Oh thank God! got it to post, here is my horror story, please advise:
Ok 4 different vets have told me my dog needs TPLO surgery on her knee, really both of them! My not so DH is completely irrational about it, to the point where we are now about to split over getting the dog medical care! He has gone so far as to say he will take her and hide her, to keep me from getting her operated on!!
TO give more info, the dogs equivalent to ACL is torn, and while at this point she can still walk, she has been struggling for a long time while we tried to deny the severity, then now while he irrationally denies her medical care?
Has anyone ever heard of anyone taking a dog to keep it from getting medical care? I am so pissed I am ready to go to the mat for her and split up if need be. He is being a total idiot about this and was starting to accept the surgery is scheduled in 2 weeks, when the neighbor said she wouldn't do it, so now we are splitting up over it again.
I am not sure what my legal rights are but am sick of being abused on this topic. The dog cannot walk and is in pain that will only increase, and really needs it on both knees but they will only do one at a time, there is a 12 week recovery period.
Please let me know if anyone has any helpful input, thanks
He says there is nothing wrong with her, and he cannot see her decline and coping strategies, her weakness, etc. He is completely irrational about it and I am furious. He took her to the first dr., decided it was a crock and has been undermining it ever since.
He says, no one is going to 'mutilate' his dog? insane
Be careful with tplo surgery. We had it on our shepherd and he was due to have it on the other leg too. We never did the other leg and the ligament healed on its own. The leg where he had the tplo has major bone degeneration around the steel plate. There have been links between tplo and osteosarcoma (bone cancer). Maybe a second opinion??
This is my first post after many months of lurking, but I had to chime in on this subject. My dog also had an ACL issue and I was leary of TPLO surgery. Luckily my veterinarian will listen to his clients wishes and knew I was leary of surgery so he explained how a brace could be an option. We went the brace route and she healed completely. We were the first ones in our state to try this method and it was awesome. We took her to the canine orthopedic doc and had her measured and received a custom brace in about a week from a veterinarian in Canada. In the interim we had her on Rimadyl and rest. Worked like a charm and she's now 12 with ZERO affects from her original injury. She was 8 at the time.
If 4 different vets recommended the same surgery, I would probably do it - although I have no experience with this particular surgery. It does sounds like your DH is responding in a completely illogical manner. Have you had any other pets that needed surgical care? Did he act the same way?
If you decide an alternative solution is the way to go then do it - for medical reasons, not because of your DH. If you want to do the surgery and he won't - that would be at least a temporary deal breaker for me.
If your really think he might take the dog and hide her - do it before he can. An animal's care, especially when they are in pain, is a hill to die on.
My DH and I have had a few spats about our Schipperkes. We have three now. I had an Australian Shepherd/Border Collie mix when we first started dating and he attacked Weasel, who was already 12 yo at the time. I was terrified something was broken and took him to the vet; vet said some teeth had to come out. $500 later Weasel was in surgery and the vet calls to say his jaw is fractured and needs to be repaired which was another $175. DH wasn't happy about it but he gave the ok.
We ended up putting my Aussie down 7 months later because he'd become increasingly violent. To ease the pain, we adopted another Schipperke but she has Addison's disease and requires monthly trips to the vet and meds. She had a crisis last month and I wanted to take her to the vet however the vets were all unreasonable and wanted $375-$700 upfront. We ended up handling it ourselves with pedialite, extra doses of her prednisone and pepto. Any one of the six vets we talked to could have given us those suggestions which saved her life but they refused to give us any advice even after we told them we couldn't afford that much unless they'd take payment arrangements.
It's so sad that most of the vets, at least that we have encountered, seem to care more about lining their pockets than providing us with all of the options. We found our answers online so hopefully you can find some alternative options that your not so DH is willing to try.
Millions of dogs have had this surgery and recovered 100%. I think he is being cheap, but I am paying and anyway it doesn't matter because now we are splitting up (again). So ignorant, I am so embarrassed, but just can't take this any more.
You can usually tell a lot about a person by how they treat an animal, especially a pet they claim to care about. If my dh told me that my dog "didn't need" and tried to prevent surgery that she obviously needed because she was in pain, you bet your ass I'd leave him over it. Nobody who is truly a caring human being is going to watch their pet suffer when they can do something about it.
My dog was a mix of lab, shepherd and a few other breeds(pound puppy). Medium build around 55lbs. He had ligament problems with one knee at 2-3 years old. Having his surgery was the best thing I ever did for him. He recovered well and was back to running like a puppy again. He started supplements before surgery and was on those consistently as well.
