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BM tried to with hold the kids again's picture

So last night BM Slore at pick up she stood on her driveway and screeched at DH and I. BM told DH she wasn't going to let him have the kids until he signed a document saying he had received a receipt for SS12s football lessons.

BM made quite a scene and DH signed it, it was so pathetic on her part. But she just can't stop being a nasty bitch.

Surely she can't threaten to with hold the kids, should DH make a police report?

Comments's picture

Lol no it was a desperate act of a sociopathic BM trying to exert control over DH, just to try and show the Skids she's the boss. The piece of paper was a scan of a receipt for football lessons for SS. She wants DH to pay 50% which he will but only if he sees a receipt. The bill is for $45, it's pathetic and a control game on her side. The whole thing was pointless and just an excuse for BM to scream at DH. DH signed it to say he'd received it and she let the skids out of the house 20 mins later. We called the police while we were waiting but when she finally let the Skids come with us we called the police back and cancelled the request.'s picture

No, she keeps saying there's a bill for this kids activity etc, DH is happy to pay his half but he wants to see the bill to confirm BM isn't lying. So last time in court the judge ordered BM to show receipts to DH so he could know the correct amount to pay. She's lied before to try and get extra money out of DH.

So Friday was about BM putting on a big show to say here's the receipt for what I paid for football. She wanted him to sign the copy to prove he'd seen it. It's completely childish on her part, if she just email it to him she'd have a date stamp on exactly when he received it. It's just her being controlling and a dumb whore. I wish I'd stopped him signing it and just waiting for the police. But it all happened so quickly and I'm always a bit in shock when she does her white trash act and screams in public. I don't know one other person who would ever do something so embarrassing and shameless.

BethAnne's picture

If this is a regular thing and the laws allow it you could try recording her behavior to be brought up in court next time you are there as evidence to support changing to do exchanges somewhere public because her behavior is distressing for the children.

still learning's picture

Drop off and pick ups should be at a neutral location, like the police station. Since this is causing issues, DH can have the decree modified to have a different exchange point. He should not have to be blackmailed everytime he picks up his kids. Terrible for everyone involved, especially the children. Our local police station has 2 dedicated spots right out front of their office specifically for custody exchanges. Theres also a big sign that says the location is being recorded.

It sounds like they have a high-conflict relationship, so their decree needs to reflect this and the exchange location modified.'s picture

Yes. I totally agree with you. You're exactly right, that's exactly what should have happened. I've given DH a serious talking to and he's promised he will not give into her again. Mean while I've made him take them out of the house for a long walk to get some fresh air. DH is pissed because he's missing the football. Ive told him to grow up and start parenting.

Oh it's a happy house here today!'s picture

So we take their phones off the Skids at 8pm each night. This weekend they lied and said they didn't have their phones on them. I've just found their phones. Advice, what should I do? This weekend is turning into a headache. Help ladies???'s picture

So it all ended well, the kids freaked when they realized they'd had their phones taken and been busted for lying. First SD13 demanded to know where they were, DH and I refused to get into that conversation. SD then said we had no right to go through their things. DH said we had every right as he was their father, they are minors and under our care and in our home. That shut them up, we all sat and watched a movie and the Skids defrosted and then started being polite etc and then....shock and awe they BOTH APOLOGISED!!! Result, in the end we all had a nice evening.'s picture

Yeah I agree HRCity, normally we wouldn't care about the phones but it's the blatant lying that unacceptable. We put the phone curfew in a few years ago because it was causing upset at bedtime. BM worked as a waitress at the time and she'd get a 10 minute break around 10pm, she'd always insist in calling the kids to say good night. BM favours SS much more than SD and she'd talk to SS on his phone for the whole 10 minutes and not have time to talk to SD. This would have SD frantic, she was only 10 then. There would be tears and and upset before each bedtime.

And I know BM loved having the control to cause chaos in our house. So we started taking their phones off them at 8pm each night. It's worked a treat for years. But now there's no point in the curfew really, going forwards we'll leave them with their phones and only remove the phones for punishment.