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ot - words

Acratopotes's picture

fine fine I'm bored, elections is over, people are still fighting.. dammit trump won, nothing you can do about it...

now lets play a game....

put down the first word (or 5) that pops into your mind when you read this blog

mine is...

booze time


Acratopotes's picture


my illness on my next doctors letter... fear of long words

Acratopotes's picture

Fruit - imagine receiving a doctors letter stating....

Acra suffers from hippo........... she's booked off for 30 days... do you think HR will dispute it?

oh yes we get 30 days sick leave per year!!!!

Tuff Noogies's picture


Acratopotes's picture

seems like we are get to rowdy now... only Willow does not make sense with her tree lol

now new game - robin and fruit have to answer....

your stripper name...

color of your undies and last thing you ate....

white pepper crisps

JustAgirl42's picture

Me too!! The chocolate I had was a Kit Kat, so I could actually be 'Blue P$ssy' HA. Worse would be if I ended with the meatballs from last night - 'Blue Balls'. Blum 3

Acratopotes's picture

thanks for that - pc screen full of beer and sitting in my own pee MISS BLUE P$ssy

or did the new president grabbed you }:)

Tuff Noogies's picture

back the phuc up woman, you WILL not ruin my love for cheese!!!!

someone, quick, pass me the brain bleach.

Tuff Noogies's picture

i wish i wasnt lying!!!!!! i actually still have the second half of the muffin sitting out on my desk. Wink

Willow2010's picture

only Willow does not make sense with her tree lol
Ruuuuude! lol

Acratopotes's picture

really - I've experience I mean heard that it can actually be very kinky and arousing wearing them

just don't go and run a marathon