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Guess parent of the year season is over

Stepmom09's picture

Today I had to drop somethings off at SS school. BM emailed DH to have him pay her back the fee she paid the school a few days ago. Smart DH asked for a receipt BM never responded. While I was at the school I asked them to look up if it had actually been paid. It hadn't I paid it and we are going to ask BM to pay us back her half. It isn't the money that is the issue it was under $20 it's the saying she paid it and asking DH for half when none of it was paid. Also, to top everything off BM said it was more then it was. BM isn't emailing DH back and avoided talking at the drop off by walking SS almost to DH but then stop about 15ft away and sent him over. Does anyone else go through stages like this were BM is overly involved like 5 to 10 emails a day then a period of time when there is no response? SS I think even knows what is going on I guess he has been allowed to watch TV as late as he wants and eat whatever he wants. Yup not happening in my home.


MommyMayI's picture

Whenever dh gets served papers from court, bm acts this way. She is very distant and ignores dh. Regarding the money, you did the right thing. We never give bm any money and we don't split school expenses, that's what cs is for.

Stepmom09's picture

We are stuck splitting everything. BM claims CS is to help pay her bills and for food for SS.

Stepmom09's picture

It is court ordered Sad Trust me my DH is the opposite of spineless he has to be talked down once in awhile.

classyNJ's picture

We have her down like clockwork - NOTHING heard during SS13 baseball seasons - maybe shows upto 1 or 2 games but doesn't approach DH. SS17 football season - it's ALL season! Texts and calls about $$ and times and dates. She even joined the booster club this year. I graciously bowed out. DH told her no money for football unless SS17 needs something that he cannot buy himself.

Stepmom09's picture

I had been invited to join things like that but I said no BM later joined but I am thinking she will quit soon.

Maxwell09's picture

Yep every six weeks like clockwork. She flares up around the beginning of school and the end of school when most pictures are taken. She plays nice when she's fighting with her other baby daddy and is comfrontational and knit-picking when she's bored with her life.

I'm starting to believe there are three kinds of GUBMs: The ones that are micro-managing Dads time and is overly controlling, ones that you can't get to help with anything except cashing in CS and lastly (the kind I have) the wishy-washy ones that go from the first extreme to the other leaving the SMs confused on when to do and not do for skids.

notsobad's picture

BM used to play the money game all the time. She would claim she'd spent $$$$$ and expect to get it back from DH.

The best one was the first Xmas he went out and bought presents. She called and said he owed her for the kids presents, he said take my name off, I've got them things from me. She blew a gasket and had to return things because she'd bought them on her credit card and had no way to pay for them!

She never, ever paid any school fees. The only reason they let SS graduate was because DH helped coach and he came through at the last minute. BM told SS not to say anything because it would make DH angry and then she wouldn't get any money from him.
She tried very hard to poison the skids against their Dad but luckily there were enough other adults around them that they never believed he was as bad as she was saying.

Stepmom09's picture

SS couldn't participate if it wasn't paid in full. He is a good kid and is young I would have felt horrible if he had to sit out in front of everyone.

Stepmom09's picture

I also do not want SS to feel different the area we live in and his age there are almost no kids from parents that aren't together. There are a few that have old half siblings but no one in his class goes between 2 homes but him. I feel for him that would be tough plus BM won't let him have the same friends at both houses. If SS has a friend over to our house automatically BM hates them and won't speak to them. (Like the parent says hi and she turns around so her back is to them.) Honestly if we don't see half the fee ever it won't hurt us we simply document it and move on. If she does pay it then hey we are great parents who just donated to the school.