Since I was a tease...
Here is a link to see Thunderfoot's BM. She is the one they are ripping apart. She is NOT one of the commentators. I was laughing so hard at this and I thought that I should share. THIS is also embarrassing because MY DH had sex with this....thing.....he HAD to have been on some serious shit at the time. I hope anyway....
- EvilAngel's blog
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Yeah she is a class act for
Yeah she is a class act for sure. :sick:
Oh this makes me think we
Oh this makes me think we should have a whose BM is trashier photo comp.
Softheart's mom is a whore
Softheart's mom is a whore too...but she not as ugly as Thunderfoot's mom. She's no beauty queen but she's better looking, I guess.
A very naughty tease. Check
A very naughty tease. Check your pm's
No screaming and running off in to the traffic. You saw what I look like.
You my dear are very lovely!
You my dear are very lovely!
My other half moved up in the
My other half moved up in the world as it were
Amen!!! Mine did too! I don't
Amen!!! Mine did too! I don't mean to blow smoke but he gets asked in front of me how the hell he landed me. LOL!
HAHAHA! Dancer...yeah
HAHAHA! Dancer...yeah
Our used to be a very highly
Our used to be a very highly paid product specialist and then BI lead published in the IT field. She however was a little too free with her favours at the various companies she worked at. She cannot get references and is now unemployable in our field. Nor does she want to work. She just wants to stay home, play WOW, be on gaming forums and drink box wine (sorry outtahere no refection on you).
LOL I love a good juice box!
LOL I love a good juice box! But I have to work so I can't sit at home playing on line and getting wasted all day.
Oh not this juice box, it's
Oh not this juice box, it's like vinegar. Costs about US$5.50. The box is 5 litres ...
In his defense (not that he
In his defense (not that he has much of one) this video was taken 7 years after they did whatever...excuse me while I vomit. I don't think she was an escort when he met her but I am not 100% positive either. I think she was a band groupie...because he used to play in a band. Either way she's still disgusting and he was (and still can be) an idiot!!!
Wait - the blond chick in the
Wait - the blond chick in the video? Is that who we're talking about? Sorry I'm still sleepy...
Yes the one that they just
Yes the one that they just show a picture of. The escort. Scraggly blonde.
Holy crap on a cracker...
Holy crap on a cracker... That just wins the prize.. you have the best post of the month !
But but but we haven't
But but but we haven't entered anyone else's skanky BM!
True, true... but no one else
True, true... but no one else can vet up a video out from the almost news and out calling the BM a Ho! Where's your video Mon?
No Jabba, there are no
No Jabba, there are no camera's that can go in that wide
I win! Stop whining! LOL
I win! Stop whining! LOL
I know, hush now. I'm trying
I know, hush now. I'm trying to see who else wants to share with us.
(No subject)
Want to see Jabba
Want to see Jabba
Oooooh actual mug shots?
Oooooh actual mug shots?
Jabba for a short time only,
Jabba for a short time only, the real one not my usual Star Wars picture
Wowza. She looks a little
Wowza. She looks a little manly...and drunk...
Did your Thunderfoot see
Did your Thunderfoot see that??
She's not MY anything!!! LOL
She's not MY anything!!! LOL
I'm not sure if she has seen it or not. She did mention her BM last night and she rarely does that. It was kind of weird.
Sorry... Really, sorry about
Sorry... Really, sorry about that comment I retract - please don't delete my comments
I forgive's still
I forgive's still early!
She is an idiot...period! Did
She is an idiot...period! Did you hear them say that she is probably the reason he lost his mind? LOL
This is Softheart's BM...she
This is Softheart's BM...she ain't much better.
Umm is she clothed?
Umm is she clothed?
HAHA! That's off her
HAHA! That's off her Facebook. She has on a tube top. She should NEVER wear a tube top....
She looks a bit like an aging
She looks a bit like an aging Lindsay Lohan.
No I do too!!!
No I do too!!!
WOW, small world,
WOW, small world, Thunderfoot's BM is in my neck of the woods.
I'm just saying that all this
I'm just saying that all this took place really close to where I live. The Va Tech shooting was 10 minutes away and from looking up the BM through Google it seems she lives not to far away from here either. Sorry for the confusion.
LOL it's fine. You aren't
LOL it's fine. You aren't very far from me...very small world. She is currently living in the looney bin. Has been for some time now.
That is one fish he should
That is one fish he should have thrown back.
Classy!!!! The craptastic
Classy!!!! The craptastic BM I have to deal with can eat corn on the cob one kernal at a time... :sick:
Let me make sure I understand
Let me make sure I understand this:
BM (your DH's ex) is the girl in the yellow and she was "hired" by the VA Tech shooter? But she never followed through because he was too crazy?
She looks like a man dressed as a woman. But so does DH's ex too.
The scraggly haired blonde is
The scraggly haired blonde is Thunderfoot's BM.
She DOES look like a man dressed in drag. I have always thought that!
Wow... to be made fun of like
Wow... to be made fun of like that on National TV. Wow oh wow
That could possibly be why
That could possibly be why she's in the looney bin BUT I have also snooped on her FB page and she has clearly always been a fruit bat.
....No, your DH's ex looks
....No, your DH's ex looks like Mrs. Clause
Shitastic. An "escort"
Shitastic. An "escort" eh?
Damn, our BM just gives it away for free.
Of course, yours is pretty compared to ours. Yeah. Let that sink in. How do ya think I feel? LMAO
I chalk it up to DH was stupid and, I hope, drunk. In my head he was drunk. lol
WORSE??? Wow...I didn't think
WORSE??? Wow...I didn't think it could get much worse than THAT!
Yes it is FOR REAL her
Yes it is FOR REAL her mother. Thunderfoot looks just like her except she has brown hair.
I want to punch him in the
I want to punch him in the throat. I found a blog about her calling her a notorious slut. I mean, he couldn't have been THAT big of an idiot because he did know her. A friend of mine actually used to date her. I do not personally know the woman, nor do I want to. I seriously HOPE that he was just drunk or drugged up OUT OF HIS MIND when he slept with her.
THAT is the exact reason I
THAT is the exact reason I want to do one. I don't know if he had one or not. I really don't think she is his!