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First blog--Background

mythreesons's picture

When I was 19 I met a man at work. We hit it off and began dating. 2 weeks later I was pregnant. I had been taking my birth control but apparently that did not matter. The man, we will call him Bobby (all names have been changed), already had a son he was 1.5 at the time. we made it through dating and he was a good father to his son, we will call him Jason, when he had him on the weekends. I thought everything would be fine. After my son was born things changed. Jason's mother had been in and out of the picture for as long as he had been alive and he lived with his maternal grandmother since he was born. When my son, Richard, was born Jason became jealous of the attention he was getting even though we did everything we possibly could to show him attention and make him feel included. when Richard began crawling he climbed on Jason's bed and I caught Jason holding a pillow over Richards face,Jason was 3, that was the only incident, for a while. Bobby and I got married in September of the following year. everything was okay and we were still getting Jason every weekend. In February of this year Bobby took full custody of Jason. He switched schools in the middle of his kindergarten year. His mother also left the state and has not been seen or heard from since. It was a big transition for him, but this is where the real problems start.

we knew with the big changes that there were bound to be some problems. We did everything we could to ease the transition for him. We still let him go to his maternal grandmothers every weekend, got him into a child psychologist, and tried to make it as comfortable for him as possible (bringing his favorite toys, etc.). He seemed to be fine at home. Him and his brother would fight but it didnt seem to be any worse then a normal sibling relationship. Then we began getting calls from the school. He was tipping over bookshelves, taking his clothes off, he even peed on the rug, he was lashing out, threatening violence, running through hallways, climbing on anything he could, and more. But he was fine at home.

We set up a 504 plan which involved him spending most of the day in a resource room due to the fact he couldnt be safe around the other kids.

Soon he began being destructive at home. He shared a room with my now 3 year old and they had bunk beds. He began picking at the ceiling and tearing it apart. he would break toys, hit, kick, he even broke a window.

We were able to purchase a bigger house and moved in June. He was his typical destructive self, but had not really been violent all summer. Once school started last week though he has been a different kid entirely.

The new school followed the same 504 with a few modifications. His old school used safety care (where they are able to gentle restrain a child when they are being harmful to themselves or others) often, while the new school doesnt believe in it except in dire circumstances. On Wednesday, the fifth day of school, he was sent home for the first time. his school goes in a big circle, he was running around and was unable to regain control of himself. He left the school at one point which forced them to call "officer friendly" from the high school to come over.

Today, which would be the seventh day of school he was sent home again. This time he was threatening to kill teachers, break their legs, make them bleed, and more. They were unable to keep him safe. When I showed up to pick him up he calmed down and wanted to remain at school but at that point it was too late. We left the school, and I had to bring him back to my work with me.

I work for a family business and am the only one in my office. I am able to bring my other two children 3 and 1 with me every day which can be a blessing and curse. When we returned to my office he refused to listen or do anything he was asked. I told him he needed to sit in timeout. This is where the major meltdown of the day started. At that point he tried to book it out of the only exit so i stood in front of the door to block access. I tried not to engage in things he was saying because that is what he wants. He climbed on my desk and threatened to break everything on it, break the desk, break the chairs. Then he threatened to jump of the desk and kill himself. It continued with him threatening to throw me, chairs, etc. out the window. Meanwhile all of this was taking place with my 3 and 1 year olds witnessing. He then stood on the desk and stood on my laptop and stomped on it. I stood at the door and let him continue. We have found that if you touch, talk, engage in anyway it escalates worse. My three year old saw him standing on the desk and tried to join him. He didnt understand why i took him down and not my step son. He kept sputtering threats and this is where i have major issues. He threatened to jump on my 1 year olds neck to break it and kill him. He threatened to push my three year old down the stairs at home, he threatened to burn our house down and grabbed a lighter i had there that i had forgotten about and showed me he knew how to work it. He said he was going to put stuff in mine and his father mouth while we are sleeping so we choke and die.

This kid is six.

The worse thing he watches at our house is bubble guppies or wallykazam. My kids dont watch anything that isnt in some way educational. Where the H*** is he learning this crap?

My major concern is that most of these things are extremely plausible. "falling" or jumping on a crawling one year old, easy enough. Pushing my 3 year old down the stairs, easy when all the bedrooms are upstairs.

My husband and I have been on rocky terms for a long time because of these issues. When I discipline, he doesnt enforce it so my step son doesnt feel like he has to listen to me, yet im the one that does most of the raising of all three of my kids.

I get up in the morning, get all three dressed and ready to go. Make sure step sons back pack is ready, hes brushed his teeth and that he has been fed. I make sure to get him to school on time in the morning. I bring him to any dentist/doctors appointments. at night I bathe, feed, and put them all to bed. While my husband is too preoccupied with whatever he is doing to bother to help me. I work full time and bring my 2 kids to work with me Every. Single. Day.

I do the launrdy, wash, dry, fold, and put away
I do the dishes.
I pay the bills.
My husband work for a friend under the table and most of the time I have to force him to give me any money to put towards bills.

