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Disengagement Bliss

RayRay's picture

It has been five lovely days since I have completely disengaged from SS7. This has been difficult for me, to say the least. My previous attempts usually failed or I only partially disengaged.
The joy associated with not worrying if an argument will break out over his eating, bathing, t.v. watching or anything in general, is awesome! Although DH husband has agreed this is best for all those involved I believe it bothers him that I don't interact with SS7. I direct all his questions to DH. No matter how small the request I tell him to go ask his dad. All tasks associated with SS7 I have DH do now.
It has kept SS7 from disrespecting me, talking back, yelling, being whiny or directing any hateful behavior toward me.
I am now slowly working on this with SD15. This will be much harder as she is a girl and there are certain things she only feels comfortable talking to me about.
This is also a test to see if DH can step up and parent his kids. I want them to respect him and listen. It is really my biggest pet peeve that they see him as a door mat just like BM did.
If it weren't for all the insight and knowledge you step talkers provide, I might not have been able to achieve this goal. THANK YOU!!!


RayRay's picture

I think for the most part we are both enjoying it. I don't have to listen to his mess and he doesn't have to listen to me. He will go tattle on me to his dad though, tells him "she won't answer me, she won't tell me anything". I have to bite my tongue there. I want to let the kid know his dad is well aware that I won't be engaging him, but I keep silent and just smile. Hey, because, after all I am not having to deal with the incessant talking back and disrespect everyday! Winner winner chicken dinner!
As for SD15, I will probably continue to drill into her head how to try and act like a lady and have some respect for herself.

breakingthroughtheinstincts's picture

Well done!

Seems really sad you are disengaging SD15 if she feels comfortable talking to you? Could you not stick with the friend/confidant role and just disengage from any parenting?

RayRay's picture

I am going to try and stop just the parenting but that is difficult with a 15 year old girl as she does most things for herself. I just get exhausted repeating myself to her about what type of behavior is not acceptable.

JustMee's picture

Having just recently disengaged from my SS5 I can feel your bliss!!
It's not the easiest thing to do and maintain. I find I have to constantly remind myself to not voice concerns or opinions to DH. But SS has been so much easier to deal with because he's not my concern anymore. DH seems to be doing a little better, but has mentioned several times that he feels like he's now a single parent... and he's right.

I hope your peace and bliss last. Not being disrespected, hated on and yelled at is a wonderful thing Smile