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Countdown ......

Newstep's picture

Smile Today is officially 1.5 years left of SO paying CS Smile I can't wait and SD will be moved out on and her own too!!! It's going to fly by. No more dealing with BM and her money grubbing is over.


SMto2's picture

Yay! I remember the days, months and years of the countdown! It was a lonnnng 13 years for me. We made that last payment 18 mos ago (so I'm as far on the other side as you have to go) and believe me, I still pinch myself sometimes when I think about the fact that our days of paying $1200/month are OVER for good, and BM FINALLY has to find a way to finance her vacations, antiques, etc. etc. Surprisingly, I do enjoy giving money to my SSs DIRECTLY, which is so much more appreciated, even in much smaller sums that we ever paid in a month, since for the first time, the money goes right to them. Hang in there. It will be over before you know it.

notasm3's picture

I met DH after SS30 had aged out of CS - thank God.

Not that SS was anywhere near being a productive member of society. But so NOT my problem. I did not produce that ahole so not one $ of my money nor 1 minute of my time was to be wasted on him.

robin333's picture

Your BM thinks like mine. Mine isn't smart enough to verbalize it like yours though. Sigh.

Newstep's picture

We are gearing up for the braces battle now. SD is 17 with straight teeth not perfect but straight and nice. She has been insisting she needs braces for about 3 years now. Just found out it will cost SO 5000.00 but BM will pay 1/2 yeah right.

The woman has no job and lives off CS. SO is adamant that he is only paying half. He can't seem to understand where she will get her half from if you have nothing you can't pay anything. I think I finally have him convinced that SD's teeth are perfectly fine and if she wants braces for cosmetic reasons she can pay for them herself. }:)

Newstep's picture

Yesssss going to take the CS and go on a shopping spree lol. I can't wait. SO is pretty good at not handing out money to adult kids. He has two other adult kids and one SD. They stopped asking for money with their hands out shortly after we got together.

This one is going to be a different story I can already tell. She doesn't want to move out but our rule is out at 18 she thinks she can do what she wants though.

hereiam's picture

Our countdown was over 6 years ago and was actually cut short by SD getting married. Yay!

Although, I would have rather she finished school. And not gotten pregnant. And not married a loser (who secretly filed for divorce 3 years later).

But it ended ALL contact with BM and putting money in her pocket every month (SD was not even living with BM that last year) so, yay!