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Would anyone like to donate to SD's Go Fund Me?

DaizyDuke's picture

So yesterday afternoon, SD created a Go Fund Me asking for money for "Funeral expenses and support" for her family. I'll share what she wrote (I changed the names):

"removed because apparently what she wrote can be searched and takes you to her stupid page... but I see none of you have donated yet so what are y'all waiting for? lol

So yeah, she's asking for money for funeral expenses for a woman who's not even dead yet. The request started at $2,000.00 and then about 45 minutes later, it went to $5,000.00. Maybe BM1 should sell her $1500.00 dog that she just bought, or maybe someone should get a fucking job. BM1 has 4 siblings and only ONE of them has a job... but he also has a porn and gambling addiction so his $75,000 a year salary is squandered away and then some. I promise that at this very moment the clan already owes multiple people money that they will never pay back.. hell BM1 owes DH $3,500.00 for damages and unpaid rent from when she rented our rental house and we had to evict her. And there will be no "funeral" When the grandpa died, they had him cremated and then they had some "service" at a church/center ( I have no clue what it was) and then they had a reception thing at a restaurant afterwards. I'm sure they are planning on doing the same with grandma. And these people would have absolutely ZERO shame in pocketing the money and using it for Christmas or dog food or Lord knows what.

I truly do feel bad the family is losing two people in such a short time. That has to be hard, and I wouldn't wish heartache on anyone. But maybe if they made better choices in their lives, they wouldn't have to make Go Fund Me pages, but that's how they roll, beg borrow and steal rather than just work for your money... and why on earth are they letting a 19 year old make the stupid page? I'm guessing for one of many reasons... A. BM1 or one of the siblings already made one when grandpa passed B. the rest of the clan currently owe a bunch of people money, so they figure SD will get more sympathy and or contributions C. they just suck.

DH is absolutely disgusted. He said that he doesn't even want to see SD when she is home. He said he's just going to make up some excuse that's he's busy or just not answer his phone.


DaizyDuke's picture

DH told me to donate a penny! I said hell no, I'm staying wayyyyy out of this low class embarrassment!

DH said the only thing he'll donate is coal for the cremation....I know he is bad.. I can't control him Sad

DaizyDuke's picture

Oh true! I should make up some stupid ass name like the "Cupid Valentino" person.

DaizyDuke's picture


Salems Lot's picture

I hate those "Go Fund Me" thing too!
OSD quit her Summer job last year, told SO's relatives she was "going to hold the sofa down for several months" because BM told her that Daddy was going to pay for her college and she didn't have to work or use her inheritance.
Then after making that statement, she signed up for a 2 week "volunteer" vacation on an island resort in the middle of the South Pacific. She opened a "Go Fund Me", sent links to those same relatives. She received $000.00 by the time she closed the account.

DaizyDuke's picture

Yeah, I think people are about sick of the stupid things... because of all of the ridiculousness.

Last year around Christmas time the Powerball in my state was up to like 30 billion or some crazy amount. My boss told me that he actually saw a Go Fund Me for some chick that blew all her money on power ball tickets, didn't win and was begging for money to buy her kids Christmas presents. WTF???

DaizyDuke's picture

Because they squandered all their government freebies on cigarettes and gambling at the local casino every month for their whole lives. Life insurance?? HA! Aint' nobody got money for that!! which surprises me since they don't pay any of their bills and get every vehicle repossessed, get evicted from every place they live within in a year.... so why no money?? I have no clue.

Again maybe it's the 1500.00 dogs, maybe it's the bail money to get BM1 out of jail, maybe it's blowing $100.00 at the county fair, maybe it's renting cars for a week and just driving them around town, and maybe it's 400 other stupid things that I don't even know about. :?

robin333's picture

It isn't just old people. I bought my plot at 36. It's going to happen to all of us eventually.

Salems Lot's picture

I am being cremated and buried with my late husband. The stone already has my name and birth date on it. I had it added when my husband's information was put on it. All my kids have to do after my cremation is have someone put the date of my demise in it.
I don't find it morbid, just practical.

Salems Lot's picture

After I am gone, it can be officially stated that "I get to be on top" for eternity! Blum 3

robin333's picture

A job? You are such a hard ass b*tch for making that suggestion. These people are "above " such mundane things such as responsibility and honest work. You should have learned that by now.

I really don't understand it. I would never have the audacity to create a gofundme account. Call it pride or lack of balls but NO F'ING way. Maybe I should reconsider and start one for a manicure fund. Can you see that? I can post pics of my photoshopped chipped nails with a bleeding heart message how necessary manicures are to my happiness and stability. Without support, I would be forced to forgo an essential to life. Please save my nails.

DaizyDuke's picture

the cost should be minimal... again they are not using a funeral home.. except to do the cremation.. so no services, no casket etc. I'm sure the center/church place thing where they had the service for grandpa was free.. maybe they had to pay someone $50-100 to do the service? And then the reception thing afterwards was at a bar/restaurant that is nothing fancy.. assuming it was buffet style and not more than $500.00.

Only 4 people have donated, yet the stupid thing has been shared 90 some times... so must be people are wise to the nonsense of this.

