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Ever doubt the paternity of your skids?

Living the dream's picture

My DH has three kids, ages 14 to 20, with one BM.

Not one of them has a single one of his physical characteristics. Not a curly hair, cleft chin, long/lean body type, green eye or peg tooth among them. (I guess I made DH sound homely, but he’s actually very cute.:))

DH has one nephew (20), who looks more like him than any of his own kids do. Because the nephew has characteristics of his father, who is DH’s brother.

I’ve been looking at these kids for three years now, and I swear that I can’t find a trace of my husband in even one of them. And no, I’m not in denial about him having kids. I would love to see some resemblance to him in them, but it isn’t there.

Has anyone ever wondered, even though it’s never been mentioned, if your DH is the bio father of one or more of your stepkids?

Yes, I know these thoughts are evil. And I would never, ever share them with DH or anyone, anywhere, outside of this board.

Am I the only one who has ever wondered, though?


zerostepdrama's picture

Me neighbor friend started dating this guy and soon after found out he had knocked up some other lady when they were first dating. She stayed with him for quite awhile which I thought was stupid... but anyways... the guy, I'll call him A. So A was there when the baby was born and he didnt ask for a paternity, said the baby looked just like him. Even my friend was like Yep looks just like A when he was a baby.

A got the baby quite often, paid half the daycare, diapers, etc. A was living with my friend by this time and my friend took care of the baby and everything.

Well A then travels out of state with the baby to see his mom. The mom told him "Sorry I dont feel like this is my grandchildren." A got back home, had a DNA test done and sure enough the baby wasn't even his.

But I swear A and my friend would swear up and down this baby looked just like him as a baby.

Living the dream's picture

Two of his three kids do look somewhat like their mom. The other one (whom I confess is my favorite, incidentally), looks like she could have fallen off a truck in front of their house. No resemblance to either parent.

It just seems so unlikely that a person could have THREE children and not pass any characteristic on to at least one. I know genetics is a very complex science, and I've never heard any references to possible cheating in that marriage.

Oh, well, it doesn't matter at this point anyway. It just seems so damn weird sometimes when I see him with his kids.

DaizyDuke's picture

Weird thing is... SS16 does look like DH and our BS5 is almost a spitten image of SS when SS was that age. So there really is no question there. BUT SD17 looks NOTHING like DH... she is a clone of BM1. But DH actually demanded a paternity test the day SD17 was born because he was SURE she was NOT his.. but alas... as Maury says "The results are in and you ARE the father" Sad

Snowflake's picture

Heck, you can't only go on looks alone. None of my kids look like me. My first two are both the spitting image of their father. Mine and dh's kids look just like him. None look like me, but since they came out if me, I know they are mine. Smile I had always wanted a little mini-me, but that wasn't in the cards for me.

Now one of my skids has some features of dh's, but looks more like bm. The other one isn't dh's, and he TOLD me that. It's not like it was a huge secret though, skid looks nothing like dh.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

The younger skid did look somewhat like DH and STILL wasn't his so, yeah, genes are funny.

hereiam's picture

I have wondered and I have mentioned it. DH's oldest daughter, I have a question about but it doesn't matter, DH swears she is his and even if she wasn't, biologically, she would still be his as far as he is concerned.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

We are waiting for the day when PigPen finds out that DH is not his biofather. DH's bios LOOK like DH - they have all of his facial characteristics; face shape, cheekbones, nose, mouth, eye shape... with BioHo's hair and eye color. In fact, SD19 has been called Mini DH her entire life (PrincASS16 probably would have been if he had been born first).

EVERYONE comments on how much SD19 and PrincASS look like DH. And then there is PigPen. Who looks NOTHING like DH, is hairy like his mother and has a darker complexion than every other family member. 'Ho isn't sure WHO the father is as she was too busy having one night stands to pay attention. DH, in a moment of temporary insanity and sheer stupidity, eventually forgave 'Ho and raised PigPen. PigPen is 13 and has been asking "Where do I get this trait? Where do I get that trait?" Blah blah blah. DH has NONE of them and just says "It must be from your mother." Or in the instances when it definitely IS from 'Ho, he says "You get it from your mother."

PrincASS, PigPen, and their other half-sister Spawn8, are the ONLY ones who do not know that PigPen is not DH's bio. IMHO, it will only be a matter of time before they know it and realize what a ho BioHo really is (4 baby daddies; 5 kids).

kathc's picture

I think a lot of us have questioned it.

As the years go by, I'm more convinced that skid isn't DH's biochild. But you know what? I've also learned it IS DH's son either way. Sure, the fantasy of "hey, it's not your kid! Let's cut ties and be free!" is a fun thought but in reality that's not going to happen. Honestly? I'd think DH was an asshole to suddenly tell a teenager "hey, turns out I'm not your dad! See ya!" if he did that so I don't bother pushing the issue. It really doesn't matter anymore.

