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What has your BM done that makes you scratch your head?

JstaSM's picture

Some of the things BM did……

Told DH 1 yr after we were together that Blubba wanted another baby with DH,so that all her kids can have the same father. When DH told me, I laughed so hard. (She had her tubes tied after last skid).

Told DH 15 years after we were together that no matter what happens she will never forgive me (SM) for taking her life/family away from her (not true).

I could keep going… But then I would have to write a book.. Just like the one Blubba started online that my SD found (not her kid). I just can’t believe the rewriting of history!

So let’s hear the stories… What has your BM done that makes you scratch your head?


steppy1988's picture

... Said she will tell the courts that my husband "physically abuses him (stepchild) by feeding him chocolate"

JstaSM's picture

That made me remember; my skids would burp and fart at the dinner table. I told DH I am not eating with them when they acted that way. He put a stop to it and now they tell people I punished them for doing it. Ummm no that was your father. :?

Notmomtomple's picture

She asked me (because I'm a nurse? :? ) in front of her 14YO daughter, if there was anything we could do about said daughters stretch marks, because "bikini season is coming up and they're pretty bad" :jawdrop:

JstaSM's picture

Blubba told DH that if SD lived with us that I would make DH go for CS. Too bad the 3 years we had custody she didn’t pay a dime.

steppy1988's picture

same situation here...

i didn't know they made more than one of these types of people...

justanothergurlNJ's picture

Breath!!! Ok no really there is a list a mile long but most recently she told So that OSS11 told his therapist that he makes BM take a bite of his food first because if it's tainted she will die first then he will eat it and they can be i heaven together :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: and this is not just food eaten out, food she herself makes for him. She has mentally fucked this kid up since the day she found out he had food allergies. She has treated it like a terminal illness and instead of trying to help him fit in and have a normal childhood she has made him feel alienated, he has no friends, no social skills it's very sad and while I feel sorry for the kid because he is just a kid. I CANNOT stand being around this kid. He is rude, disrespectful and just a brat and his personality is BM"S

lintini's picture

She has the same make car as me and even the same color, just a newer year of course .....

She demanded DH's bank account info after a basketball game to give to the orthodontist because she claimed her half portion was her insurance coverage....Lied about the total cost and then swore up and down that she never demanded DH's account info like that. Liar.

She accused DH of stealing SS14's clothing that was her's, which is impossible since he goes home in the same clothing he came over with so unless he was naked.....

Left her credit card information on SS14's Xboxlive because he usually would "ask permission" before buying a game ....he stole $6,000 from her over the summer and the bank only refunded her the last weeks bill amount that he ran up of $400 ...

Only is "okay" to deal with if she has a boyfriend. The second to last one cheated on her and got the married woman pregnant. Not sure what happened with the last one but he has 5 children and I was SO SO SO hoping they were going to get married.

hereiam's picture

She once gave SD an OTC medicine, that she KNEW she was allergic to, so that SD would have a seizure, hoping that this would get DH to come back to her (not because she loved him).

She has regularly accused men of rape when she has not gotten what she wanted.

She wants to keep SD (now 24) dependent on her.

misSTEP's picture


WalkOnBy's picture

Told her kids how horrible DH and I were, that DH only loved my kids are not them, then disappeared for going on for years plus.

"Your father is such an asshole kids. Now go live with him.and his whore."

Yeah, that will fuck some kids up.

Maxwell09's picture

One of the ones I hear most frequently from her: "You took my son from me"...DH has to remind her every time that SHE told the judge she no longer wanted to do 4 days on and off (50/50) because it didn't work for her. That was in the beginning of their hearing; after the custody hearing the judge sided with DH (because she's a vindictive financially unstable as well as unofficially mentally unstable liar). She should have gone with that DH wanted in the first place: to have 4/4 in writing. Too bad so sad BM

When she says she's "single by choice" literally moments after her boyfriend dumps her because he wasn't ready to deal with her two baby daddies and keep up with her lifestyle.

When she says she's "changed" and "a Christian" now even though she's been an advocating atheist since she joined Plenty Of Fish; and then tweets about BabbyDaddy#2 being a "mother f****er" in mid each Christian their own I guess.

The biggest thing I can't get over isn't something she's said but how she acts towards her second son. He doesn't exist. She posts one pic of him for every twenty she posts of SS (her golden child). She send him away when SS visits her on the weekends and he's at a babysitter during the week nights so she can go on dates searching for babydaddy#3. I feel so bad for that little boy. Whenever we have gatherings with our mutual friends (like a wedding SS is being ring boy in) she always leaves spawn with a babysitter. She never brings him out. It's very weird to me for a mother (of the year type) to treat her own child she's actually raising full time (as opposed to 1/3 time with SS) like the red headed step child.

notasm3's picture

Fortunately both SSs were grown semi-adults (legally adults - 20s and 30s but with the maturity of 12 year olds) when I met DH and he'd been divorced from BM (and remarried to his 2nd ex) for DECADES before I met DH.