He did have arthritis issues later with his hips. This got worse around 10 and he started fish oil and NSAIDs that provided relief until he was 12. I had to have him go to sleep at 13 when he was struggling to get up and sometimes his hips giving out while walking. He was also in kidney failure possibly from the NSAIDs.
If money is the issue, your vet should be able to tell your the human equivalent of the joint supplements which are cheaper. For me, the 1500 for the knee surgery was so worth it. My vet is very conservative and not one to do unnecessary procedures or surgeries. He allowed us to make payments after the surgery which helped.
If he is just opposed to surgery, maybe try the fish oil ( helps with joint lubrication and inflammation) with the supplements to get the dog some relief while your BF's underlying concern/issue is determined. (Is it about control?). If you do split, please keep the dog.
It is $4k per knee, and that is if no complications. I scraped up enough for this surgery, although he committed to giving $1k that my alternate plan is to sell some jewelry to try to come up with. The jewelry I would have to sell includes my wedding ring, which breaks my heart.
For the 2nd surgery if it comes to that, I will sell my car and try to go without one for a while, but it is not feasible for me to do that right now.
She had a bad reaction to the NSAIDs so cannot take them, but is taking fish oil, and glucosamine/chondroitin, which does help.
The whole issue with us splitting is that it is my house, so I refuse to leave. The other bad part is that I need his income but, did just give his 80 year old dad a vehicle we had that he wanted in return for money h. owed him from years ago. I have not given the title yet, because I don't have it and having trouble getting it.
Both his parents love the truck. So now I can be the bad guy and say, I can't give it to you after all (it is in my name only because of his past poor credit), because I will need it to live on while we split up.??
The dog is 5 yrs. Old. i am not putting her down. I can pay mortgage because we live in a tiny condo but it is mine.
The truck is mine, in my name only, paying his debt from 20 yrs.ago, before I knew him.
he will make literally hundreds of thousands later this year, just bought.a 50k boat and 50k new try k, so 8k is nothing to him.
I am broke getting him to this point. He will get a ton of money finally this year and is just using this opportunity to dump me while pretending to br like a victim..
We fight all the time because he is untreated add, addictive issues and inferiority complex. He puts me and our family last every time and has ruined me financially while saying I do nothing for him.
The surgery works, 100%, over and over around the world. He is being ignorant and denying healthcare to an innocent dog, and I can't be with someone who can do that, for all the money in the world.
Oh yes, now it is time for the classic ST self righteous beatdown. Why did I ever think this was a place to get support? Be sure to pile on, right after you kill your dog of course.
Did you not read all the posts about keeping the dog and losing the DH at the beginning of the thread? As you have given more information about the situation, you are getting differing opinions. When I read your original post I assumed (incorrectly) that money was not an issue. Now that I realize it is, and that you will be essentially broke if you pay for the surgery yourself, it puts things in a different perspective.
Is your DH objecting to the money or to the "mutilation" of his dog? One is logical the other is not. In any case, it doesn't look like you can really afford the surgery and be able to live on your own afterward. Can you use some "stop-gap" measures to keep the dog comfortable until you can really afford the surgery?
There is a program called "carecredit" for people who need help with veterinarian costs. It works like a credit card but it is easy for people to get. I don't have any more details - but it might be worth a look.
Thank you!! He has done all this on my dime, and that is not my debt!!! The new truck is 40k, typo.
My point is if my money is his money, ex. Give my truck to pay his debt, then his money is mine, and we are fixing the dog.
This has been going on for months is why I am so upset. This is a very common injury, they say she has 2 partial cruciate tears in her knees, very common in all dogs and especially big dogs, she weighs 85 lbs. I don't know how she got it, but mainly because the construction of their little knee is not efficient, and can be corrected very easily.
I have gotten the care credit, he got care credit but won't let me use his now. He and the neighbor decided she is not that bad, and all my effort, multiple appts., xrays etc I have paid!!! 1k already!! ,have already missed work to do physical therapy etc., bought rehab supplies, taken time off work twice now to be with her for the first 10 days of recovery which is apparently pretty rough, he and the fing busybody who needs to mind her own business decide that I am being cruel to try to fix her!! Kill her instead of giving her a routine surgery that happens every day, by a board certified surgeon who does this every fing day.!! I am def. going to cuss that b. out!!
but anyway we talked about the brace, which doesn't work by the way, and costs the same as the surgery that will work, so that may he happening. He says since she is still upright and able to walk a limited amount there is nothing wrong with her right now, and wants to wait until she is worse, and we have to carry her around in a sling to go to the bathroom!!! we will do something then. Um, the hell you say mf, my ass!!
