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Real Life Story on CPS Abuses

thinkthrice's picture

Of course there's a biodad, BM and SM involved and a SD along with SM's bio kids. Wonder if this happens in "intact" families nearly as often. . .I think NO.


Exjuliemccoy's picture

I was shocked to read that Riverside County's CPS workers get only nine weeks of training. They're making life-altering decisions with little knowledge or experience.

And the brat that caused all this? She's going to be a SM. Lord help us all.

24 years as a SM's picture

There are counties in California that the CPS workers only have to take a three week course. I know of one county in California that the CPS, at one time, didn't have any training at all. They were like little tin Gods, playing with other peoples lives.

New_to_this's picture

I actually have had thoughts that a scenario like this will happen to me. That SS will somehow break apart our family through CPS. It still concerns me and now I really feel like my concerns are valid. And, I don't think I'll move to the San Diego area while the skids are still in my household. That's just downright scary the amount of power social workers exert in situations they know nothing about.

If I was the stepmother in that story, I would not be able to forgive my stepdaughter, even though she wasn't completely aware of the consequences of her actions. I would have divorced my husband after going through that.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I agree, that's unforgivable in my book.

I think the fact that the article mentions only the father and daughter communicating says it all.

Safeplace's picture

I am the SM in this scenario, except that the false CPS call came from my 2 SKs to investigate "general and severe neglect" of my bio son (2). Their call came A MONTH after we called bc the alcoholic BM who was court ordered not to drink with them in her care, started up again. I want these SKs gone. This article proves that ithe was a realistic possibility that my son could have been taken from me. I don't talk to them or look at them. People tell me I should have empathy for them. Would I cuddle empathy if he was taken bc of their lies? Man, I wouldn't wish this on any SM. Merry Christmas.

Rags's picture

I have nothing nice I can say about these idiot CPS morons in this story so I will leave my comments regarding this situation at that.

Our experience with CPS is that when there is reason for them to act they don't and from this example it appears that when there is absolutely no reason to act they go over board.
