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Age of graduation of high school

cm3missingit's picture

What age did everyone's skids graduate high school? Or at what age? Or will they?

Ss19 graduated at 18 1/2, on time.
Sd16 on the other hand, is on track to graduate at 19 1/2, if she will stay in school that long. At he rate she is going I don't see it happening.


learningallthetime's picture

Yeah, tests are very different. I was taught in UK, now doing degrees in the USA. Completely different, a 75% in the UK is nothing like in the states. I had a 70% in the UK in my bachelors, and that was considered amazing. Here I pretty much get 100% on all tests. Different question styles.

hereiam's picture

If my SD25 had stayed in school, she would have been a couple weeks shy of 20 by the time she graduated. BM started her a year late AND held her back a year, so she was 2 years behind.

cm3missingit's picture

My youngest son is repeating 9th grade, in reality he should have been held back years ago but has been barely eeking by each year. Academically he is behind, socially he is very young and he is normally the youngest in the grade, me hade the cutoff by 20 days. So holding him back should have been a no-brainer for me but I kept pushing it. My oldest son graduated at 17 1/2, barely and has struggled to stand on his own two feet. Hindsight being 20/20, I should have either started him later or held him back.

cm3missingit's picture

My youngest daughter is the youngest in her grade and usually the smallest. She would kill me if I held her back, which I wouldn't do. She's a straight A student and in all accelerated classes.

ESMOD's picture

Generally speaking, I think it's easier to be the youngest "girl" vs being the youngest "boy". Boys develop later, the issue of dating someone younger if you are a girl etc...

For that reason, I think that the holdback can help a boy but might not go so well for the girl.

iluvcheese's picture

She'll be 18&3/4. 10 more long years. Thanks for reminding me, now I'm depressed:(.

cm3missingit's picture

Sorry! I had been seeing the light at the end of the tunnel until I found out that she is repeating 10th.

hereiam's picture

Yeah, that sucks, especially since it's so unnecessary, as there are a lot of resources to help students that are behind. But if the BM is not willing to get her that help or if SD is just lazy, not much you can do.

It can be hard to be behind everybody else, especially in high school. She may not stick it out, then CS will end at 18, no?

cm3missingit's picture

Oh that's right, it only goes to 19 if she is still in high school. Ahhh, the light is dim but I can still see a glimpse.

In reality I want her to finish high school, it's a necessity. However, what I want and reality are so far different.

hereiam's picture

Where I live, had SD still been in high school at age 20, CS would have continued until she graduated HS or turned 21. Such utter bull!

I still would have preferred that SD graduated but that was not to be.

iluvcheese's picture

That's stinks. Maybe she can make stuff up in summer school? Or take a few courses at community college to get her back on track?