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So my car is crunched now

omgstop's picture

Last year, osdstb17 crunched dh's truck. Last night, she got in a minor collision and now the front end of the drivers side door is jacked up. Nothing serious, but it looks like shit now.

I literally just stayed on the couch finishing out Fable 3 when she came in with dh because I'm not surprised.

And Hodor is coming over for two days starting now.

And I have no whiskey.



omgstop's picture

Yeah man, it blows. Trying to keep cool though, otherwise I will totally lose my shit, and that won't help anyone lol.

omgstop's picture

This is where I'm at. She tried to pull the, "like smom is ever gonna met me drive her car again" bit with dh, so that I could hear it. I didn't answer at that point, other than to say, "what does it matter? it's a piece of shit like the truck now", because I was so emotional. All that being said, nope, not driving my car anymore.

omgstop's picture

Nope she gives ZERO fucks about anything that isn't hers. She just started working and was supposed to pay off the damages to her dad's truck. Not sure how we are gonna handle this now; does she pay for damages to both vehicles? If so, that puts her in my home past next summer, which I really don't want to deal with. To boot how will she get her own car? I'm TIRED of living with her.

And yes, she absolutely would have the nerve to ask to drive it again. Too bad for her, never again.

omgstop's picture

I let her use the car to drive a friend home from work, it was a short trip didn't think much of it. Just par for the course I guess. Ugh.

omgstop's picture

Oh she called and cried to her rich gram that is paying for it. /eyeroll

I just can't wait for her to move out...

omgstop's picture

The best I can do is disallow her from driving my car anymore...not sure what her dad is gonna do about his truck...