Flavor of the Day? Cockroaches
I seriously think there is something wrong with SS's BM. She calls me, after not speaking to me in a little over a month, to tell me she's picking SS up on Thursday. Not ask, tell. We have court at the end of the month to establish custody and she's seen him for a total of 5 hours (and that's a stretch) in the last month.
She essentially "dumped" SS on us one weekend in April-he was visiting us Friday through Monday weekly. We picked him up one Saturday (Because BM didn't send him to school that Friday and had not bothered to tell me-who picks him up every Friday until that evening after I had already gone to pick him up where the secretary then informed me he hadn't been in since I dropped him off on Monday. I promptly informed his father and played the "not my circus not my monkey's card" ie you deal with her). He stayed with us that weekend, late Sunday night (like 11pm) she starts texting SO to keep SS until Tuesday. I, at this point, had made it clear that I was DONE with her last second bullshit and was not doing it anymore-even if it was feasible because it was upsetting my SS not knowing everyday where he was going/who was picking him up (hello-kid has freakin' Autism-structure is king) and it was exhausting me making it hard to my work and focus or just live period because I had allowed her to run me all over like the town taxi for a few months (SO and I decided a long time ago-we would take him as much as humanly possible so he wasn't in her care until we could get what we needed to go to court. SO works 1 1/2 hours away, his son is as good as blood to me-we do as much as we can to help each other-when I told him I was done being her freakin' on call babysitter he was supportive and thanked me for putting up with it as long as I did. He also reminded me that he doesn't want me to feel I ever have to do what I do, he knows I don't but appreciates the fact that I do). So this last instance, came after a week of her harassing me every day to take SS. I of course told her no, I couldn't-I was sticking to my guns. So when she started blowing SO up, he asked me if I wanted to keep SS until Tuesday. I really had nothing going on and I had to bring BD out to daycare around the corner anyway-so I said yes. We also had to transport to/from SS's school that was 30 mins away so that meant that I was on the hook for Monday's drop off/pick up and Tuesday drop off. Tuesday morning-driving home from drop off I get a call from BM. CPS had been called for Truancy. **SHOCKER** wanted to know if we can keep SS until further notice. Sure. But under 1 condition. He switches to our school district. BM agrees. The next 3 days was BM giving me the run around about doing so. I figure out-SO doesn't need her to do anything to get him enrolled in our district-there's no custody paperwork. SO does what needs to be done. Took about two weeks of Taxi hell but we got him transferred and transportation through our district. As this was happening we filed custody papers.
SS came to us with the ill-fitting clothes on his back. He has clothing at our house, but not enough nice stuff (not covered in grass stains or mud-he likes bugs) to send him to school for a full week without having to do laundry every-other night. So I took him out and bought him new pants, shirts, shoes, socks and underwear. A whole new wardrobe with MY money (it was an off week for SO's pay). Never asked for a dime from SO or BM. SO thanked me religiously. SS was really happy because he got to pick out his clothes-apparently that hadn't happened before.
Here's why I told you all of this:
BM calls this past week and said "She's picking him up Thursday." She goes on to say she needs me to send him with clothing, shorts, shirts, socks, underwear because when she woke up this morning there was a "bug guy" outside her door and her apartment is being treated for cockroaches. She will need his clothing to bring to her uncle's where they will stay Thursday/Friday night and he will be staying with her sister on Saturday and probably her uncle on Sunday because she has to work. She thinks she'll be more available after August. She's also going to take him clothing shopping supposedly-just like she was supposed to take him camping for his birthday or have a birthday party for him.
I REFUSE TO SEND CLOTHING TO THIS *EXPLITAVES* HOUSE. Or her Uncle's or her sisters or where ever the hell else.
I have not seen a DIME from this ho in 5 FREAKING MONTHS. Not for gas, not for food, not for clothing. He LIVED with her 5 months ago-she doesn't have ANYTHING for him? I'm calling BS.
I feel horrible for SS. I don't want to send him in the clothing she sent him in when she saw him in June (a HUGE shirt and too small shorts) but she may very well get him in just that and only that. No socks and the ridiculously large underwear he came back in. And that's IF she even shows up.
I don't want him to be uncomfortable. I won't have that. But if I give him the outfit, he puts it on and doesn't complain-I hope she enjoys the wardrobe SHE'S provided him with for the next 4 days.
There ain't no cockroaches in her apartment. Bitch just accidentally caught a glimpse of herself. RAH.
That was mean.