Yesterday I was so mad I took his bp medication away. (He already took it for the day, and I will give it back) but I could see the fear in his eyes at not using modern medical science for his own ass, but its ok to do to the dog, he claims to adore? And I am insist that he take over her vet care and tell the vet he is willing to let an animal suffer yet spends tons on boats and shit that doesnt matter, oh and also the next time hr needs surgery which he has had, on my dime, my insurance, hernia surgery, broken ankle the same as this dog surgery, I am going to get him an fing brace and call it a day.
So sorry. I know you are all trying to help, I guess, and I am thinking about all input, I am 50 years old with education and a decent income, I have been on here for like 7 yrs. but I guess not active lately but I guess need to give entire history every time, but of course I have done research, legwork, etc. before spending so much but this is not cancer, people here have money and are giving it to my h., and many people go on stupid vacations, plastic surgery, status cars etc. but the money is there even if I don't have it in my hand, and now just need to redirect the ignorant h. Sorry this is not completely perfect writing, my computers are screwing up too, I am just so worn out over having to explain all this over and over, but anyway, please see below
Thank you, we talked now and are able to agree on a brace, so I think we will try that first. It won't work but is better than nothing and I agree with you, thank you.:)
Update: now got him to agree that when closings come in in 3-4 mos. we will fix her, but def. fix her before she is down, wow thanks, but I guess progress. Meanwhile he will be forced to take her in for brace fix, etc. and tell the medically trained drs. his ridiculous reasoning, or I will never shut up about it, not letting this go which he is realizing. He had told me to handle it because he is so busy so I was, but since he is throwing a wrench in now explaining all I have done, all they say, the exact mechanics of dogs leg putting all their weight on their knee which is in the front of their leg, not on top like ours, and how she is compensating by putting all her weight on front and sides so losing muscle mass in quads, straining her side muscles, shaking when she has to poop from weakness in back legs, what is involved in her getting to the down point, lifting 85 lb dog to potty, what she needs for rehab, what rehab entails etc., I guess I have to spell it all out even though I am very competent in everything else I have done for him, in this case I am stupid, right.
I am being proactive because she can still walk, just don't know how long she can and think it is stupid to wait, while I have a job and time off I have to use, but whatever, I am working with him because yes it will hurt me and her to dump him now. I don't want to dump him but get tired of being blown off for his 'important' work, so wonder sometimes if he wants out, but whatever, I didn't get married til I was almost 40 so know I can stand on my own anyway. Rant off.
I wish you would change your attitude about the brace. I'm here telling you that it worked for my dog. That was 4 years ago and she hasn't had one issue and she was 8. Surgery is horrific for humans and animals. Period. Of course the surgeon is going to tell you braces don't work because HE/SHE WANTS YOUR MONEY!!!!!
Good luck and I hope your dog gets the help it needs.
I know you may be right, I am afraid of making the wrong decision for her and really that is part of h. objections at the tremendous money maker it is for the vet surgeon which I do see too . . .so am not ruling it out, forgot to say that, have just been very upset, sorry and thank you p.s. also afraid of putting her under, frankly rethinking everything at this point, he just wouldn't listen or help me decide but he is very against surgery . . . so thank you ladies
Oh thank God! got it to
Oh thank God! got it to post, here is my horror story, please advise:
Ok 4 different vets have told me my dog needs TPLO surgery on her knee, really both of them! My not so DH is completely irrational about it, to the point where we are now about to split over getting the dog medical care! He has gone so far as to say he will take her and hide her, to keep me from getting her operated on!!
TO give more info, the dogs equivalent to ACL is torn, and while at this point she can still walk, she has been struggling for a long time while we tried to deny the severity, then now while he irrationally denies her medical care?
Has anyone ever heard of anyone taking a dog to keep it from getting medical care? I am so pissed I am ready to go to the mat for her and split up if need be. He is being a total idiot about this and was starting to accept the surgery is scheduled in 2 weeks, when the neighbor said she wouldn't do it, so now we are splitting up over it again.
I am not sure what my legal rights are but am sick of being abused on this topic. The dog cannot walk and is in pain that will only increase, and really needs it on both knees but they will only do one at a time, there is a 12 week recovery period.
Please let me know if anyone has any helpful input, thanks
He says there is nothing
He says there is nothing wrong with her, and he cannot see her decline and coping strategies, her weakness, etc. He is completely irrational about it and I am furious.
