OT: My three-year-old daughter just handed my ass back to me....
Long story short, BD is very "touchy/feely". When we watch TV she has to press up against you. It's a tad annoying and DW and I are trying to teach her that there is a difference between "cuddling" and "invading personal space". She does this at the dinner table too. She'll push her chair so that it is touching mine (or DW's) and she will eat while pressing her side against ours.
When we tell her to stop she will say "But I wanna touch you!" over and over....I guess it is a comfort thing with her?
So yesterday BD was playing on her iPad minding her own business and I decide to press up against her to basically show her how annoying it is.
BD: "Daddy! Stop touching me!"
Me: "But I wanna touch you!"
BD: "Don't touch me!"
Me: "But I wanna touch you!"
DW spit out her drink and was laughing so hard, her stomach hurt. I just sat there stunned. My little girl just beat me in a battle of wits....and she's 3!
I can't wait until she's 13.
- Drac0's blog
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I have a co-worker like that.
I have a co-worker like that. If we are standing and he's too close, I will step back. He steps forward, I step back. But we've known each other a long time so I have no problem telling him to back the fuck up!
Oh no. . .the "close talker"
Oh no. . .the "close talker" -Seinfeld
OMG - there is a guy who
OMG - there is a guy who works in my department who is totally creepy. He does the coming up behind you and looking over your shoulder thing. Pretty much to stare down your shirt. He even told the secretary that she had "a nice pair," and when she gave him a dirty look, he said, "MONITORS. Your computer monitors." Um, yeah, whatever. I can't stand dealing with him because it is look-me-in-the-eye, look-at-my-chest, look-me-in-the-eye, look-at-my-chest.
Yes, we have complained and nothing has been done. He has just been moved (so far) to not have to work with women on our team. ::sigh::
Oh wow that is hysterical!
Oh wow that is hysterical! Guess she knows what your point is...but when she wants to do it she doesn't feel like its that annoying.
When sd does this (mind you
When sd does this (mind you she's turning 11, she's not 3) I quickly move/get up) she's leaning so much that she literally falls over. Then looks at me like I seriously just pulled the rug out from beneath her.
Then I tell her, if you ate so tired that you can't hold your ownown sown self up go to bed.
There is a difference between cuddling and leaning. I'm not into the leaning thing, especially from a 120lbs child. It hurts my back! With a 3yo is understandable. It is definitely a good idea for her to learn people have personal space boundaries. My rule is to envision people walking around with a hula hoop around them... this is their personal space, any closer and is uncomfortable.
DW used to do that to SS!
DW used to do that to SS! He'd lean on her while watching TV, fall asleep. She would get up and *PLUNK*, he'd face-plant himself into the couch.
Lol its truly funny to see
Lol its truly funny to see their face like "Wtf just happened?!". I've told her "I don't mind hugs, I'll hug you all day long, but leaning on me like that hurts!"
*LOL* Smart kid. For what
For what it's worth, mine (not quite 3 yet) do it too. Kids need touch, way more than adults do. My 6 year old has grown out of it, for the most part, at least that "leaning on you when you're trying to eat" thing. She'll grow out of it too.
My first thoughts were also
My first thoughts were also "wow, she sounds very smart!"
BD is becoming independent!!
BD is becoming independent!! A sign of healthy development!!
you do actually realise
you do actually realise DracO, that I was reading this on my phone in the back yard, and I literally LOL'd.. then heard a noise behind me and noticed our neighbour was hanging laundry next door. I now look like a crazy woman. Thanks. Hahaha but really, that's hilarious!!!!
You know what? A couple of
You know what? A couple of weeks ago I was BBQing while the neighbor's kid was playing in her yard with a friend. BD came to the patio door from the inside and started doing the "blowfish" routine (She seals her lips against the glass and blows so her cheeks puff up). I started LOL'ing really loud.
Neighbor and her friend thought I was crazy too.
hahahaha!!! silent but deadly
hahahaha!!! silent but deadly bahaha