- mommadukes2015's blog
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I actually like that idea. We
I actually like that idea. We don't want to be accused of holding him from her. I doubt she'll pick him up anyway.
I am the primary care taker of both kids. DH works around the clock until this renovation is finished. BM refuses to call his phone or answer his texts. She hasn't breathed a word to him since July. She calls my phone and I hand it to SS to answer. Then I try to leave the room/go outside make myself as scarce as possible but he just so happened to find me after his 02 second conversation with her and said she wanted to talk to me. I don't want to tell him I don't want to talk to her so I usually say "okay pal" and reluctantly take the call. I tell her she needs to clear it all with DH ie her-not me relaying the message. She says she will call him and it's always crickets on his line. I even went so far as to check the cell phone records a while back-she really truly does not call or text him.
There's no established
There's no established custody or Child Support. SS is 11 and when he was BM, SO and she had their own arrangement where he paid her cash she gave him a receipt. The only thing on paper is paternity-hopefully just until the end of this month.
I ended up telling SO about her call. He agreed, she'll get back the play clothes she's sent him in. I went through his dresser and had him try on a few things last night-the ill fitting shorts are in the garbage I won't go that far. But the larger t-shirts and "play" shorts I've accumulated from her is what's going back with him.
I honestly don't even believe her apartment is being fumigated. She either got kicked and ditched all her stuff (again) or has someone living with her she doesn't want SS to know about. Or she's just lying because that's who she is and how she's justifying dumping him on family. Which is the other thing-if he's not going to be with her he can just stay home.
That's a good idea. SS can
That's a good idea. SS can talk to her from the house phone. The only reason I never blocked her number was because if SS was with her and had an emergency and couldn't get in touch with DH, I'd want to be available.
I dug through his dresser last night, he's got enough crap that she's sent him to us in-in exchange for the nice clothes we've lost that to get him by. SS11 has Autism. He still needs play by play reminder throughout the day-if I tell him on Thursday "please make sure your clothes come home" he won't remember. She won't remind him. And I'm sure he won't brush his teeth the whole time he's gone despite my telling him to 2 times a day every. single. day.
He JUST finished Extended
He JUST finished Extended School Year. Regular school doesn't start here for 3 more weeks.
He's 2 years behind grade level-I've hired a tutor for the school year and we're going to bust rear to get him up to grade level by high school so she won't be taking him mid-week during the school year.
well crap, wed after labor
well crap, wed after labor day. i forgot our schedule is different down here.
next time just tell her "ask dh". and if she doesnt, i'd certainly make sure ss is elsewhere around the time she informed you she would take him.
He's already got plans with
He's already got plans with his Uncle actually.
Of course, she won't be finding that out from me since she hasn't bothered to make an attempt at plans with his father and I'm out of town all day Thursday.
}:) perrrrfect.
Just a thought on the
Just a thought on the clothes. I know you already went and spent your money on nice stuff for him but is there any time to run to a local goodwill and pick up some servicable clothes to send with him? I shop there for myself and as long as you look over the stuff, you can find decent things for next to nothing. Underwear and socks need to be new, but pack of each from the dollar store is also pretty cheap.
I am not saying YOU should do this. Shoot, make DH do it if possible or at the very least pony up 40 bucks so you can give the kid a few outfits.
One more thought would be to tell her that since she has so much going on with the cockroach fumigating and her basically couch surfing that this doesn't sound like a good time for her to take the kid.
Of course SO has to deliver this message.. not you.
I agree. And SO will have no
I agree. And SO will have no problem telling her that. But it's my phone that will blow up. I don't typically answer but she fills my VM. Then SO calls her and leaves her a message telling her to stop contacting me I'm not his parent. Then it stops for the night. She's got this weird thing with me.
I also dug through his stuff last night. I forgot I set aside a box for the clothes she sent him in that I would not typically have him wear. So that solved that issue.
you need to cut contact with
you need to cut contact with this POS. let your dh deal with her. maybe even add into the custody agreement "communication by e-mail only" AND rofr. your dh needs to tell her "No. he needs to be in school. and if you can't be with him saturday or sunday he will stay home then also."
Me thinks that is the way to
Me thinks that is the way to go. When she calls I have SS pick up and try to make myself scarce but the kid has sniffed out my hiding places or sometimes she calls when BD is in the tub or someplace I can't just get up and go from.
School doesn't start up again for another 3 weeks. This is the only summer vaca he's going to get with having ESY this year.