Some advice to the hubbies out there of 2nd, or 3rd wives (aka stepmoms)
Found this article at the link at the very end:
10 Ways to Support Your Wife as a Stepmom
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- TM9366's blog
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As someone who married a man
As someone who married a man with a child already grown my perspective is a little different. I told DH just the other night that I am not SS30's mother. Nor am I his SM. Never have been, never will be. SS is just a misc. person that I know via another person (DH).
I have a zillion friends who have children and grandchildren that I do not know or interact with. That's how I feel about SS. I love DH. He has a son. But that grown ass man has nothing to do with me. Now it might if he were a semi-decent person. But he's not.
My DH would get the message
My DH would get the message but wouldn't act on it. His fear of losing Puke is stronger than doing right my me. He has said he'll do better but that's fine and dandy until he's faced with doing it. That will be the true test.
I'm sad to read the article
I'm sad to read the article too, and wished my husband would read this and "take it to heart" but dare I sent it to him, he'd think it's BS. Not sure he'd read it with an open mind so much as read it as the article was written just for him and he's not a good stepdad/father, etc. I wish I had the support of him too, maybe things would be different. But I'm trying my best without his help; hence, disengaging seems to be doing the job.