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Double standards or I don't know WTF this is about HELP... This is LONG

Biomomof2's picture

Hello. I've posted on here a couple of times. DH and I are still together but he has to attented counseling which he has been, and we must start marriage counseling. I have changed a couple of other things as well, he isn't alone with bios and I have stood up for both more and more.
This is the issue today.
Back in the end of 2014 we had gotten behind on a some bills and DH had a shopping (Amazon) issue. I asked him could he please wait to shop until all the bills are paid and talk to me about spending? He was spending around $3,000 a month on Amazon. So today he is mad at me because of spending. He wants the receipt for a trip to Target where I bought cleaning supplies, pet supplies, and a couple of things for my kids. I talk to him prior to every purchase. For example friend is doing Tupperware. I wanted some. Looked through the catalog got my order together went to DH showed him, asked if he was ok with this, if he wanted anything and then bought it. My kids need clothes. Great sales on Monday. Looked at a website for some shirts for BS and some pants for DD I can't do her shirts online, she is TALL and skinny so it is hard. Showed him what I had put in the cart, showed him some other shirts and asked his opinion. He agreed and liked the other shirts and pair of pants for DD. So I added them and checked out.

So I get a text this morning and ALL spending is being put on me. He is not even taking into account the PGE bill, us (yes me and him going to the movies) I took the time to screen shot our online statement and address each charge. He didn't even read the text. In fact, he text me while I'm taking DD to school, I come home and read it and respond. He comes out side looks at me being on Facebook and says oh, so you don't even care? I asked what he meant. He goes on about how I didn't even respond. I made it clear I did and he wanted to argue with me. I had him check his phone again and there is my text. Which he then proceeds to not even read. He wants to print out the bank statement and address each line (which I did in my text). I told him yesterday before I left I checked the bank online, called and cleared a pending deposit and he questions it. In fact, he questions everything I do. He said in controlling and if I can do it so can he. I told him yes you can. All I ever asked for was you wait until bills where paid and talked to me about what you were buying. So yes, please do as I've been doing. He is mad, stuck on I called him a liar back in November. Why did I call him a liar? Because he made a promise to handle spending as I've stated above and then didn't. That is a lie. I stuck on him calling me controlling. I'm controlling because I ask he does as stated above? Who is having to show receipts and justify everything I buy? Not him.

with just about everything from do we have bread to where I go, I am made to prove what I'm saying. He questions everything. If I can't prove it, like I was upset and went for a drive and blared the radio, can't PROVE where I was, he doubts what I say and tries to pick it apart. Yet he doesn't understand why I get tired of him "just saying" the comments about everything.

I posted in my blog about how I needed an exit plan before and how it would take time. Life for my kids is better, I've mad sure of that. Still doing everything I need to do for me. But some of it takes time. You all were right about standing up for my kids. Now, I need help understanding this crap he pulls and how to shut it down. I can't change him, but I can change my reactions so I don't get caught up in it.


Biomomof2's picture

It's not I want to leave. It's im not going to be caught on the street with two kids. So I create a savings account. If I need it to leave, it's there. If I dont, and counseling actually helps then we can use it for a vacation.

Biomomof2's picture

I brought up separating finances. That is NOT the kind of marriage he wants. What am I trying to hide? At this moment he is on disability awaiting a diagonsis. I'm his personal care taker. So a lot of finances can't be separated.

misSTEP's picture

Of COURSE he doesn't want to separate finances. Whose money would he use to spend too much then???

That may not be the type of marriage he wants to have but is this the type of marriage YOU want to have??

Biomomof2's picture

I have tried all of that. Can we set up a budget is where I started. He didn't want to be "on a leash" it would dictate how much extra he got to spend. So that is where I said ok. Then can you please wait until all bills are paid and just talk to me about spending. I've been modeling what I asked for. If I want to buy something I run it by him. He is all pissed right now because I went to Target bought dog food, cat food, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene stuff and DD/DS some stuff. DD has a end of the year party at school today. She needed a bathing suit, towel and sunscreen. I got them both some air freshener for their rooms. DS has 2 reptiles in his room so it smells like reptiles and DD likes things to smell good. I bought DS underware and deodorant. I have 2 German Shephards (suppose to be our dogs but he doesn't take care of them. My 5 month old, he has feed once and even told me I did it FOR you, we disagree there too. I tell the dogs NO and he gives him positive attention. Kinda what he did when fauxSGD was here and he does it with DD too) anyways just the dogs we spend about $300 a month in food, treats and stuff. Together we bring in almost $10,000 a month but have no savings because he doesn't want to budget. Now he has an issue with me buying my kids clothes even though before I bought them I showed him everything and asked his opinion. Even though BF is $12,000 in arrears I still get about $900 a month in CS. My kids need clothes. That is what CS is for.

