Think I'm in trouble
Realized I just drank a bottle of vodka in three days. I used to NEVER drink.
I guess things are getting bad. But damn if it doesn't make me feel better. I'm afraid I'm f*cked!
- JustAgirl42's blog
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Yikes, you might want to keep
Yikes, you might want to keep an eye on that. Maybe drink something that's not going to burn a hole in your stomach.
What would that be?
Wine, of course
Wine, of course
I like wine, but it doesn't
I like wine, but it doesn't seem to do the trick and gives me a headache!
What about beer? It's hard to
What about beer? It's hard to drink a lot of beer since it's so filling.
HAhaha! Yep. I used to be
HAhaha! Yep. I used to be able to catch a good buzz from beer, but since I discovered vodka...I'm doomed! (Not the same kind of buzz.)
Thanks a lot!! I just went
Thanks a lot!! I just went up to look, took another swig, and couldn't find any ozs. Just a regular size...not a huge bottle or anything.
YOU are NOT helping!!
YOU are NOT helping!!
I love your practicality.
I love your practicality.
I can do that too - when
I can do that too - when the stress gets to me.
I've just been doing it too
I've just been doing it too much for a while now. I'm not stupid, I know I should be running or something instead, I guess it's that it's fast and I can fall asleep at a decent time.
I find myself justifying my
I find myself justifying my wine intake because after all, I exercised.
Switch to wine. Only two
Switch to wine. Only two glasses a night. A bottle of vodka every 3 days is not a habit you want to get into. Plus time to fix the root of the problem that's wanting you to numb yourself from. Hugs
Sadly, I know all this, and,
Sadly, I know all this, and, thank you.
An aha moment. Wine is
An aha moment. Wine is better. Was it red wine that caused headaches? Because there is white- no tannins. WTF is right, only 2 to 3 glasses. And time to fix the underlying problem. What's stressing you more recently?
I like red wine, plus it's
I like red wine, plus it's got the 'good for you' stuff in it.
I'm trying, and have been, to fix's just soooo hard with these f'ing disney dads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, I consider
Unfortunately, I consider wine as my fruit food group. I understand about the DDD- Disney Dad Disease.
Think about it like this:you have one liver. It's probably better to moderate so that you can consume longer. Don't use it all too quickly.
I know red is good for you, but try white.
I'm going to try and do that.
I'm going to try and do that.
Oh gee, thanks a lot!!
Oh gee, thanks a lot!! Should've known you'd weigh in on this one.
I'm a stress drinker too.
I'm a stress drinker too.
While I did it from time to time when I was single and work was stressful. I always put a cap on it.
Now.....the stress of marriage and being a SM gets to me way too much.
Yeah, guess that's why I'm
Yeah, guess that's why I'm worried. I've never 'needed' it before.
I'll check it out, thanks.
I'll check it out, thanks.
Yep, realized right after
Yep, realized right after posting that you most likely were asleep, duh.
Damn, I think I'd be dead if I drank as much as you. I definitely get a nice buzz which is why I've continued. If I may ask, since you say you're immune against booze, does that mean it doesn't affect you at all? Do you feel the need to keep drinking because otherwise you start to feel bad?
Luckily I haven't had the urge to drink before late afternoon, but I'm sure if I were to continue that could change.
Sally, this is ironic coming from me, drink too much!!!
Well I hope you're right
Well I hope you're right Sally, but to be honest it's been more like 4 shots an evening.
"I only drink Saturday mornings cause I'm not sure if Friday evening's party stopped yet." <<< That made me laugh!
oh, JustA... yup, u have a
oh, JustA... yup, u have a problem. and it takes one to know one, lol!
i use it as an escape, and also to celebrate when i dont NEED an escape. it's not a physical dependency, at least not for me - it's an emotional one.
try to moderate a bit more (save that liver!), and dont hide it from your dh. that's no bueno. and try something a bit softer than liquor like the ladies above suggested, find something that'll improve your mood just enough, but that you can sip on and savor the flavor (that'll make it go down slower!)
Thanks Tuff. Yep, I use it
Thanks Tuff.
Yep, I use it as an escape. I wish I'd never tried vodka because it makes me feel too good. I've never had that with beer or wine...not as much anyway - it's a different feeling, acts fast and you don't need much. I also don't feel bad the next day. I must have an addictive personality, but the only thing I've ever been addicted to is cigarettes :sick:
I need to get a grip!
I had to pop in.....I am in
I had to pop in.....I am in the same boat.
Except I've been drinking every day for probably about 2-3 years.
Same as you JustA, going through a bottle of vodka every 3 days or so. On the days I didn't drink vodka, I would drink red wine.
I also weigh the heaviest I have ever weighed in my entire life. I look like crap, I feel like crap. Lucky, SO still thinks I'm sexy!
I don't feel very sexy....back fat and stretch marks...
So, this year, I decided either I cut down on the drinking on my own, or start going to AA meetings if I couldn't.
I have been fairly successful so far.
No drinking during the week (Sun nite until after work on Friday). I'm not a binge drinker or anything so casual drinking on weekends isn't a problem for me.
I am a huge club soda fan and have a Sodastream machine. I mix it with a splash of fruit juice or a wedge of cucumber.
If I do have a drink during the week, it's just a glass of wine if I'm out to dinner or whatever the occasion, but I don't go out any buy a bottle for home.
I have immediately noticed that I feel much less bloated, my pants fit better. After the first couple of days, I slept MUCH better. And the night sweats are GONE.
Now last night, I caved and bought a bottle of red wine and drank 3/4 of it. I feel crappy today. Headachy, dull, body aches....UGH.
So I think I'm on the right path!
The first step is recognizing it.
The second step is DOING something about it.
I had about a year in between step 1 and step 2.
Don't wait that long.
Do it for yourself.
Thanks for sharing DarkStar,
Thanks for sharing DarkStar, and congratulations on being able to get a hold on things.
My FDH does know that I've been drinking for a while...just not the extent of it.
My clothes seem to be fitting a bit tighter too.
I agree.
I agree.
There's a couple of bottles
There's a couple of bottles in our liquor cabinet that I won't offer to guests because I take swigs straight from the bottle. Sometimes I slip in there and chug a little when SS is being particularly annoying and I am out of booze in my sock drawer.
Is it bad that this makes me
Is it bad that this makes me feel better????
It's silly really...."Well, I might drink a bottle of wine a day, but I don't EVER drink from the bottle!!!!!"
***clutching pearls***
DarkStar LOL, that is
DarkStar LOL, that is priceless and no
I also like to watch
I also like to watch Intervention...makes me feel better about myself....