He took her to the first dr., decided it was a crock and has been undermining it ever since.
He says, no one is going to 'mutilate' his dog? insane
Be careful with tplo surgery.
Be careful with tplo surgery. We had it on our shepherd and he was due to have it on the other leg too. We never did the other leg and the ligament healed on its own. The leg where he had the tplo has major bone degeneration around the steel plate. There have been links between tplo and osteosarcoma (bone cancer). Maybe a second opinion??
4 doctors have independently
4 doctors have independently said the same diagnosis.
This is my first post after
This is my first post after many months of lurking, but I had to chime in on this subject. My dog also had an ACL issue and I was leary of TPLO surgery. Luckily my veterinarian will listen to his clients wishes and knew I was leary of surgery so he explained how a brace could be an option. We went the brace route and she healed completely. We were the first ones in our state to try this method and it was awesome. We took her to the canine orthopedic doc and had her measured and received a custom brace in about a week from a veterinarian in Canada. In the interim we had her on Rimadyl and rest. Worked like a charm and she's now 12 with ZERO affects from her original injury. She was 8 at the time.
So sorry you are going
So sorry you are going through this!
If 4 different vets recommended the same surgery, I would probably do it - although I have no experience with this particular surgery. It does sounds like your DH is responding in a completely illogical manner. Have you had any other pets that needed surgical care? Did he act the same way?
If you decide an alternative solution is the way to go then do it - for medical reasons, not because of your DH. If you want to do the surgery and he won't - that would be at least a temporary deal breaker for me.
If your really think he might take the dog and hide her - do it before he can. An animal's care, especially when they are in pain, is a hill to die on.
Might he just be acting cheap
Might he just be acting cheap because he doesn't want to spend the money?
My DH and I have had a few
My DH and I have had a few spats about our Schipperkes. We have three now. I had an Australian Shepherd/Border Collie mix when we first started dating and he attacked Weasel, who was already 12 yo at the time. I was terrified something was broken and took him to the vet; vet said some teeth had to come out. $500 later Weasel was in surgery and the vet calls to say his jaw is fractured and needs to be repaired which was another $175. DH wasn't happy about it but he gave the ok.
We ended up putting my Aussie down 7 months later because he'd become increasingly violent. To ease the pain, we adopted another Schipperke but she has Addison's disease and requires monthly trips to the vet and meds. She had a crisis last month and I wanted to take her to the vet however the vets were all unreasonable and wanted $375-$700 upfront. We ended up handling it ourselves with pedialite, extra doses of her prednisone and pepto. Any one of the six vets we talked to could have given us those suggestions which saved her life but they refused to give us any advice even after we told them we couldn't afford that much unless they'd take payment arrangements.
It's so sad that most of the vets, at least that we have encountered, seem to care more about lining their pockets than providing us with all of the options. We found our answers online so hopefully you can find some alternative options that your not so DH is willing to try.
Millions of dogs have had
Millions of dogs have had this surgery and recovered 100%. I think he is being cheap, but I am paying and anyway it doesn't matter because now we are splitting up (again). So ignorant, I am so embarrassed, but just can't take this any more.
You can usually tell a lot
You can usually tell a lot about a person by how they treat an animal, especially a pet they claim to care about. If my dh told me that my dog "didn't need" and tried to prevent surgery that she obviously needed because she was in pain, you bet your ass I'd leave him over it. Nobody who is truly a caring human being is going to watch their pet suffer when they can do something about it.
Thank you!!!!!
Thank you!!!!!
My dog was a mix of lab,
My dog was a mix of lab, shepherd and a few other breeds(pound puppy). Medium build around 55lbs. He had ligament problems with one knee at 2-3 years old. Having his surgery was the best thing I ever did for him. He recovered well and was back to running like a puppy again. He started supplements before surgery and was on those consistently as well.
He did have arthritis issues later with his hips. This got worse around 10 and he started fish oil and NSAIDs that provided relief until he was 12. I had to have him go to sleep at 13 when he was struggling to get up and sometimes his hips giving out while walking. He was also in kidney failure possibly from the NSAIDs.
If money is the issue, your vet should be able to tell your the human equivalent of the joint supplements which are cheaper. For me, the 1500 for the knee surgery was so worth it. My vet is very conservative and not one to do unnecessary procedures or surgeries. He allowed us to make payments after the surgery which helped.
