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Shout Out!

thisisnotmocking's picture

To all my favorite ladies... the not so ladylike ones being my favorites }:)

It's been awhile!! I have been reading and trying to keep up. My special brand of sarcasm and love isn't appreciated by all who enter here, so I don't comment often...

Miss every one of you!

As some know, I'm a year+ out... OUT...of the relationshit that brought me here to begin with! Woo Hoo!!! Oh jeezus Christ on a cracker, there were some rough spots!! But I did it Wink

I started school. Full time. Last month. And I'm not gonna lie... It's f$#kin HARD and it sucks donkey balls. But I'm doing it!!

I've got 2 part time jobs waiting tables and bartending that pretty much equal a full time job to make ends meet. And I still do homework LOL

I've made friends here after running away from home while he was sleeping LMAO sorta forgot what that was like for awhile.

I got a cat a few months ago, just to have another living, breathing soul around to come home to. She's kinda a bitch like me, so we get along well. We had a talk and I told her that the rule was "anybody that shits on the floor has to move out" and so far it's all good. And she doesn't drink my alcohol, so she'll probably be around for awhile.

And last, but not least, I met someone. Yes, I did Smile and he's pretty amazing LOL oddly enough, he's truly everything fucktard kept telling me he was and promising he'd be and wasn't.

So... Life is hectic and good.


WalkOnBy's picture

hey!! I have been thinking about you. Glad to see you Smile

Sounds like things are working out just fine Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin

thisisnotmocking's picture

They are LOL

It's almost weird to be normal again. Mostly normal, anyway Wink I've been seeing a psychologist. No normal counselor for ME, I'm all sorts of a special kind of fuckered up LOL it's helpful, though.

thisisnotmocking's picture

Thanks Smile

thisisnotmocking's picture

You luv me }:)

thisisnotmocking's picture


thisisnotmocking's picture

Mon... LMAO... Get this... 2 daughters! Grown, launched and freakin normal as my kids LOL they're even happy for him. I haven't met them but I've seen the texts.

thisisnotmocking's picture