Salems Lot's picture

There wasn't any "Go Fund Me" when BM lost her father, BUT she and her sister put on a benefit dance to raise money... :jawdrop:

For what??? The man was old. BM and her sister had families of their own. He hand no dependents. Her mother had a pension, savings and the farm which she already planned on selling long before her husband died.

BM and her family will do anything if they know they can profit from it. I am sure if "Go Fund Me" existed when her Father died, they would have opened an account up! When her mother finally kicks the bucket, I bet a dime to a dozen, there will be a "Go Fund Me" page in her name!

DaizyDuke's picture

... and I guarantee.. like would bet every penny to my name.. that BM1 was out Black Friday shopping.

notsobad's picture

This is why I hate those go fund me things.

My nieces friend killed herself and her partner put up a gfm page. She collected over $2000 but never gave it to the family for funeral costs. The parents had an insurance policy that paid for everything so the partner used the money to go to Mexico and deal with her grief!!!

Thumper's picture

Daizy...oh Daizy. Can I ask first? Does Granny have Medicare? If she does, her Hospice care will be paid for. IF that is where they will place her. There should be zero to very little out of pocket especially since she was hospitalized THEN deemed in need of Hospice/or end of life care.
IF IF IF 'in the hospital" Hospice is not available and she is placed in a nursing home IKES...figure 4k a month. IF she does not have that kind of money she could be placed in a county home, her social security money will be used for that payment.

Now about the go fund me........
Of the people I know who have set this stuff up they are shysters.

Your Dh could suggest the family calls the local or family used Funeral Home and discuss pre-arrangements. They will give the family itemized bill that should be valid for several months.

Frankly the hospital should have already asked the family for the name of the funeral home they wish the deceased to be transported to. IF not perhaps her death is not as imminent as your being told. Again I know this from personal experience.

Cremation is by far the least expensive and there are many ways to shave off costs to keep fees very low. Same goes for shaving costs off of a full funeral.
A full viewing and funeral with modest casket, casket spray from family, embalming, service at the funeral home, casket insert for grave, opening and closing of the gravesite (weekends will be higher) memorial cards handed out during service, guest book, use of hearse, flower and funeral cars. fee for Priest, Rabbi or whomever, Luncheon following the service and obituaries in 1, 2 newspapers. **DOES NOT INCLUDE PRICE OF grave site.**
Approx $20K
Cremation maybe $4,000.00

I dislike gofundme it is sad to see how the intent of kindness has been taken over by some people who lie and mislead the public.
She "SHOULD" have the gofundme site paid directly to funeral home for expenses. That way she does not look like a schlep or that she is pocketing the money.

DaizyDuke's picture

Yes, GBM is on medicare the whole clan is on government freebies other than the one brother with a job and the one sister who is married. Aunt J brought up that very point, that her burial/cremation expenses will be paid by medicare... and since they will have no funeral/calling hours/casket.. there is no expense there. So what they think they need $5000.00 is beyond me. Probably for Christmas. They have zero shame.

SD got 4 donations... one of $500.00 from some college student who looks and acts like a gangbanger according to his twitter page... and just exactly where does a college student come up with $500.00 to drop on a Go Fund me for someone he just met??? Can only imagine what is going on there. The other 3 donations were for $50.00 two from family and 1 from SD's boyfriend's parents. Hopefully everyone else in the universe is wise enough to know these scumbags and their deal.

Thumper's picture

Daizy, I never heard of Medicare paying for funeral may want to check on that.

Let me know IF they do, ok?

It is disgusting to beg for more money then needed. Zero shame is correct.

kathc's picture

I'm not sure if it's medicaid but I know I've heard of people who do get state assistance with funeral expenses. Not a ton of money, maybe like $2,000? Basically enough to just bury or cremate the body.

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

You can find it if you go to gofund me and search for some of the text you posted above.

DaizyDuke's picture

I thought I was the Queen of Stalking and I did not know this. I fixed the blog... but good info to add to my stalking skill set. Wink

notasm3's picture

It pisses me off when people post for help with "medical issues" when I know first hand that they have excellent medical coverage that pays for everything. Most times I think they just want money because they had to go something unpleasant.

Several years ago I was very, very ill with acute septic shock. I was in ICU for over a week expected to die for most of that time. It was horrible and debilitating. I needed Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy afterwards to even function again. I couldn't even walk when I left the hospital.

So yes I could make a good "pity" case - but my out of pocket expenses - a big fat ZERO. It was a horrible traumatic experience for which I still have physical consequences (heart and neurological issues) but no amount of money will change that. I am not a greedy POS so I don't want to try to extort money out of others.

Acratopotes's picture

Sorry DAizy - I donated money, poor SD having you as an evil SM not caring about Granma...
you should be ashamed of yourself

I donated a full N$1.00 (one Nam dollar) and they (the program) told me to eff off, it's worth nothing... but hey I did my humanitarian deed

DaizyDuke's picture

haha! I DO care about GBM though.. I really do feel bad and I have been saying prayers for her!! To be honest, GBM was always very friendly and nice to me.....and she did a bang up job of teaching SD how to manipulate and lie and use people.. so there's that.