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BM Freak out

Stepmom09's picture

BM emailed DH a few days ago freaking out that we moved and didn't tell her. We have not moved so I don't know what she is talking out. Super weird


Stepmom09's picture

It is so strange. DH wrote back that there is no reason to notify her of a move because we haven't moved. Now she won't answer why she thought we moved.

Stepmom09's picture

She does snoop but the weird part is we haven't change anything and have been home a lot. So I have no idea How she got the idea that we moved I think she is paranoid

Stepmom09's picture

So the stepkid thing I completely agree with but he has been at our house for the last few weeks and hasn't really talk to her. We will be moving within the next year so I am thinking she "ran" into someone that heard we were moving and through the grapevine it turned that we already moved.