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InNeedOfGuidance12's picture

I know there are much bigger things going on in step world but this morning had been particularly frustrating! I get woken up by a cat being beaten to death--by that, I mean my SD12 singing at the top of her lungs with headphones in. The toilet paper roll is empty and not replaced (of course). My almost 2 year old DD was sleeping through DSL and she ruined it! Then I take DD down to get her milk and breakfast to find candy wrappers all over the table and an empty half gallon in the refrigerator. We had another full gallon. I can't, for the life of me, understand why empty things are put back in the refrigerator!!!

I know these are irritating activities of a self centered almost 13 year old, but it's also a result of my DH doing EVERYTHING for her. She goes to her mom's tonight (we have 50/50 week on week off). DH works weekends, so of course he's not here to deal with this shit! End rant.


Last In Line's picture

I feel your pain! I try to not nag nag nag about things, but all that little stuff drives me crazy! So glad we have a place to vent.

Ninji's picture

Oh the singing. My SD sits behind me in the car and sings and sings. Don't even try to turn the radio up to drown her out because she will just sing louder. When it's just Skids and me in the car, I leave the radio OFF. We talk about their day at school or something fun that happened during the week. Anything but singing. Smile