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In case you missed this !

WalkOnBy's picture

I just noticed this comment from LadyFace today on my post from yesterday!

I promise to let everyone know if/when Mr. BabyFace makes his appearance Smile


BSgoinon's picture


Disneyfan's picture

Glad to hear you both are OK.

Now, can you just put until Babyface is ready to make his appearance?LOL

fakemommy's picture

The ONLY thing scientifically proven to help induce labor (at home) is sex (and having an orgasm during sex is even better). Whatever "worked" for anyone else was just coincidence. Even walking only helps if you are already dilated and in labor.

JustAgirl42's picture

Oh no! Wow, you certainly don't need a hurt head and sprained elbow right sorry!!! :O