Biomomof2's picture

Yeh. Everything you said is how I feel. I just like second opinions because I'm aware feelings cloud judgement. I have had the CS conversation with him before. His response at the time was then every penny you spend on them I will spend on fauxSGD. When she was here I responding with Oh, so your going to actually get the CS and help you can for her? Nope. If I got $900 CS to spend on 2 kids it meant he could spend $900 on just her. And round and round we go.
He deflects a lot. He just forgot my birthday last week. And I let it go. Said we could do dinner out with my kids when they came home from BF. So Monday comes. He slept all day. At 5pm he gets up. I bring up dinner and he wanted to "wait until tomorrow so I could figure out where I wanted to go" I told him I don't really care just want to go to dinner as a family for my birthday. That turned into him saying we didn't have time, he could pick up a cake but then Id have cake and no presents. I repeated I just want to go to dinner. But he wanted it a certain way so he said. Got mad at me. Tuesday I went to dinner with just my kids as he had caused a huge fight. I ended up taking my kids to pick out a cake and presents. This last weekend he asked if I wanted to go to dinner since we never got to for my birthday. We went, no happy birthday not even a card. But if I bring it up, I'm holding a grudge and he felt bad.

Biomomof2's picture

Yes yes and yes. His counseling is my way of seeing if this is permanent him or depressed not working him. I am giving counseling a year. If it is still like this, well I'll either be crazy or leaving.

Biomomof2's picture

Yes, but here is the interesting twist. He has sent her back to her mom, signed the paperwork for step dad to adopt, signed over his gaurdianship and told His Step daughter he was done with her and her kids. He did all that without a word to me. It came right after fauxSGD attacked her mom like she use to with me, ran away and lied to the cops. Maybe he got a wake up call that it isn't me, it's step faux SGD and she very well could land him in jail and he could lose his professional license. He consulted with a therapist, his and FauxSGD and his attorney without a word to me. All told him to run very far from fauxSGD. So now he has nothing to do with his Exstep daughter and her family.
Oh. Spending wise it wasn't all on this kid. It was anything and everything. As far as faux SGD his spending with her was crazy. Bought her a nook for her birthday spend over $800 on it and covers and everything he loaded on it. Then I brought up getting my kids Kindle fires. Oh, that's not fair to fauxSGD so let's buy her one too. We spend over $1500 on Christmas that year. This year I spent $250 on each one of my kids and it was a big deal to him and too much because he wanted to buy me something nice. By birthday just came and went. He FOrGOT.
This whole thing is a big mess

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Yes, this is him. He spent hours on amazon looking for panties for both faux sgd and OP's bio daughter. OP's BS was not leaving his sister or mother alone with step-dad.
There was much discussion on the blogs as to if it was a real problem or not. The last the OP said is that she was leaving him.

Biomomof2's picture

I PMed her. Yes, it was him. He started counseling. And I stopped leaving my kids alone with him. Many things have changed. But mainly, I've changed how I treat the situation.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

You said he "has to attend counseling." Is it because you want him to or has he been ordered by a court or other formal entity? Is the counseling for the inappropriate behavior with the girls?

Glad to hear you are changing how you treat the situation. Worried that you are staying with a man that you can't trust to leave alone with your kids.

WTF...REALLY's picture

You live with someone that you can't leave your kids home with? And money is what you are concerned with?

I remember this story, man obsessed with buying little girls underwear.....yeah....still gross, still wrong.

misSTEP's picture

My Dh used to be like that. What did I do to get him to quit? I moved out. Insecurity and jealousy was the underlying reason for him being so hyper-controlling. BM screwed around on him repeatedly and spent a lot of his money without asking so I can understand that. But I couldn't allow it to affect my health, which it was. I tried every way I could think of to stop it but it continued on. Then I moved out.

Among the other conditions I had in order for us to reconcile, he quit doing that kind of crap. Partly because he knew I wouldn't take it. Partly because he expected that if I moved out, I would be moving in with another guy. Since I moved into my OWN place, he realized how stupid he was being and that I was being honest. It also helped for him to get on anti-anxiety medication.

In your case, I would definitely split finances. As long as he pays his share of the bills, he can spend spend spend all he WANTS on whatever else. Just don't EVER give him any cash to make up for his shortfall!

Think of him as an addict. Him having access to your money is you enabling that addiction.

Biomomof2's picture

I get mad at this whole issue. I wasn't swimming in money when we met but my kids had clothes, I had a savings, all bills were paid. He makes enough and asked me if I would watch fauxSGD for him while he worked and he would cover my paycheck. So I quit. He never paid me, this was before we got married. He would spend $500 on clothes for fauxSGD and my kids went without because he never paid me. From the beginning to end (I consider the end of that arrangement when we got married but I still watched her) he owes me 2 1/2 years of $1250 a month. Yep, he would have paid and was paying $1750 a month before meeting me as he works 3to 4 12 hour shifts. He had afterschool care and overnight care with different people. So he was saving money with our deal but he never did. Now, I can't even by them clothes with CS without him getting mad. And dramatic. He just threw his debut card at me and said there you can have it. Right now the only reason I'm not working is he is on disability from a work related issue and can't drive. So I do everything from handle his attorney to drive him to the doctor

DPW's picture

I really think you'd benefit from your own counselling. You need to figure out why you think that this is an acceptable way to be treated in your marriage. I'll refrain from telling you what I think of your DH as it is not pretty.