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At the end of my rope

StepKat's picture

I just don’t know how to handle SS11. As I stated in my previous blog this child is the most aggravating child on the planet. He’s such a mama’s boy, thinks he knows every, is extremely rude and condescending and just plain annoying. He’s failing school because of these traits and even his own siblings can’t stand him.

He also says hurtful things. He says mean things about my cooking, my home, even my looks. He compares everything I do to his mother and complains about everything. Even SS13 and SD15 have told him not to say hurtful things to me.

We are getting them this weekend and Friday is my birthday. I’m actually looking forward to having at least SD15 and SS13 because they are going to be sweet and loving because they know it’s my birthday. SS11 on the other hand is probably going to ruin the weekend. I’m turning 30 so I’m already a bit sensitive about this particular birthday. He’s going to make me cry if he says something rude and mean about my age.


FrenchPeas's picture

OH dear God. He's a bratty kid. Why on earth would you cry over something a turd says?! You already know he's rude. If he says something rude, just stare at him. Blank stare and walk away. Really?! Who gives a crap what a bratty loser of s kid says. You're a GROWN WOMAN! Turning 30 is better than being dead. There is some perspective. Happy birthday.

StepKat's picture

Thank you for the happy birthday. I know I shouldn't let anything he says get to me but sometimes he just says the right things that strike a nerve. I also know I shouldn't let turning 30 bother me but for some reason it is.

WalkOnBy's picture

when I turned 30, I had a friend say to me that turning 30 wasn't bad, but turning 31 was! It was true, everyone makes a big deal about the milestone birthdays, but not the year after.

Happy birthday, and ignore the jerky kid Smile

z3girl's picture


DH made a big deal out of me turning 30, and to me it felt the same as any other birthday. 31 shocked me and I became really depressed about it. Not sure why, except 31 put me firmly into the "30's" category and I was dealing with infertility at the time.

Happy Birthday, OP!

FrenchPeas's picture

Seriously. Give that crumb muncher radio silence. 30 was alright but I was thrilled to turn 40. Had a 23 year old guy tell me I was more attractive than most 20 somethings he had met. Of course, he was hitting on me but still. LMAO!!! Look, you can't let this mess get you down. Age or brats. Meh! It's a number and a rotten egg. Enjoy your weekend.

DaizyDuke's picture

agreed!! ^^^^ Ignore this brat. If he says something rude, walk away with your best resting bitch face and don't let him know that he got to you. When they know they are bothering you, they win and they'll just keep doing it.

Enjoy your day!

StepKat's picture

DH gets onto him every time he does it. He's grounded him, sent him out of the room, etc. When DH gets onto his kids for something it's not pretty. DH doesn't raise his voice or anything and he doesn't have too. Just a look from DH and the kids know they're in trouble.

Amcc13's picture

If he is rude send him to out of the room and exclude him until such time your partner decides to step up parent and have the little brat apologise and respect you

WalkOnBy's picture

Come on, Kat, you're better than this. As someone said above, why on EARTH would you let this rude little brat make you cry??? When he says something rude, he gets the death stare.

Just put him on ignore. You already know he's a rude little effer, so file it way and celebrate your birthday.

Tuff Noogies's picture

you youngun, you!!! thirties are fantastic - trust me.

as far as smartmouth ss goes, call him out on it and dismiss him. if he pops off, look straight at him and say "well that was rude" and then continue as you were as if he wasnt even there. he's looking for negative attention for whatever reason - dont ignore shitty behavior, but dont reward him with the reaction he's looking for.

StepKat's picture

Thank y'all! We point out when he's rude but it doesn't do any good. I think BM just lets him or he's learning this behavior from her. I also normally never let him get to me, but like I said, once in while he says just the right thing at the right moment and it just hurts.

WalkOnBy's picture

this is how people in my house handle ASS.

NO ONE speaks to him. No one really acknowledges him and no one interacts with him because he is such a dick.

It's kind of sad, really, but everything could and would change if ASS would treat people with respect. He won't, so nothing changes for him.

JustAgirl42's picture

I would boggle his mind by just laughing in his face. He might not like that response and may stop if he feels he's not getting to you. Wink

StepKat's picture

Y'all are great! Thank you for making me feel better and providing encouragement. The advice is very helpful as always!

princessmofo's picture

I would ignore this child so hard he would begin to doubt his own existence. I mean, really... Sticks and stones, mother*cker. I'd reassure him that circumstances and people much more adept have tried to break me and failed miserably.

"Boobs out, chin up! It's showtime!" -- Debbie Reynolds

kathc's picture


Book a hotel room for the night and go spend a "girls getaway" with your bestie (or a few pals) and don't even spend your birthday near that little turd.