be seen with a dog, I had this fight over and over with Deigma that age, he would try and walk my 3 dogs, without me, he got a spanking once for doing it, cause no 9 year old is strong enough to walk 3 mid size bull terriers.....
easy. teach your son to use
easy. teach your son to use the leash on your own dog at home. i taught mine to sit and wait until the leash is secured before even opening the door. secure tie-out before even unhooking the leash.
then when retrieving the dog, make dog sit, and secure the leash before unclipping the rope or chain or whatever tie-out. bring dog inside, close door. make dog sit before unhooking the leash. if you can teach him this at home with your dog, hopefully he will transfer those actions over to his dad's house.
At 9, I was going to the
At 9, I was going to the barn, feeding 5 horses, mucking 5 stalls, tacking my pony, and riding ALONE over 7 miles to the store BY MYSELF to get candy.
FFS, kids these days are useless and wrapped in bubble wrap. No wonder they can't make a decision, think straight, or solve a problem.
You need to LET GO SOME.
Furkids, Let me clarify what
Let me clarify what I am saying. My kid doesn't need to be wrapped in bubble wrap. And trust me I have let go. I was a damned good step mom for 10 years to his brothers who I still have a good relationship with.
AT my home he has chores, plays outside with the neighbor boy, rides his bike to the park at the end of our street, can get off the bus by himself and can be trusted to be home alone ( inside the house) for up to 2 hours. He is not a special snow flake.
Also I NEVER tell my ex what can and can't happen at his house. I have sole physical custody which he agreed to.
I was asking if people thought it was appropriate for a 9 year kid to be going outside to let the dog out while his dad was sleeping. My fear is that if the dog got loose he would chase her. I do not like the idea of a 9 year old running around outside chasing a dog 6 or 7am and his dad doesn't know where is is. I would not like it at my house either.
Also I have spoken with him last night and reminded him that if she got loose he needed to get his dad not chase after her. This is the rule with our own crazy dog who will run off if given the chance.
"Also I have spoken with him
"Also I have spoken with him last night and reminded him that if she got loose he needed to get his dad not chase after her. This is the rule with our own crazy dog who will run off if given the chance."
perfect - good job
"well, kiddo, what do you do here when spirited puppy gets loose? That's right, so that's exactly what you should do if it happens at dad's"
done done and done
Thank you, trust me I am not
Thank you, trust me I am not raising some a$$hole kid who will be helpless.
Today he told me that he was not going to get to be in the next gifted session class because yesterday he was to have emailed his GE teacher this paper he had written at 9:30 because he was in the nurses offices then because something had fallen on his head.
My response was this, there are deadlines all through life and we need to do our best to met them. If he really wanted to be in the class HE NEEDED to go see her today, explain what happened and see if he can still get it to her BUT if she says no he needs to be gracious and accept that and remember for next time. I also said, he could have emailed it Friday when he completed it on his Ipad.
I am a huge believer in natural consequences and use it with him all the time. It does seem crazy that at 9 I am addressing this...times they have changed.
Just for the record, I was a
Just for the record, I was a step mom before I ever was a BM. I have been on both sides and even though the same is not extended to me I have minimal contact with my ex and when the kid tells me something concerning I work with him to make sure he has the skills to negotiate the situation.
I think it depends on the
I think it depends on the kid. My skid was not allowed to open the door for any reason at that age. They were wildly irresponsible and would most definitely let a complete stranger in the house while we were sleeping if the situation arose, and they would go with a stranger if one were to try to trick them into their car. They weren't even allowed out of their room if we were still asleep at this age.
However, your son sounds pretty responsible and like he could handle it. It is good you talked with him about what to do if the dog ran off. I would be worried with so many other people he doesn't know around as well.