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Weekly "I'm a good mom" email from BM...

BSgoinon's picture

BM just emailed DH saying she wants to pick SS up from school tomorrow. That's fine. He has practice at 6, so she will have him for a whooping 4 hours.

Further in her email, she thanks DH for "being here for me/SS during this time that I hit a low in my life". ... Ummmmm.... we aren't here for YOU stupid, we are here for SS, always have been, always will be. Then she goes on to tell him that SS is "SO lucky" to have him as a dad and "I meant that from the bottom of my heart"...

Um, go take a flying leap BM, no one buys in to your bullshit.

Bye Felicia.


BSgoinon's picture

She is completely delusional. This is the same woman that when DH told her that she has no business having another child when she turned up pregnant 10 years ago (abortion #4) she told me that him telling her that just proved to her that DH still cares about her.... :? :? :? :?

BSgoinon's picture

If she would have said it to him, he would have. She said it to me, and I told her she was delusional and he only said that because he doesn't want SS to suffer even more because she takes on ANOTHER child that she won't take care of, SS would end up being responsible for that kid as they got older.

BSgoinon's picture

LOL. I wish he would have. He just didn't respond to her at all. That's his normal response, none.