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Extremely, Petty!!! I can't vent IRL...What happened after

anothermom's picture

My, EXSO and I have been over for a couple of months.... I vented about his OD 22 getting married... It was not as regal as she planned AKA it was a flop! I actually, feel bad for BM her SO of a year was not seated by her. If, I had attended , the sane would of semi happened to me ...
He,my EXSO, brought a NEW, girlfriend with him, I didn't want to go, I should be happy I'm not involved in this crazy family, anymore....
But, I'm sorta sad:( I only know any of this because, I'm friends with his sister, her son took the wedding pics and gave her the scoop.. then she relayed it to me.... She wasn't thrilled when her brother and I hooked up, I should have listened!
I feel like I slummed to the deepest of depths! He was cute, but dumb in a lot of ways. LOL, are=our...and that was the least of our worries! Anyway, I needed to vent.....


anothermom's picture

I'm going to tell my friend not to tell me anything concerning him. If,it continues I'll have to end our friendship.
No, I never planned on going. I don't like updates on exes and hearing this kinda stung. It made me lose sleep!!!
I'm going on my merry lil way and BAM,my BFF says " Are you sitting down,my bro took a gf who's also his coworker to the wedding" I know who it is.
Screw it! Just feels good to type it out

furkidsforme's picture

And don't pick on people about "are" and "our" if you can't use a comma correctly.