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I hate Parental alienation.

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I have been reading up on it and now realize that there is no way to fix what has been done. He is a little conversation about books between me and SD.

3 yrs ago my SD and I talking on FB

Here is the convo….

SD POST- Really??? 2am....did I really just get caught in a book til 2am??
JstaSM: which book?
SD: Willow
JstaSM: I liked that one also... but not my favorite. I have the newest books for you.
SD: Can't wait to get em!
SDGM (BM’s Mother- we will call her GM): are you kidding me!
JstaSM : I am looking for a used Bookstore up here, Barney's went out of business but I had already cleaned them out. Email me a list of what I already gave you.
SD: Ok
GM: you are selling your soul to the devil SD
SD: Lol what???
BM: already sold....
GM: makes me sick to my stomach
BM: I just thank the stars that MY grandchildren don't and won't know the "devil"..


JstaSM's picture


JstaSM's picture

No she is an adult. I love to read and her favorite author is the same as mine. Considering that she was a child when DH and I started dating and she always saw me reading. I had every book from this author and when she was a teen she wanted to read them so I gave them all to her and would give her the new ones after I read them. It is a shame because she hasn't received the last 3 years of books from the author.