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Was Evil stepmonster

SofarSogood's picture

I've tried for a while now to get into my old account and I can't, so a new account it was. As the new name states, so far, so good. I've heard from Inbred about dPPP SS7, now 8. They are being adopted by her new man who she just married. As for Redface Magee and Sir cries alot, no clue. I'm not real sure why Inbred contacted me to begin with to let me know about the youngest two.
As for me, things have been going pretty good. Met and fell for a wonderful guy, who does happen to have two children of his own. I just don't think there is any escaping that at my age. On a positive note, his kids are pretty good too as well. One boy, one girl, and his and my children get along very well. His son even comes over to my house for sleep overs with my midge.
Of course, there is some drama....isn't there always??
The girl, a cute polite little thing she is, her mother is the most ghetto bat shit crazy POS I have ever met. Even more so than Inbred and that is saying something right there. I still haven't had the pleasure of meeting her, think I'm going to put that off for as long as possible. But after a while of being just me and my kids, learning alot about myself here I am back in the step life. It hasn't been long really, but it's been pretty easy going so far. I wonder how long it'll last thought lol.


hereiam's picture

There you are!

I'm glad you have met somebody new. Yes, it's hard to meet men with no kids but it is possible to meet men who parent their kids and don't let them run the show. Just take our time and really get to know the dynamic.

I still haven't had the pleasure of meeting her, think I'm going to put that off for as long as possible

Not only put it off as long as possible but remain a mystery, interact with her as little as possible. The less she knows about you and what to expect from you, the better. The first time she does or says anything inappropriate to you, put her in her place. Not in crazy, ghetto way, but a matter-of-fact, don't-mess-with-me, way.

Maybe spread a rumor that you are crazier than her! Biggrin Obviously, I'm kidding but....