If he is just opposed to surgery, maybe try the fish oil ( helps with joint lubrication and inflammation) with the supplements to get the dog some relief while your BF's underlying concern/issue is determined. (Is it about control?). If you do split, please keep the dog.
It is $4k per knee, and that
It is $4k per knee, and that is if no complications.
I scraped up enough for this surgery, although he committed to giving $1k that my alternate plan is to sell some jewelry to try to come up with. The jewelry I would have to sell includes my wedding ring, which breaks my heart.
For the 2nd surgery if it comes to that, I will sell my car and try to go without one for a while, but it is not feasible for me to do that right now.
She had a bad reaction to the NSAIDs so cannot take them, but is taking fish oil, and glucosamine/chondroitin, which does help.
The whole issue with us splitting is that it is my house, so I refuse to leave. The other bad part is that I need his income but, did just give his 80 year old dad a vehicle we had that he wanted in return for money h. owed him from years ago. I have not given the title yet, because I don't have it and having trouble getting it.
Both his parents love the truck. So now I can be the bad guy and say, I can't give it to you after all (it is in my name only because of his past poor credit), because I will need it to live on while we split up.??
So furious.
Wait a minute Your about to
Wait a minute
Your about to spend $8000 on a dog, but if your husband leaves you, you're up the creek without a paddle because you NEED his income????? :jawdrop: :?
The dog is 5 yrs. Old. i am
The dog is 5 yrs. Old. i am not putting her down. I can pay mortgage because we live in a tiny condo but it is mine.
The truck is mine, in my name only, paying his debt from 20 yrs.ago, before I knew him.
he will make literally hundreds of thousands later this year, just bought.a 50k boat and 50k new try k, so 8k is nothing to him.
I am broke getting him to this point. He will get a ton of money finally this year and is just using this opportunity to dump me while pretending to br like a victim..
We fight all the time because he is untreated add, addictive issues and inferiority complex. He puts me and our family last every time and has ruined me financially while saying I do nothing for him.
The surgery works, 100%, over and over around the world. He is being ignorant and denying healthcare to an innocent dog, and I can't be with someone who can do that, for all the money in the world.
So as far as he's concerned
So as far as he's concerned the marriage is over???
If you believe he's planning to "dump you", what makes you think he would/should agree to pay for this?
Also I am appalled at how
Also I am appalled at how many say put it down. He wants to buy me a 24 k new car and leave dog untreated?? Shameful.
Thanks for the judgement!
Thanks for the judgement! real thoughtful of you
YOU can't afford the surgery.
YOU can't afford the surgery. HE can afford the car,boat....
You don't get to dictate how he spends his money.
If he's planning to end the marriage, why is he even considering buying you a car?
Oh yes, now it is time for
Oh yes, now it is time for the classic ST self righteous beatdown. Why did I ever think this was a place to get support? Be sure to pile on, right after you kill your dog of course.
Did you not read all the
Did you not read all the posts about keeping the dog and losing the DH at the beginning of the thread? As you have given more information about the situation, you are getting differing opinions. When I read your original post I assumed (incorrectly) that money was not an issue. Now that I realize it is, and that you will be essentially broke if you pay for the surgery yourself, it puts things in a different perspective.
Is your DH objecting to the money or to the "mutilation" of his dog? One is logical the other is not. In any case, it doesn't look like you can really afford the surgery and be able to live on your own afterward. Can you use some "stop-gap" measures to keep the dog comfortable until you can really afford the surgery?
There is a program called "carecredit" for people who need help with veterinarian costs. It works like a credit card but it is easy for people to get. I don't have any more details - but it might be worth a look.
Just forget it. You are all
Just forget it. You are all excused from patronizing me. I hope you get the same when it is your turn.
So this was another one of
So this was another one of those ONLY RESPOND IF YOU AGREE WITH ME blogs???? :sick:
I am LOST HERE! If he can buy
I am LOST HERE! If he can buy a 50K boat and 50K truck, why are you giving your car to his parents to pay is pass due IOU to his parents?
Thank you!! He has done all
Thank you!! He has done all this on my dime, and that is not my debt!!! The new truck is 40k, typo.
My point is if my money is his money, ex. Give my truck to pay his debt, then his money is mine, and we are fixing the dog.
This has been going on for months is why I am so upset. This is a very common injury, they say she has 2 partial cruciate tears in her knees, very common in all dogs and especially big dogs, she weighs 85 lbs. I don't know how she got it, but mainly because the construction of their little knee is not efficient, and can be corrected very easily.