Maxwell09's picture

Unfortunately no, when I first started seeing DH and BM came at me all crazy I made him get a DNA test immediately. There was no way I was going to go through all her crap for SS to be someone else's. And boy was BM furious! She shouted at DH for doing it and then he reminded her that SHE said he might not be his. BM came back with she only told him that to hurt his feelings and he should have KNOWN by looking at SS she was lieing

Maxwell09's picture


misSTEP's picture

SD, DH's first born is his spitting image. No doubt there that he is her father.

However, plenty of concerning things (more than just looks) that make me wonder about SS.

1. Looks nothing like either parent
2. BM and DH were broken up for almost 8 months when she came to his doorstep, big as a house, claiming it was his
3. DH had found a calendar BM was using to keep track of which guy(S!!!) she slept with on which days
4. BM refused to have DNA test done
5. BM's BM said that BM was going around laughing at my DH saying that NEITHER kid was his but he was paying for them!
6. BM did her damnedest to alienate SD from DH (and succeeded). Not so much with SS. It would be just like her for her to send him and laugh knowing that SS wasn't truly his son.

simifan's picture

People see what they want to see - I've had people argue SD looks "just like me". I even had one lady tell me "I must be mistaken" when i told her SD was not my child. SD looks like a mix of the two. My DS looks just like his father - you would swear there is not a gene that is mine.

We did have SD tested in secret because we knew BM would never let us hear the end of it & DH was not sure f he could give up SD. I needed to know before we had a huge court battle.

Tuff Noogies's picture

i agree. people used to tell me all the time how much i looked like mom (my SM). realistically tho', i am a carbon copy of my bio-mom and her mom. i have a photo right here on my desk, of the three of us standing next to eachother, and it LITERALLY looks like an age-progression photo of the same person.

lintini's picture

If I really want to piss DH off I mention that SS13 does not look like him at all. My DH's brothers and father all look very much alike. DH's brother's two children both resemble DH's brothers side. They are little mini me's of DH's brother.

I don't think cheating was an issue between his Xwife, but this topic of SS13 not being his does start WWIII in my house. It is strange that his brother has children that still have DH's family's features.

But then in my family, my parents told us they found me and my brother "under a rock" and decided to keep us. We don't look like our parents or each other at all.

IslandGal's picture

Nope, I don't 'cos SS is the spitting image of BM but has SO's walk. SD has SO's features and BM's body shape.

We have 5 in our family. 3 of us are black and 2 of us are white. Same parents. When my older sis was born, she had fiery red hair, freckles and was white. My Dad freaked out and thought the hospital made a mistake and gave them the wrong baby. Then I was born. My hair was dark brown and I was black. Dad still had doubts about my older sis. 3rd sis was born - same as me. By this time, Dad was ready to sue the hospital, the government and the entire world - although he totally worshipped my older sis (first born). Then my 4th sis was born - bright red hair, freckles and white. Dad nearly passed out. Then my bro came along..and he was black..with black curly, curly hair.

So. 3 blacks and 2 white kids in our family. Dad got over the shock and had the time of his life raising us all. Every now and again, Mom reminds him of this..he looks shamefaced..then grins and sez..but look what I got!! Ebony and lucky are we!!

Edited to add: Mom's ancestors originate from Ireland. She has 2 sisters with bright red hair and freckles. lol!

notasm3's picture

DH's own father never thought that OSS was DH's child. BM was a promiscuous tramp - which is precisely why DH (who was practically a virgin) took her out when he was home on leave from the Army. He gets a phone call while overseas that he needs to come home and marry her. Which is what he did as this was 40 years ago when some men felt obligated to marry a girl they knocked up.

Shaman29's picture

No. Even though I named Uberskank, well Uberskank, for a reason, skid is the exact image of her paternal grandmother. There is no mistaking she's H's kid.

Just J's picture

I never really thought about it but DH has. His son, SS25 looks NOTHING like him, and all 3 of his other kids (SD21 and our DD and DS) are absolute spitting images of him. Add that to the fact that DH and BM broke up and then she got pregnant about a minute after they got back together so DH is suspicious. I know he will never have paternity tested, and SS25 is his son no matter what, but I know he is curious. And he has made comments about how if he ever found out SS wasn't really his, he would tear BM to shreds about it. As much as I'd love to see that happen, I'd hate the reality of him actually knowing that SS is not biologically his.

Missingme's picture

You’re probably on to something there!  Would make being a SM even harder knowing the skids aren’t even the kids of the Disney dad!