How do you let go....
Of your all encompassing absolute hatred for such a white trash ho bag?
I know it’s not worth the energy to hate and all of that blah but have you ever just wanted to blast the "B" on social media or write a terrible review for their already sinking ship of a store?
I won't do any of it. My Mom taught me better.
On a side note SD18 was able to get a loan for the missing amount her BM was going to pay.
I hope BM gets a really nasty splinter that festers.
- HappyCow's blog
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I want to punch BM in the
I want to punch BM in the face. Then when she is on the ground... kick her. repeatedly.
If you figure out how to let go of the hatred -- let me know.
*raises hand* For all the
*raises hand*
For all the shit she put me through before DH got custody and for all the shit since, I want to push Medusa to the ground, slap her silly, kick her in the babymaker and then spit on her.
Let me know if you figure out how to let go of the hatred, too, OP
preach it, sista! I, too,
preach it, sista!
I, too, have helpless skids, but now I shift blame to DH because they have been away from Medusa for quite some time now... Still, the damage she did was during the most important formative years, and that damage runs deep.
I haven't figured it out
I haven't figured it out either. I don't really dwell on her all the time but I would like to see her pay for what she has and hasn't done for the kids. There are days she doesn't cross my mind then they are days I want to cause her great bodily harm!
My hatred for the Ho has
My hatred for the Ho has basically turned to pity. In and out of jail every couple of months, emaciated from all the drugs, living God knows where. Her life is in a tailspin to hell, she's reaping what she sowed (sp?).
Don't get me wrong, I despise the biatch, but she is her own worst enemy. But now I have to live with her little mini-her 24/7 and I feel punished by that DAILY. :?
I am punished daily as well.
I am punished daily as well. SS7 is just like her and has had very little contact with her his whole life. I can't figure it out. They even look alike. Whine alike. Narcissist like each other. It's really uncanny!
It's really SO HARD to not
It's really SO HARD to not look at that kid and see her F'd up mom. I realize its not the kids choice who birthed her, but damn. She messed the kid up and now I am having to deal with it. So yeah, I guess I'd run her butt down if I had the chance. Either way I have the skid 24/7 :?
ASS and BabyVoice look like
ASS and BabyVoice look like Medusa. ASS acts just like her and BabyVoice's inability to cope with the simplest things is because of Medusa. I have been looking at her kids for the last 4.5 years while she hasn't laid eyes on them in the same amount of time.
Punished daily? Oh yeah - right there with you.
SD15 looks a LOT like BM but
SD15 looks a LOT like BM but thankfully does not act too much like her. The little one SS7 is identical to her (except for eye color). They all even repeat themselves over and over and over hoping that this repetitive badgering will get them their way. It drives me bonkers!
I feel you. Every time I look
I feel you. Every time I look at SS7 I see the wench! It's not his fault as you said but damn. It's hard to look at him for long periods of time without wanting to hurl! 24/7 as well. There needs to be a "national skid free holiday"!
i wouldnt p!$$ on dumb@$$ if
i wouldnt p!$$ on dumb@$$ if she was on fire. but i dont hate her. i nothing her. i am sad for the boys that they have a worthless waste of oxygen for a mother, i am sad for them that they dont have a decent relationship with her. but her personally? meh. whatevs. i dont even wish her harm, i just wish she'd go *poof*.
I wasn't able to let go until
I wasn't able to let go until years after the skids aged out. I still have small flare ups of anger and resentment but the main fire has burned itself out now.
I am past the major anger,
I am past the major anger, since SD is no longer a minor, but BM still annoys me. She continues to nurture my SD25's co-dependency and treats her like crap half of the time. But that is SD's problem, not mine.
By finding it all amusing
By finding it all amusing instead. By finding her pathetic. By focusing on the fact that she is disordered and she has most likely led an incredibly miserable life, has no real intimacy in her life, can't maintain relationships.... And has nothing at all to show for her 45+ years on this earth.
She's on her 4th husband, they are living in her MIL's house. Her relationship with her child is... volatile. Her relationship with her parents is basically non-existent. What she has is her own insecurities, her own (extensive!) issues and her ability to deflect, blame shift and try to justify every horrible crappy thing she's done to everyone else in her life.
When I think about her, which isn't all that often, I feel kind of sad for her. I don't think she has any idea How to be happy, how to have a good relationship or how to self-reflect. And that's sad. I can't hate someone so lacking
Would love to know when you
Would love to know when you work it out. Disengagement from BM certainly helps somewhat as does moving a few thousand miles away. But I am still left helping to raise her kid while she gets to be the idolized mother who can spare one hour a week to talk to her kid while I am a convenient substitute at best and an afterthought at worst.
I go through phases and as
I go through phases and as time goes on I am getting better. I rarely deal with BM so it makes it easier.
However- I have day dreamed about saying something to her the day that YSD ages out of CS. Something real cunning and smart and witty. LOL.
I wasted an awful lot of time
I wasted an awful lot of time and valuable brain space on DH's mentally ill ex. Sure, she made my life hell for 5 years until I learned how to disengage (let it all go). And here's the kicker. She's sick in the head. She's miserable. She's broke because child support ended in June. She's lonely even though she's married and she's losing control of HER legacies (adult daughters). She actually told DH that their daughters were her legacies. Not his
I'm the opposite of all this. DH knows it and BM knows it. DH's family knows it too. DH's family genuinely like me
I genuinely like them. I made a decision to let go of the negativity because it was doing ME absolutely no good. Plus, nothing good would come of my focusing on a mentally ill person.
That's what worked for me. Seeing her as a mentally ill person and learning to let it all go. In fact, I pray for her well being at times. So ya, I've come a long way from those days when I wanted to make her pay for all the pain and hell she put me and DH through. As for DH's daughters.... their suffering under their mothers abuse is not even close to being fully comprehended. They are really messed up