I hate feeling like this!
I come home yesterday to a wrecked house. Thunderfoot spilled a soda all over the living room floor and didn't bother to mop it up. She decided to "be helpful" and run the dishwasher. There were maybe 5 dishes in there and the idiot used dish washing liquid so there were suds EVERYWHERE! I just let it go. Whatever. DH gets home and she was yapping his head off and he snapped at her. Of course she starts crying. So to make poor wittle baby feel better, he decided to take us out on the boat. I didn't want to go but just sucked it up and went anyway. We went to this little bar on the lake and I immediately got into the vodka. They were playing games that they have at the bar and she was hanging all over him. I was utterly disgusted. He came to the bar and said something to me. I don't even remember what it was now but it had something to do with Thunderfoot and something she has said. The first and only thing that came to mind was, "Are you fucking her or are you fucking me?" I don't give two shits about what she thinks, mainly because she is an idiot and her ideas are that of a 5 year old. He immediately got pissed off at me but honestly I really did not care. We came home and I just went to bed. This morning DH and I got up and I fixed Eggs Benedict for us. She usually never gets up until 12 but here she comes. "YUMMMM What is that? It smells good." I didn't make any for her because I knew she wouldn't eat it. DH said, "Evil can you hand me a plate so I can give her 1/2 of mine?" I rolled my eyes so hard I gave myself a headache. I handed him the plate and he gave her 1/2 of his. And of course she didn't eat it, she just pushed it around the plate. Then she said, "Thanks but I am really not hungry until midday." Then she immediately goes to the fridge and gets out the stuff to make spaghetti. What the hell kid?!?! You just said you weren't hungry! I knew she wouldn't eat the breakfast I made and DH knew it too. I see that he was just being nice but if he does not stop kissing her ass, I am going to vomit. She is around ALL the time now and I just cannot deal with it. I don't know what I am going to do but I hate this....all of it.
- EvilAngel's blog
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Is your dh the custodial
Is your dh the custodial parent? If so you have my sympathies, thunderfoot sounds awful. Doesn't she have any friends she would rather be hanging out with rather then hanging out on the weekends with her dad and stepmom?
Yes we have 100% of the time!
Yes we have 100% of the time! She has no friends and is at home all the time. When I say no friends, I mean ZERO. She never has friends over and she never goes anywhere. At 16 I was ripping the roads...not her.
haha omigosh I love the
haha omigosh I love the "praise be to god" thing when you read the notes (btw, notes?!! wtf lol) and the prom thing haha! I love how you handled this! I'm hesitant to ask, but how old is your SD to be doing things like this?!!
OP, migoodness I'm so sorry
..why would she come downstairs wanting breakfast when she doesn't usually have it?! Just to mess up your time with DH? I'm suspecting as much :/ I'm sorry x
I guess because she smelled
I guess because she smelled food and heaven forbid I get a moment alone with him!
*sigh* I don't get the whole
*sigh* I don't get the whole give them your food thing when time and again these kids reject it. I can't relate to the mini wife thing other than to offer you lots of (hugs)
I do need to have a talk with
I do need to have a talk with him soon. I guess I am going to have to do it when she is asleep or either she can listen in. I don't really care. I have tried to tell her that I am not used to kids so please give me my space. Sometimes she listens but mostly she doesn't.
I deal with this! I found a
I deal with this! I found a broken plate in the kitchen between the fridge and the cabinets. I asked about it, got told it was the other Sk and when I said you guys need to tell someone about this so no one gets glass in the foot or the dog eats it.. We told dad .. Seriosly he's been to deathly I'll to clean it up and couldn't even tell me when I got off work.
Sk sat down for breakfast and just started pushing stuff and I was like wait!! Nope knocked off an entire mcdonalds cup of water all over the floor
I'm curious, who ended up
I'm curious, who ended up mopping the floor? If she didn't get it up, I'd make DH. I do this sort of thing at my own house. DH tells skid, at my prompting, to do this or that. If it's not done, he's doing it. I'm not a maid, I demand everyone pick up and clean up after themselves. There is not compromising on this.
I did it. I shouldn't have
I did it. I shouldn't have but I was mad at just went ahead. She "tried" to get it up with paper towels but we have hardwood floors and it was sticky. How hard is it to mop? She just doesn't get anything she is told. DH told her not to eat or drink in the living room. She can see the TV from the kitchen. Came home yesterday and there is an open bag of goldfish shoved in the couch cushions. So DH had to say something to her AGAIN about food in the living room.
SD11 made a mess last night
SD11 made a mess last night and today in kitchen and living room. Plates and bowls of chips, some kind of syrup concoction too. Nothing cleaned up. Last night DP brought one bowl to the kitchen for her. To him that he should leave it and have her clean up in the morning. He looked at me like I kicked his puppy...poor SD couldn't really clean up her stuff, it would make her have to lift a finger! I let it go.
This afternoon I told DP that she needed to clean up her stuff before she leaves (hours before). Nada. She's walking out the door and I DO say something...my house and it's NOT going to have crap all over the place. She goes back to clean it while DP says, oh yeah...come ON!
That's how I feel. This is MY
That's how I feel. This is MY house and I am not going to live in filth. I have tried just leaving it but I can't stand to look at it. Just CLEAN UP after yourself for the love of God. It's not that hard! But someone else has done it for her ALL her life, so now I have to retrain a 16 year old.