The Countdown begins.....what will happen?
Step right up and place your bets....
today is March 2. ASS turns 18 in 16 days.
Tick tock says the clock.
That is all
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Step right up and place your bets....
today is March 2. ASS turns 18 in 16 days.
Tick tock says the clock.
That is all
Yes - he is in high school
Yes - he is in high school until early June. I have told DH that he can stay until he graduates.
for the last few months, he
for the last few months, he leaves the house to go to school and doesn't come until about 10:30 pm each night. DH and I usually already in bed, but we hear the beep beep of the alarm system letting us know a door is open.
I am in the shower when ASS leaves his room to eat in the morning and then I am still upstairs when he leaves. If I position myself just right whilst sitting on the couch, I don't even have to see him when he walks in if I am still awake.
I don't think I have actually seen the kid in like a month - LOL!!!
This is what I have been
This is what I have been trying to do SD. Position myself so maybe the only time I see her saying hi when she walks in or good night. But lately I don't even want to say that to her anymore. I try to see her as little as possible.
will you start a GoFundMe
will you start a GoFundMe page, please??
of course! We can call it
of course! We can call it the "Emancipation Proclamation" or the "Get his ASS out of my house" fund??
My bet is he stays and WOB
My bet is he stays and WOB leaves.
I want to be wrong because I
I want to be wrong because I love me some WOB but I bet the DH lets the kid stay and WOB will leave him for it.
Nope - that won't happen. DH
Nope - that won't happen. DH has already told both ASS and me that after graduation, ASS is out on his ASS.
DH thinks that he will leave the day he turns 18. As I hide to try my glee, I always say, "no, he won't. Where is he gonna go?"
right on the money, Lady. I
right on the money, Lady. I think ASS stays, because where the hell else is he gonna go? It's not like he will move in with DH's parents, 20 miles away and they will drive him to school.
It's not like he will move in with Medusa's dad and SM, who live 30 miles away and travel all the time.
DH thinks ASS leaves. We shall see....
And if he does, then the
And if he does, then the conversation with DH shifts. I told him that as long as ASS was a minor, I wouldn't put him out for shitty behavior. I told DH that not only do I not have to live and support an ASShole adult, but he doesn't either. He actually agreed with me.
i dont know that he'll bounce
i dont know that he'll bounce right at his birthday, i think it may take another few weeks after he sits and realizes "hey, i'm 18, i can do whatever i want. why am i still subjecting myself to the tyranny of the parental system? why must i continue to endure being held down by the establishment? i really dont have to put up with this s#it - i'm leaving!"
my guess is he'll be out in May.
Oh, how I hope you're right.
Oh, how I hope you're right.
But there is the pesky little problem of having no place to go.
I moved out of my mom's house in my senior year, but I had lots of friends and a great place to go. ASS has none of those things.
"But there is the pesky
"But there is the pesky little problem of having no place to go."
and this is why I think your DH will let him stay.
Nope - he won't. He is as
Nope - he won't. He is as disengaged from ASS as I am now.
yeah, but he is still an ASS
yeah, but he is still an ASS of a child.
you know tommar, when a person goes out of his way to show how much disdain and hatred he has for you, you really don't have to interact with that person - even if that person is your own child.
I would argue that PARTICULARLY if that person is your own child.
DH is using the "so where are
DH is using the "so where are you going?" approach with ASS. ASS says he has it all figured out, but of course, won't share the info. Oh well.
I don't speak to him, but if I did, I would totally do the same thing - "don't forget to leave a forwarding address. I am counting down the days til you leave, I bet you are, too, huh? No, I don't give a shit about where you will go or what you will do, as long as your ASS is out of my house."
You and Fruit are killing
You and Fruit are killing me!!!
exactly. In other news, I
In other news, I wonder what I will do with that room once DH sandblasts it?
Maybe it will return to being my office
It's a narrow room - all the
It's a narrow room - all the better, right??
You remind me of someone who
You remind me of someone who used to post here - now I REALLY wish I could figure you out...
I wuv ya too actual fruit
I wuv ya too
actual fruit salad not so much. They ALWAYS put pineapple in it. I'm allergic as all what nots to the stuff.
I am such a dumb blonde. The
I am such a dumb blonde. The only old poster with a new name I can figure out is you.
Hey fruit, are you Aswang??????? I gotta know!!!!! PM me! And anyone else with a new name. Who really don't know who you all are.
I do not see a job in espionage for me in the near future.
