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Lol it took her a full month to ask for money

Sparklelady's picture

It took BM just two days to ask for money when SDthen16 left, but she waited a full month before asking for SS16.
She won't get a penny. Where we are, you have to go to court, for CS and he makes about half of what she does. And the legal cost alone outweighs what she'd get for the next 18 months. We learned this five years ago when she owed us a couple hundred a month. Our lawyer wisely advised us not to bother. When SD left, and BM came with her hand out, DH said "Sure. Just as soon as you pay us what you owe us!" And we never heard another word. Now she's trying again. I'll just advise DH to ignore her completely. No point in even responding. Douche.


Jinger_VZ's picture

Maybe she is timing it to moon settings relevant to 16 years and x-amount of days?

Don't pay her one cent! She doesn't deserve it. All these BMs want is more money from you, yet they won't pay up when they need to.

Sparklelady's picture

That's entirely it. Three years she owed us $250/month. Nothing. Another two years at $100 a month. We never said these BM's don't have nerve, though!

Sparklelady's picture

Honestly it's not going to happen. Her lawyer will tell her the same - she'll have to take us to court and since it's only 18 months til he's 18, she'll spend $2500 + to get maybe $3600. I would happily pay legal fees out of my own pocket before we allow her one cent. But of course, we have a long history with her as many here do. (I just found out she contacted my DH about this, so I'm mildly riled up.) It'll pass shortly lol Wink

kathc's picture

They always try asking for money at some point, even if they're getting cs they try asking for more. In a way I almost can't blame them, if you ask you have a shot at getting they've got some initiative. Too bad they don't use that initiative to get off their asses and earn their own damn money. (Wait, did you say bm makes twice what your dh makes? Is that right and she still has the balls to ask for money? Geesh)

Jilly's picture

Your husband refuses to pay towards the maintenance of his son and you are encouraging this? What if your roles were reversed and the wife of your ex husband did not think your ex husband should pay for his minor child?

It is wrong to not contribute to the welfare of a child. It does not matter that his mother earns more than your husband. I hope your step son realizes that his Dad is a dead beat.

kathc's picture

His ex wife was refusing to pay cs when their child lived with him. All evens out is what I'm thinking,

JustAgirl42's picture