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I made it

P Popper's picture

Hello everyone,

I made it to my parent's house.
I went to the Dr. today with my dad as he was in a lot of pain and needed to change his medication.
He will go in for an outpatient procedure at the end of Aug.

SO has not called.
Answered my call one time and replied to a text.

I know I shouldnt even be trying to reach him, but this is all so wierd, and confusing, and frustrating for me.

On the drive here, I learned that a three of my sisters ( I have 6, and 3 brothers) are concerned about me running up mom and dad's utilities...??????? As if I wasn't going to pitch in, or help my dad with appointments, etc... wtf...

I am sleeping on my parents' sofa because they have so much stuff they cant part with that boxes fill the room I am to sleep in.
I am not even able to unpack the thing I brought with me unless I move all the boxes of theirs.

I guess this is good incentive to get out quickly.

I am on hold as I type this with Unemployment Dept. as a friend convinved me to apply as I was forced to leave my home and move states away to have a place to live.

It's all so f'd up.

I am here, safely.


NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

awww.. P Popper hugs to you! I'm sorry. I am. This is just temporary. Good for you to apply for unemployment. Keeping looking for a job and one bedrooms to rent or a bedroom in a house or a mother in law to rent and start your new life. and you need to go no contact with him to start the healing process.

Indigo's picture

Congrats on the move, that was a huge step in reclaiming your life. Regarding your siblings ... don't forget that they have their own issues in their lives and with your folks; take whatever they say "under advisement," and keep focusing on yourself.

elvr's picture

I know you must be feeling very hurt and confused right now, any move is a major stressor, worst so when it feels like it is under duress, and with the loss of a relationship, on top of it all. Please take care of yourself and give yourself time to mourn,but know that you have a lot to do to get back on your feet.

This may make you feel like a victim, but you are not. You didn't have to leave, you had a lot longer to go,even if he said that he would like you to move out by August 1,that is two weeks away,even now. Unless he did something like start eviction proceedings against you which would have taken months for him to get any results on.You didn't mention any physical abuse or threats, so I am assuming that didn't happen. You were hurt by his perceived rejection of you, and a fight/argument broke out, you decided to leave because you were angry, and you thought at some point he would stop you,beg you to come back for the 75th time, and continue limping along in a relationship that was pretty much done. But he didn't and now you may feel lost, maybe unloved. It doesn't feel like it now, but it will get better,but you have to do it for yourself. If you had indeed been making plans on all those thoughts of wishing you lived alone, and the "unbearable" conditions, you would have saved a little, got a little efficiency, stayed at your job, and worked through your feelings on your own. I have been there and done that. I would be hurt and it would come out as anger, and instead of dealing with it as an adult, I would take "my toys" and leave.Maybe that is what happened with you, maybe not, but forgive yourself first for making a move that was not the best for you. It is hard to accept responsibility for your actions when you want to be right, but sometimes we are wrong, not just to others, but ultimately to ourselves. The ol' cuttin' off your nose to spite your face, is something maybe some of us can relate to, I know I can.

Now you are at your parents,with pets and they have not made room for you, literally.You arrived with no plan, no job and perhaps by the skin of your financial teeth. If this was a SM on here telling the story,about an step moving home especially with two pets, some if not most would say hell to the naw. Some people say that once the kids leave they can't ever come back,even from school,especially from a bad breakup and definitely not with any pets. You had somewhere to live, you chose this path, and there is nothing like sleeping on a couch,at your parents house to realize that you have went from the pot to the fire. As you said, it is all so f'd up, but you can turn this around.

You have access to the net. Submit your resume to all the temp agencies in the area. Post your resume on the job portal sites,start applying for jobs, especially since you have good references from your previous employer,at least the one you visited with on the way to your parents. Today is Monday, if you play your cards right you could be working by next week, especially if you can get registered with an agency. Find out about housing resources in your area,all of them. You are currently unemployed,and even though you staying with your parents, technically you are homeless (you have no lease in your name, you are on a couch, living out of a suitcase because there is no room for your clothes,etc.) with no income and few financial resources. Go online with your state health and human resources and apply for aid,in the meantime, because you will want to eat, and it gets expensive when you don't have an inflow to match the outflow. You will also need some medical coverage, because you want to maintain your mental and physical health. I am sure on some level that your parents appreciate your help but don't think your help is going to give you a pass on sustaining yourself. It doesn't matter what your siblings think, don't get emotionally caught up in that bs.But someone didn't want to shield you from the "truth" of their concerns, so somehow you found that out, whether they told you that directly, or your parents told you, which is hint/motivation #2 in addition to not making "room" for you, that they may want to be helpful, but you are grown. Before you know it resentment will build and you will be angry with your parents for not welcoming you with open arms.

I am not a friend of yours, but as a woman, I am telling you this so that you don't devolve into a dark place, and end up stuck, because when you are emotional, it is easy to lose focus. I have been there so I am not telling you anything that I haven't seen,done, or learned from. Please take action today, and when you feel like calling your ex, find a distraction, do something constructive, take a walk, because talking to him will be a trigger for all the feelings of rejection and grief of not being with someone you have grown used to turning to. I know it's easier said then done, but you better force yourself to take one foot in front of the other, because that is how any journey begins literally and figuratively.

Please let me know if you need some help with any resources/links. Keep your head up, and remember that success is the best revenge.

P Popper's picture

Thank you, Elvr.
Yes, I am applying to jobs as I type this. Temporary agencies are next.
Thank you for the tip on seeking some type of help for shelter.
I know I could have stayed a few more weeks.
I don't take offense to what you had to say.
It's a good reminder the the realities of the situation.

The purpose of leaving was to get 'unstuck' from the old pattern of the relationship.

I am taking one day at a time.

Thanks for all of your support and good thoughts.


robin333's picture

Glad you arrived safely. I would think it's unsettling and scary, just remember that you can now focus on yourself and creating the life you want and deserve.

elvr's picture

You are most welcome. It is hard to be brave and strong, I know. I have been there, for real. I could make you laugh and cry if I told you about the time...... :O then :jawdrop: then I was like :? then something snapped in my spirit and just made me :sick:, so then I Dirol out and got }:) and stopped being :? and decided to be Smile . But it was hard and I was :? with why the hell I even allowed things to get that far. Take care and try to get all the rest you can, eat well as you can, and kick ass tomorrow.