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How Classy is this Broad?

EvilAngel's picture

We had to meet Softheart's mom the other afternoon. We meet at this park and ride that is sort of 1/2 between. She gets the shorter drive, imagine that. There was a guy standing in the parking lot that looked like a total scumbag. I said something about him to DH when we pulled in. Softheart and DH got out, he was giving her a CS check. I just sat in the car. I could hear them talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying. DH comes back to the car and said,"Did you hear what she said?" I told him I thought I heard the word "dick" but wasn't sure. She told DH,"See that guy standing over there? He's been trying to hit on me the whole time I've been here." DH said," Ok." Then she said,"Yup I got dick everywhere!" And laughed. She's soooo classy! The guy looked like he had crawled out from under the trailer park but then again she does too so I guess that's to be expected.


tryingmom's picture

I would have made sure she saw me laughing my ass off!! Yes, every troll offering dick is looking for you! }:)

EvilAngel's picture

When he told me what she had said, I just shook my head and said, "WOW!" I thought it was hilarious that I had mentioned what trash he looked like and she was impressed he offered her dick!

EvilAngel's picture

She dresses like a complete skank when she goes out and she goes out a lot! She and her best friend got into it not too long ago because she was bragging on all the attention she was getting. Her friend said "You have on a tube top and gold shoes, of course you are going to get attention." This is according to Softheart.

kathc's picture

LMAO "tube top and gold shoes"

Oh wow

Now I know what to look for at KMart when I want to dress as a trashy whore for Halloween!

Tuff Noogies's picture

*giggles* one time at a sport event for the boys, some lady walked by in a tube top, looked trashy/clubbing - totally out of place. of course we all busted out laughing, even the boys.

the next game, dumbass showed up sporting a similar outfit.
Biggrin }:) Biggrin dh and i found that thoroughly amusing. Wink

EvilAngel's picture

She is far from normal and does resemble a hooker most of the time so you are right....he could have been asking for rates.

DaizyDuke's picture

When BM1 got arrested at Walmart last year for shoplifting, GBM told DH that the cops were hitting on BM1 (who was 8 months pregnant at the time) when they were arresting her. We laughed and laughed about that... still do a year later.

Cause we all know that cops use Walmart to hook up with pregnant, trailer trash, meth head hoes who they are busting for shoplifting AT WALMART Biggrin