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Step Talk Family Meeting----

zerostepdrama's picture

We need to call a truce.

The drama here is way too much! It's exhausting.

I think we can all agree that everybody is different. Everybody communicates differently. Everybody writes differently.

What I think is important, you may not and vice versa.

What I think is someone being a bully, someone may say I'm being too sensitive.

We are all adults. I think if we dont like what we see or dont agree with something, then we can just ignore it.

There are LOTS of groups/cliques who are guilty of shit stirring, passive aggressive b.s. Ya all aren't that transparent.

Know what is really awesome about being human is that we are all different!

So let's try to regroup. Sing a little song. Pass some wine and cheesecake. Be a friend. Act like a lady. Feel better trying to have an open mind and open heart instead of feeling good about some one liners or comments back at some poster.


***Sunshine and rainbows bitches!!!!!!***********


mommy0104's picture

There needs to be a like button here!!! Amen to all that!! And cheers (passes the wine and cheesecake lol) Smile

No saint's picture


zerostepdrama's picture

Dont stop posting! BUUUUTTT if something makes you mad enough to vent about it over and over, maybe just think about an action plan or maybe some goals you can meet to make things better for you. Little steps. Little things at a time add up to something big in the end Smile

zerostepdrama's picture

Im in a peaceful mood! Smile Trying to open up the conversation amongst all of us adults.

And I love you too! Even if you dont agree with this blog. Wink

BethAnne's picture

Great meeting. I was just thinking last night that I need to start cutting out how much I am on here if there is going to be constant drama, it is draining even if it is only an online forum. I usually sit out of it all but when I've seen a couple of people being ganged up on over the last few days for no real reason I felt obliged to go to bat for them. I am trying to be more cooperative and empathetic to all sides too in my posts, to minimize me adding to any drama.

I really need a night out, I'd love some wine and cheesecake if there is still some left!

Unfreakingreal's picture

It has gotten incredibly catty here lately and I'm not really sure why. I just watch the crazy train and chime in when I feel compelled to do so.

AllySkoo's picture

I dunno. I'm fine with things getting "heated" (I LOVE debating!) as long as people are courteous. I dislike when I perceive personal attacks, but I don't think those are ALL that common. (There was really only one or two on MFP's blog yesterday, most didn't go into "attack" status for me, just disagreement with MFP's perspective.)

Well, I suppose for the record, if anyone disagrees with anything in MY posts go ahead and let me know! And maybe we can all just agree that if someone asks us to stop, we stop. Period, dot, as Dtzy would say. Wink

Snowflake's picture

I completely agree. Lately I have seen debates on terms used and what are rights are. Now mind you that people are thinking of American rights, as we are all not in the same country.

My experiences as a human being and my past that has shaped me into who I am today. What you all will tolerate, may not be something that I as a person will. What I will tolerate may be deal breakers for all of you.

But what I don't think each of us shul.d tolerate is cyber-bullying when we have a difference of opinion.

JustAgirl42's picture

Sooo much of how we respond is colored by our own situations.

I don't know, I'm usually clueless because I have a hard time keeping up. (No, Sally, I'm not slow, Wink just busy.)

BTW, I'll take some of those brownies if they'll make me laugh. }:)

Aniki-Moderator's picture

It's not Nutella cheesecake, is it? I brought my own bottle of wine - and I'm not sharing. After last night, I need the entire bottle to equal "a hair of the dog"!

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

Omg, I saved a nutella cheesecake recipe off FB yesterday. Looks so good