He's got to stop
If DH does not stop pushing Thunderfoot on me....yesterday I said that I should have just gone to the pool. He said, "Well there is still plenty of time if you want to take TF." I told him I didn't feel like being out in the heat. Then he said,"On Saturday when I go do that side job, you and TF just go to the pool and I will meet you there." No I'm not doing that. I am not spending my day with her!
Last night we were watching a movie and she came through the living room to go to the kitchen and DH said,"Hey Thunderfoot come in here and watch this!" It was some stupid movie that I wasn't into but still, we were cuddled up on the couch having a nice evening. She comes and plops her ass down right beside me. I just got up and took my puppy outside. Wtf DH? I don't want her in my face all the damn time!!!
- EvilAngel's blog
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She follows me around asking
She follows me around asking dumbass questions all the time! I usually hide in my room or find some excuse to leave the house.
She's clueless. She asked me
She's clueless. She asked me what time it was today. There is a clock hanging on the wall and I pointed at it and raised my eyebrows at her. She said she couldn't read it. What? I told her the time and she got up to look at the clock and swore that the big hand was on the 6 when she looked not 5 mins before. No it wasn't but whatever. Then she was going to make pancakes and asked me how the griddle worked. Seriously? I said to plug it in and check the temperature. She's been babied for so long that she doesn't know how to do anything! Daddy will do it for her. That is all well and good but EvilAngel isn't going to do basic shit for a 16 year old kid.
Don't let it get you. My sd
Don't let it get you.
My sd still doesn't know how to turn on the stove and she's already in college. The bm wouldn't teach them anything beside spending money and throwing tantrum if things do not happen their way....Don't bother to teach them anything. Told them wait for your father or call your mom because i don't know how to do it either. About the clock..tell her you should have learnt this in 3rd grade sweetie and ask your mom to get you a digital watch or use her phone. I'm sure she has one of those smart phone.
Move the tv to the different room and enjoy your show by yourself. I did that to my dh until he complained i don't spend enough time with him. I told him i don't make you chose between me or you children but since your children have no respect and treat me as if i'm invisible so i'm not going waste my time with them and I continue to do whatever i enjoy in my house and you're welcome to join me WITHOUT them
Hope it helps.
Thanks! I came home this
Thanks! I came home this afternoon and it's just another bunch of crap! She was drinking a soda in the living room and the dogs knocked it over. First off she is not supposed to be eating or drinking in the living room. She 1/2 ass cleaned it up. There was shit all over the counters where she had eaten. Then she asked me why the dishwasher was so sudsy. The idiot ran the dishwasher with maybe 5 dishes in it but instead of the dishwasher tabs but used dish soap!!! Jesus H Christ!
I get that you don't want her
I get that you don't want her pushed on you. Trust me- I GET IT.
But don't you also see how it hurts him each time you reject the precious fruit of his loins? ( I know, I gagged a little even typing it)
Can you guys negotiate?? 4 "family" dinners a week and two joint excursions in exchange for 2 date nights and 2 skid free excursions?
I feel your pain. My DH has a socially awkward spawn who has the personality of a piece of old bark. He is utterly JOYLESS to be around. But I also recognize that he is the light of my DH's life and his most shining achievement and through this utterly un-spectacular child all things are (not) possible.
We already have dinner
We already have dinner together unless he and I go out. As far as the movie thing, she would have just gone into the kitchen and eaten and then gone back to her room if he hadn't insisted she come watch.
Does he know this, like for a
He knows how I feel about
He knows how I feel about being around her. And I've been a lot better since she moved in. I actually do have conversations with her. But I am not for her entertainment. If he wants to take her to the pool, he can take her.
LMAO at Thunderfoot. SD6 has
LMAO at Thunderfoot. SD6 has dad's ...um, hobbit feet, yeah, I couldn't remember that term right away. Hobbit feet. That's the ticket. And they just sweat from running around barefoot for an hour, what's that shit? It's gross. They're always all clammy. Poor kid
And this is my point exactly!
And this is my point exactly! I don't have kids because I'm not a kid person! I have told both of them this. It's not that I am trying to be a bitch but I've never had kids and I don't want to be around one all the time!
Have you explained to your DH
Have you explained to your DH why his daughter is so annoying? That him babying her has turned her into an intolerable person? I mean, she's 16 (is that right?) and she has no friends and nothing to do, that has to say something to him.
I know it's hard for these guys to see their kids for what they really are but, geez, I didn't want to be anywhere near my parents when I was 16.
Also, I could tell time AND cook (way before 16). I could even look at the clock and figure out what time it was, while flipping a pancake on a hot griddle that I plugged in all by myself.
My SD24 was never that annoying (with all of the questions and stuff), even when she was young, but I have never wanted kids so my involvement with her was strictly up to me.
I did finally get my DH to understand this, even though he wanted me to be more involved with her since her mother didn't really do things with her.
He knew when we first started dating that I did not want kids. Like I told him, "I did not go under the knife and get my tubes tied for nothing."
Now that SD is 24, I still don't enjoy being around her because she has NO personality. She knows nothin' about nothin' and it's like trying to have a conversation with a piece of cheese. At least you can eat the cheese. And have a glass of wine with it.
And now SD has 2 kids and I don't like being around them, either. Yes, I'm step mom and step grandma of the year.
Valid point and I used that
Valid point and I used that with my DH as well, but Evil's DH is CP and BM is not in the picture at all, so it would be nice if her SD was less annoying and acted her age.
Yes I'm stuck with her 100%
Yes I'm stuck with her 100% of the time. She has no contact with her BM because she's a fruit bat in the looney bin and is also an escort. Exactly the reason I question whether DH is really her father or not.
Use to drive me nuts when SD
Use to drive me nuts when SD would be pushed on me. Hubby did this for five years. And he won. I now parent her more than he does.
Hubby: one
WTF: zero