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Waiting for the sh*t storm to start

Annoyed1's picture

Well, DH FINALLY got his child tax benefits paid to him! $5000 for payments owed to him since 2013. BM was illegally collecting the payments when DH had custody. Now DH has custody of one and BM has custody of the other. She was still collecting for both. DH sent in the court order and other paper work and just got the cheque in the mail! Ha! Bm's going to lose her sh*t when she finds out. I'm 99% sure that they'll garnish her child taxes for the one kid she has right now until the amount is paid back to them. Now to sit and wait for the drama to start... Sigh.


robin333's picture

Congrats. Let her lose her sh*t. She is the one lying. At least it caught up with her.

Annoyed1's picture

I'm in Canadaso I think child taxes are through the CRA. DH applied for these benefits about 4 months after he received custody of his 2 boys, which was over a year and a half ago. In between now and then, ss's both moved back with BM until child services removed them from her "care". They both lived back with us until OSS turned 16 and moved back with BM (don't even get me started on that story...). We still have full custody of YSS14. But the money will be nice! Maybe we should spend it on a trip down to Mexico when she's reigning all hell on this town?!? I'll be sure to unblock her from Facebook for that Wink

notsobad's picture

When I read this I thought you must be in Canada, I don'e think that they have Child tax credit in the states?

CRA will take the money from her tax return. If she isn't getting $5K they will take it from her bank account. If she doesn't have a bank account they will null her passport and dl.

I know because we have a friend who used to work for CRA. Once you are on their radar you are done for till you are paid up.

She will yell and scream and bitch and complain. You and DH should definitely get on a plane and head for Mexico until she calms down or DH might feel like he needs to give her money. For the skids of course!

Annoyed1's picture

Haha! Well then BM won't feel any penalties then. She doesn't have $5000 in her bank account, doesn't work, doesn't have a drivers licence or a passport (that I know of). DH won't be giving her any money as he has custody of youngest SS and BM is above having to pay for her children. If DH even considered that I would slap him so hard... Wink

oneoffour's picture

Well sucks to be her. Do not mess with the IRS. And if they do not get their money back in full and if she pisses them off she may find herself with penalties.

Annoyed1's picture

I think she's going to have penalties this time. She already got busted, 6 months ago, doing the same thing with her other kid (not DH's). Who knows. You'd think she'd learn though. She knows DH applied for it, but that was a long time ago, and she messaged him saying "that's MY money to spend on the boys"! She didn't even have custody then!!!!! I don't know how her head works.

The Tyrant's picture

I was a victim on the other side of this story. My wife was lying to me by omission about BD not paying cs some months and being short other months. I got sick of having to cover for her in bills so I decided to claim her son, ss14, as a dependent on our taxes. A shit storm ensued... found out BD WAS paying cs but it was "short" every month for the past year because they agreed to her accepting $200 less every month. By "agreed" I mean he proposed the idea and she couldnt be a grown up and not say "I dont think so!" She cried about him not paying what he was supposed to. I didnt change my return or give him the difference but that was the start of my disengagement with her, ss14, and BD!! I really need to start filing seperately actually...

Annoyed1's picture

That's awful!! I file separately from DH. We pay for everything separately so I figure why would I file jointly? How much money I make is none of bm's concern (although, sometimes I just want to rub it in her face and show her what making a living actually looks like).

The Tyrant's picture

The longer we are together the more I think it makes more sense for me to file seperately and we split the two kids we have together. But all the return money goes straight to bills either way...

And I dont think either party on either side knows what the other makes. My wife doesnt make much at all and I dont think BD makes much, he sells discount suits, because he was livid about that little $1200, but he's married to a doctor so he wins!! Lol!

Annoyed1's picture

Smile I giggle when I think about it too. She knew it was coming but didn't care. I wish I could see the look on her face when she find out }:)

Annoyed1's picture

Yes!!! Or Mexico... I still like my Mexico idea Wink lol! I wish. DH needed that money and will just go to pay bills Sad easy come, easy go.

notsobad's picture

We go to Mexico all the time. You can get a great deal to the Mayan at AI for around $1000 per person.

Just stay away from the ones that have dolphin swimming places, they are horrible, horrible places and bad for the dolphins. (Rant over)

kathc's picture

Yes, if she collected money she wasn't supposed to they will make her pay it all back PLUS penalties. If she doesn't pay, they'll just keep her tax returns until it's paid off. (And, not just the "child" money, they'll keep the ENTIRE return until it's paid off. She's going to lose her shit. Get some wine and popcorn!