I have gotten the care credit, he got care credit but won't let me use his now. He and the neighbor decided she is not that bad, and all my effort, multiple appts., xrays etc I have paid!!! 1k already!! ,have already missed work to do physical therapy etc., bought rehab supplies, taken time off work twice now to be with her for the first 10 days of recovery which is apparently pretty rough, he and the fing busybody who needs to mind her own business decide that I am being cruel to try to fix her!! Kill her instead of giving her a routine surgery that happens every day, by a board certified surgeon who does this every fing day.!! I am def. going to cuss that b. out!!
but anyway we talked about the brace, which doesn't work by the way, and costs the same as the surgery that will work, so that may he happening. He says since she is still upright and able to walk a limited amount there is nothing wrong with her right now, and wants to wait until she is worse, and we have to carry her around in a sling to go to the bathroom!!! we will do something then. Um, the hell you say mf, my ass!!
Yesterday I was so mad I took his bp medication away. (He already took it for the day, and I will give it back) but I could see the fear in his eyes at not using modern medical science for his own ass, but its ok to do to the dog, he claims to adore? And I am insist that he take over her vet care and tell the vet he is willing to let an animal suffer yet spends tons on boats and shit that doesnt matter, oh and also the next time hr needs surgery which he has had, on my dime, my insurance, hernia surgery, broken ankle the same as this dog surgery, I am going to get him an fing brace and call it a day.
So sorry. I know you are all trying to help, I guess, and I am thinking about all input, I am 50 years old with education and a decent income, I have been on here for like 7 yrs. but I guess not active lately but I guess need to give entire history every time, but of course I have done research, legwork, etc. before spending so much but this is not cancer, people here have money and are giving it to my h., and many people go on stupid vacations, plastic surgery, status cars etc. but the money is there even if I don't have it in my hand, and now just need to redirect the ignorant h. Sorry this is not completely perfect writing, my computers are screwing up too, I am just so worn out over having to explain all this over and over, but anyway, please see below
Deleted because I see you are
Deleted because I see you are trying the brace first.
Sorry I did not see this, but
Sorry I did not see this, but am grateful for your input . . . I hate fighting on here
Please due not take this
Please due not take this wrong.
If you do is 5 years old, I think trying the brace 1st is a good plan. She is 5 not 12. So her chances of healing are higher than a senior dog.
Thank you, we talked now and
Thank you, we talked now and are able to agree on a brace, so I think we will try that first. It won't work but is better than nothing and I agree with you, thank you.:)
Update: now got him to agree that when closings come in in 3-4 mos. we will fix her, but def. fix her before she is down, wow thanks, but I guess progress. Meanwhile he will be forced to take her in for brace fix, etc. and tell the medically trained drs. his ridiculous reasoning, or I will never shut up about it, not letting this go which he is realizing. He had told me to handle it because he is so busy so I was, but since he is throwing a wrench in now explaining all I have done, all they say, the exact mechanics of dogs leg putting all their weight on their knee which is in the front of their leg, not on top like ours, and how she is compensating by putting all her weight on front and sides so losing muscle mass in quads, straining her side muscles, shaking when she has to poop from weakness in back legs, what is involved in her getting to the down point, lifting 85 lb dog to potty, what she needs for rehab, what rehab entails etc., I guess I have to spell it all out even though I am very competent in everything else I have done for him, in this case I am stupid, right.
I am being proactive because she can still walk, just don't know how long she can and think it is stupid to wait, while I have a job and time off I have to use, but whatever, I am working with him because yes it will hurt me and her to dump him now. I don't want to dump him but get tired of being blown off for his 'important' work, so wonder sometimes if he wants out, but whatever, I didn't get married til I was almost 40 so know I can stand on my own anyway. Rant off.
I wish you would change your
I wish you would change your attitude about the brace. I'm here telling you that it worked for my dog. That was 4 years ago and she hasn't had one issue and she was 8. Surgery is horrific for humans and animals. Period. Of course the surgeon is going to tell you braces don't work because HE/SHE WANTS YOUR MONEY!!!!!
Good luck and I hope your dog gets the help it needs.
I know you may be right, I am
I know you may be right, I am afraid of making the wrong decision for her and really that is part of h. objections at the tremendous money maker it is for the vet surgeon which I do see too . . .so am not ruling it out, forgot to say that, have just been very upset, sorry and thank you p.s. also afraid of putting her under, frankly rethinking everything at this point, he just wouldn't listen or help me decide but he is very against surgery . . . so thank you ladies
There is another way to do
There is another way to do the surgery that they used to do before TPLO. I forget the name.