As I have said, we have been on the outs for a while.

the only reason I have stayed is 1) for the kids 2) i have no idea where I would go and 3) im afraid of what I will lose in a divorce and lastly I really dont want to be alone.

Some how he always convinces me that I have to stay, like I have no choice. He guilt's me.

Its awful

But when does the safety of my children become a concern? do I need to take these threats seriously? do I take them as a 6 year old running his mouth because he didnt get his way? do I take my kids and leave right away? do i wait and see how things play out?

we are starting the process to get him diagnosed with ADHD, Opposite defiant, etc. because that is a concern from his teachers.

Im so torn.


Im tired of this crap.


NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

rEAD this article. I came across it the other week and found it a fascinating read. If it were me... I would leave. Give your own biological kids a normal happy life. Give yourself a chance at finding a real and true partner. Escape with your own children while you can. Face it. You are already a single parent. You are already working full time and raising children alone. I think your world would really become easier if not harder. Alone isnt so bad, you know. They are one and three. They are vulnerable and you have to protect them. You have to show them what a normal happy family life is like because that's how they are going to raise their own families on day. Give them their best chance and right now being saddled with a pyschopath stepson and absent husband is not their best chance

MommyMayI's picture

As I read this, only one word comes to mind. RUN! He is threatening your babies. He is threatening you! Get the hell out of there but before saying anything to your dh go to the school and get a record of ss's behavior. Then call freaking CPS and have his behavior reported. Then get the hell out of there and fast. Call the cops if you have to. Never let that little boy around your kids alone. It is not worth it. They are your babies and you have to protect them.

Maxwell09's picture

It sounds like the kid is doing everything in his power for attention. You need to let his dad find a solution because it sounds like you've done all you can and its not working. I don't know what could have happened to this little boy to make him feel such hatred so young in his life. Find a new counselor for him because the one he has isn't fixing squat. You don't have to leave your relationship but I suggest you and your kids live separately from your husband and his kid until he resolves the boy's issues.

ETexasMom's picture

Have you taken him to the local mental/behavior health center? If not do that! I know here you get a case manager who will help with skills training and try to teach him how to behave. If you have a therapist for him you need to see if you and hubby can go too. Also call a meeting with the school and have hubby go too so he can see how out of control his son is at school.

Above all protect the smaller children!

twoviewpoints's picture

" Where the H*** is he learning this crap?"

Very likely from your own words.

" He threatened to jump on my 1 year olds neck to break it and kill him. He threatened to push my three year old down the stairs at home, he threatened to burn our house down and grabbed a lighter i had there that i had forgotten about and showed me he knew how to work it. He said he was going to put stuff in mine and his father mouth while we are sleeping so we choke and die"

These are all things Dad and/or you would say to toddlers and a young child. Don't put that in your mouth, you'll choke. Don't play around the stairs someone will fall down them. Stop being rough you could really hurt x doing that.

He's taking your worse fears and acting them out in his threats. Of course does it matter were he came up with all these ideas? That's the least of your problems.

As a mother it is your responsibility to protect these babes. You mention kid is seeing a psychologist several times a week. What is his/her beliefs as to the true safety to the other children? Surely these type of treats have been disclosed and discussed? Why did you take this child to your work place and expose your toddler to an already out of control kid. In an confined environment no less.

Your husband needed to be called to the school, retrieve his son . Not you and two innocent toddlers. Where is the child now and was his psychologist called?

ChiefGrownup's picture

I think residential care. I have friends who had to place their 7 year old in residential care. He was in and out for years and seems to be doing fairly well in high school now. But, yes, a 7 year old was too dangerous for them and they had no younger kids in the home. They are good people. It just had to be done.

Second, you can't go on like this forever. Your dh is living in a dream world. Let him have it all to himself. Leave. Get a custody order that keeps the kids away from the other boy or dad's visits are supervised at all times. This shouldn't be hard to get because your dh does not want to take care of his kids as it is. He will be up the creek without you to handle them. If he's on his own, there's no way he will fight you for more custody.

Your life and kids lives will be so much better. This lazy, selfish male (not going to call him a man) and his disturbed child are millstones around your neck and a real danger to your children. You cannot save the boy so don't feel guilty.

robin333's picture

You need to leave. If your DH has resisted doing anything to remedy the situation it is on you to save your kids and yourself. I absolutely would get a nanny cam or somehow record what he does as well as make copies of emails, letters from his teachers regarding his behavior.

Also, protect your finances. Get bank statements, documentation of your DH'S income so he doesn't come after you for support. Personally, I would do all that then if DH refuses inpatient facility for SS, I'd change the locks and file for custody immediately (why you need SS recorded). And I would close all joint accounts, banking and credit cards before I changed the locks.

MommyMayI's picture

I forgot about the finances. Definitely find a way to prove that he gets paid under the table. Dh got screwed in cs because bm gets paid cash for cutting hair