Dammit fruit, who were you in
Dammit fruit, who were you in a past life. Tell me. Tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me. And if you look downstairs on me, you'll find out I really am a blonde
Wish I could cut-and-paste
Wish I could cut-and-paste this post for no other reason than sheer delight in the dialogue.
ASS has made his intentions
ASS has made his intentions clear - he has NO desire to live in our house once he graduates. Yay!!!
And, he has told people how "abusive" we are - DH's parents and Medusa's dad and SM. Yet, none of those people have stepped up to say "let us take ASS off your hands."
Yep, that was SD! She and her
Yep, that was SD! She and her GBM conned a very nice family into letting SD live with them so she could continue to attend school in the district where we live since she decided to not listen to DH and leave our house. It lasted 2 months and ended badly. SD can pull off being a very charming, nice kid... in small doses. But once you really get to know her?? Yeah
I think if ASS ends up with
I think if ASS ends up with DH's parents or Medusa's dad and SM, things will go the same way. I am sure that DH's mom just looooooooooves her grandson - until the mountain of garbage is in HER house.
And, if ASS is just an ASS in our house and wouldn't be in their house? Great, more power to ya, kid!!
My bet is nothing will
My bet is nothing will happen. Nothing will happen when he graduates either. He will enjoy making this difficult.
The beauty of an adult skid
The beauty of an adult skid is the ability to truly not care what their living conditions are or are not.
SS30 was evicted from living arrangements many times (often in the middle of the night with a police escort for domestic violence with a GF). His mother and stepfather would not let him in their home. DH never once asked if SS could come to our home. I think he knew he'd be with SS looking for a bed that night if he did.
He always found someone to buy his sad story. His favorite non GF targets were older parents who had lost a child. Sick. But it didn't take long for them to kick him out either.
Of course now he has an "anchor baby" with the GF.
Turn it into a drinking game.
Turn it into a drinking game. For every day he is there after high school graduation, you got to take a shot. Maybe steal some of Tomamar's fireball.
I like WTF'S idea. And I
I like WTF'S idea. And I love the calendar countdown and the sex dungeon idea.
It's not that long to late May/early June. I'm so happy the end is in sight.
He will stay and expected to
He will stay and expected to be treated as a roommate, one who pays bills and gets all the entitlement that goes with that. Which of course he doesn't.
No rules, no questions about where he's been or where he's going or what he's doing.
He will think that he can come and go as he pleases, because he's an adult now. There will be arguments about how it's your house, your rules and him saying he's an adult and you should treat him like one.
It won't be pretty.
I don't know, I really don't.
I don't know, I really don't. That child is like a ghost now. He leaves in the morning and he no longer speaks to karate kid when they walk to the bus. He comes home, sometimes after everyone has gone to bed, and heads straight to his room. He never comes out. Or at least not when any of us can see him.
The beauty of him being an adult is that we no longer have to put up with his bullshit. The first time he tries any of that "I'm an adult and you have to treat me like one" crap, his ass will be on the front porch and as he walks away from the house his ass will be hit by the giant black garbage bag containing everything he "owns."
So basically his ass will be hit by an empty black garbage bag.
Oh man. I don't know...but
Oh man. I don't know...but please tell me when it happens! My SS turns 18 in April, and I'm wondering, too. Will he quit coming over? Will he graduate? Who knows...
I hear what you're saying,
I hear what you're saying, and to be honest, if it was just that the kid didn't want to go to college and was a typical teenaged jerk, I might do the rent money thing.
BUT - this is a kid who actively campaigns against me by calling the police and CPS to tell lies, is openly and blatantly disrespectful to me and his father. I just don't feel like rewarding that kind of behavior.
We have been telling him for two years now that if expects to live here past graduation, he will need to adhere to our rules. He has told us that he won't do that, so we have told him that it would be wise to get a job and start saving up for his future.
He has not done that.
I was raised with my brother, who was a drug addict, physically abusive thief who stole from my parents and from me, Max and Looney for years before my parents learned the art of tough love. I am a big fan of tough love and natural consequences. ASS has known for two years that he should be preparing for his future. I am NOT going to subsidize his laziness anymore.
I don't know - I am not sure
I don't know - I am not sure that paying his way for three months is tough love.
DH can do what he wants - with his money }:)
You may end up in something
You may end up in something like my situation. SD (aka "Porky") left home right after graduation, and entered the Army. However, she flamed out barely a year in because she couldn't keep her weight under control, and possibly due to an "unspecified" heart condition, although DW won't share any details about that. You can see from my recent blogs that I have been dealing with hell for the last few weeks. I hope it works out for you, because the last few years without Porky around were great!