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She's really trying me!

EvilAngel's picture

Today is my DH bday. We got up early this morning and went out on the lake fishing. Usually we would be out there until dark but DH knows I am fixing dinner so we came home early. SD16 asked yesterday if her bf could come over today and was told no. Well guess who we find when we get home? That little bitch told him he could come over! I guess she didn't think we would be home so soon. She's in a world of trouble! That pisses me off so fucking bad! Way to ruin your dad's birthday you little disrespectful asshole!


EvilAngel's picture

I almost lost my damn mind! The nerve of that brat! Oh yeah... She was def embarrassed and grounded AGAIN!

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

Because she knew blowing off your rules and having him there would be a sure fire way to burst Daddy's bubble and make his birthday all about her. Ugh.

EvilAngel's picture

HIs mom is a real piece of work actually. The first time he came over, she was supposed to pick him up at 10. She never showed up and never called either! We took his ass home.

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

Inform his mother that should he get your SD knocked up you will be pursuing THEM for his child support obligations. Maybe that will inspire some concern for what her son is up to.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

No means no, or to put it in English, "Stay the fuck out of my house when we're not there!"

Little bitches. My SD19 thinks she can do whatever she wants. Fucking hedgehog, my ass.

~ Moon

EvilAngel's picture

She tried to say that DH never said yes or no so she thought it would be ok. No you little is NOT OK. And he told her no. Her and her fucking lame ass excuses! I made him cupcakes yesterday after all that and I thought I was going to have to break her arm to keep her out of them! I was like "Stay the fuck out of them until we are ready to eat them!" For fucks sake...

EvilAngel's picture

It didn't quite go like that...although I wish I had thought of that response. DH handled it but not the way I would have. There is a reason I don't have children of my own. I would be in prison.