But BM was still pissed beyond belief at me being in DH's life - not sure why as she'd been remarried for several years. DH does not text so when OSS was dying and she did not want to talk on cell (claimed it cost a dollar a minute - bullshit) he gave her my cell number (ok with me as I'm normal). She went bat shit crazy and basically told me to go f myself - wanted to know who I was and why I had any relevance.

She DID NOT TELL DH WHEN OSS DIED. Yes that deserves all caps. The funeral took place out of state - the obit listed DH and she told everyone that DH could not be bothered to attend.

I've posted this dozens of times. But it still appalls me. How could she be such a fing a(((. She who portrays herself as the most Christian devoted disciple of Christ.

Queenbee26's picture

Stole her daughter's shoes amongst some other things and lied about it.

Slept with half the town

Said she wanted to eat dinner with her daughter for her bday but didn't show up cuz she was "busy moving" even tho she hadn't seen her daughter in 6 months.

Beat up her neighbors.

Sent her 2nd grader to school after giving her a black and blue face.

Queenbee26's picture

Stole her daughter's shoes amongst some other things and lied about it.

Slept with half the town

Said she wanted to eat dinner with her daughter for her bday but didn't show up cuz she was "busy moving" even tho she hadn't seen her daughter in 6 months.

Beat up her neighbors.

Sent her 2nd grader to school after giving her a black and blue face.

Queenbee26's picture

Stole her daughter's shoes amongst some other things and lied about it.

Slept with half the town

Said she wanted to eat dinner with her daughter for her bday but didn't show up cuz she was "busy moving" even tho she hadn't seen her daughter in 6 months.

Beat up her neighbors.

Sent her 2nd grader to school after giving her a black and blue face.

Monchichi's picture

Had a child she doesn't actually want and uses him as a weapon. He is also her "meal ticket".

misSTEP's picture

1. Pursued my DH very hard. When he moved in with her, she didn't stop sleeping around. He had no clue until he found a calendar where she had marked initials....of which guy(s) she slept with on which days...sometimes more than one set of initials on the same day.

2. Talked my DH into going to look at engagement rings instead of going to work. When they got back to their place, she walked in first and immediately locked the door and wouldn't let him in. He asked her why and she said, "Because I am a bitch," and laughed. Luckily, he never did marry the creature.

3. Stole her best friend's checkbook and wrote out many fraudulent checks on it. Nice friend.

4. Told my DH "You'll come back. You always do" and laughed when he told her that he was going to my place. (They were broken up but he felt it was the right thing to tell her when he met me)

5. Got a puppy right before skids were coming to meet me. SD was very very upset to have to leave puppy.

6. Took skids out of school for a MONTH and didn't tell DH they were going out of town. Had skids send postcards. Got rid of puppy she had got (obviously its usefulness was over). Then she DEMANDED that DH teach SS how to read or he was going to have to go to summer school or get held back (why the HELL would you take him out for a MONTH then????)

7. Took skids to emergency room for pretty much everything. Or get second and third opinions. SS was diagnosed by 2 docs with scoliosis. She took him to Mayo Clinic! They also said scoliosis and said to take him to physical therapy. She never took him to one session.

8. Lied to us/third-party exchange place stating that the skids' school started back up on a Friday after Xmas break. HA! Five seconds of looking online dispelled that. THEN she said that it was actually SD had a meet she had to attend. SD stated that it wasn't a meet. It was a normal practice and they already knew she was going to miss it.

9. We noticed SD couldn't see and asked her to have her mom take her to the eye doc. BM told SD that if "THEY think that you can't see, then THEY should take you in!" No place open in our little town on the weekend. We drove 45 miles Friday to get them. 90 miles Saturday for SD's appointment. 45 miles on Sunday to take them back. SD picked out her glasses and was proud. BM hated them and went and picked out her own and ran it through my insurance as well. Then tried to stick us with the entire bill since insurance only pays for one pair of glasses.

10. Tried to get DH to pay for half of a doc visit for lice. Skids didn't have lice. Other kids did. I guess she couldn't go buy RidX or whatever shampoo??

11. Tried to argue that "incurred" (as in she had 6 months after bills were incurred to submit them to DH for his half) meant AFTER insurance paid their part of the bills. DH successfully argued that would mean if insurance didn't pay anything, there would be NO bill.

12. Told DH in a (recorded) phone conversation that he wasn't going to be able to get skids for the holiday until she got the new insurance cards. The reason NONE of us had the new insurance cards was because SHE didn't fill out the paperwork they had sent to her!

13. Never told DH that SD was having sex. But did take her in to the doc to get tested for every STD possible and get BC pills. Of course, that was how DH found out about the situation.

14. Never paid her Contempt of Court fine.

15. Kicked SD and grandbaby out when SD turned 18...but still collected CS for her from DH.

16. Claimed that she "forgot" to include DH and his family in the graduation invitations for SD.

17. Bragged to friends that NEITHER kid was DH's but she was getting CS from him. Bragged to everyone at SD's anniversary that she was getting money from the government to watch her own grandchild.

18. Sent a picture of grandbaby and her latest paycheck together to DH breaking the No Contact order.

19. When the judge asked her where she worked, she told him that she didn't think that was relevant to the hearing. HAHA! Her lawyer was shaking his head.

I'm sure I am forgetting a few other nice tidbits...