BM's Dad and Stepmom...
This weekend was SS's first basketball game of the season (we won ) BM's Dad and Stepmom pulled in the parking lot at the same time we did. I sent SS over to say hello to them and they walked in behind us. DH, the girls and I sat down in our normal spot, and they set their stuff down a little ways down from us. BM wasn't there, yet. Her dad came over and started talking to us about our new house (BM must have told him) talking about his house and how much he paid for it 8 years ago. Just literally chatting it up for about 15 minutes. Mine while, BM shows up and sits down near where they put their stuff her stepmom was there so she said hi. Dad was done chatting with us and walked right past her, looked at her and didn't say a word. Just kept walking. WE mentioned to him that SS had baseball games later in the afternoon, in a town about an hour away from ours (he lives an hour further than that). After basketball stepmom says we may or may not see you at the games later.
Few hours later, SS's first game was in the 4th inning. Here comes her dad and stepmom. No BM. They say hi and go sit down. Stepmom comes over at some point and starts asking how SS is doing in school, how he is dealing with the new custody changes and goes on to tell me that 2 years ago BM's dad gave her 1/2 of his yearly income through out the course of the year. :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: He was paying her rent, her utilities, putting gas in her car, you name it. She went on to tell me that they are happy to see SS is with us full time and he needs the stability that we provide him. She expressed her concern that he was having to deal with BM when she is so unpredictable and knows that he stresses about her. She asked if they could pick SS up from school and spend time with him after school if they are ever just passing through town. OF COURSE! She said that he was only up at their house once last year... and I was the one that took him. These are good grandparents we are talking about here. SS LOVES them so much. He used to spend so much time with them, BM doesn't want to deal with her dad asking what is going on in her life, or questioning if she has a job... so she doesn't keep in contact with them.
A while later her dad came over and just talked. Told me how he used to live right up the street from where we were watching SS's games. Just talked, like he was... my dad. It was comfortable. Seemed very normal. Later that night SS asked if we could all go to dinner up at his grandparents house. I thought it was cute. And at this point, probably not completely out of the question. These people hated me just a few short years ago. The first 9 years of my relationship with DH they didn't say ONE WORD to me if they saw me. Man have the tables turned.
- BSgoinon's blog
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Oh, Stepmom straight up told
Oh, Stepmom straight up told me that she told her husband "it's her or me, I can't sit here and watch you enable her, AND blow OUR money on her". She said all of his friends were lecturing him about her, he was in serious denial. BM is always complaining about what a b*tch her stepmom is, well... I like her LOL.
Do you think BM had told them
Do you think BM had told them a bunch of crap about you and now they realize the truth?
No wonder BM could quit all of her jobs, her dad was supporting her.
Oh, it's a fact that she did.
Oh, it's a fact that she did. She told her entire family that DH cheated on her with me. **eyeroll** I don't know that we will ever get in to the details with her dad about that lie, but it seems that he doesn't even care if it WERE true now.
I can't believe she is STILL in that house. They haven't forcefully evicted her yet. So weird.
Yeah, it only took him about
Yeah, it only took him about 35 years to figure it out
Better late than never.
I've never heard of that. I
I've never heard of that. I will have to check it out.
FOR SURE entitle COD. The reason we are 100% positive of her telling them lies is: when SS was 4 BM got in a car accident with SS in the car. She was fine (of course, right) but SS had injuries (not serious) but because he was so little they couldn't pin point where he hurt. Turned out it was a broken foot. While we were in the ER BM and DH were trading off sitting with him. BM was back there but I had all of his medical cards, and he wanted some toy or something that I had (I don't remember what it was) so I was going to go back to see him. Her stepmom wanted to go, the ER is like a maze so I told her I would show her back to his curtain. She waited until the door closed behind us (so no one could witness her being a jerk to me) and told me "I don't need help from YOU". Ok... that's fine. Good Luck.
I was back there for about a half an hour. Never saw stepmom, she must have gotten lost.
BM must have pumped them fulllll of "poor me" stories. I have since learned not to give a flying F*IG* about what people think. Those that know me, KNOW that would have never happened. So... whatever. I'm sure they have figured it out. And if not, whatever she did to them, they deem that worse than what they THINK I did. LOL.
Yeah, I don't mind with them.
Yeah, I don't mind with them. All of these years I have even told BM last year when she was trying to vent to me about her dad being a jerk "If only your dad and SM knew that we AGREE WITH THEM they wouldn't think we were such bad people".
They sound like good people.
They sound like good people.
I am friends with BMs (aka Denture Debbie's) mom. We talk on the phone a couple times a month. We get along great.
Step life is a weird life for sure. Lol
It's nice when everyone can
It's nice when everyone can just drop the hate and drama and focus on what's important; in that moment it was supporting ss in his game. BM's SM can probably relate to you situation and has a lot of empathy for you.