Second time being a SM is clearly no better....
Hello everyone! I used to be on this site a few years ago but left after I was divorced and was no longer a SM. Well it seems I am crazy and got myself in the SM situation again. I ADORE the ground my DH walks on! He is a great man and a wonderful provider. He treats me great but his child that lives with us is SPOILED ROTTEN! His oldest is in college and basically has nothing to do with him, so she's not an issue. The youngest lives with her mother (she's 13) and she's not really a problem either. We see her every other weekend and she is well behaved and a very loving young lady. She does have some teenage drama all the time but that I can handle. It's the middle child who is 16 yrs old. She lives with us and she drives me INSANE! She is so lazy and thinks money grows on trees apparently. Although I realize most kids do. Before I came along it is VERY apparent that she did NOTHING around the house to help her father out. (Her mom is out of the picture and has been since this kid was 6 months old) I am not tolerating her laziness around here. She lets her laundry pile up, refuses to take out her trash until her room is just disgusting and in general will not clean up after herself. Her dad hates to "hurt her feelings" by telling her to do in turn I get angry and go off on him about it until something gets done. Her grades are AWFUL as well. I am about at my wits end with her! She will make food for herself and is too lazy to put her dishes in the dishwasher...just puts them in the sink. She will take every towel in the house and leave them in her room after she is done. Of course they stink of mildew by the time they make it to the laundry room. She lets the bathroom trashcan overflow with her dirty pads until someone has to tell her to take the trash out. Wait...correction...until her DAD takes the trash out for her. It seriously DRIVES ME CRAZY! Thanks for letting me vent. I am sure it will not be the last time this week! LOL
- EvilAngel's blog
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Not dealing with BM is a
Not dealing with BM is a blessing for sure! I agree that she should have to do chores for $$$. He is stepping up recently and getting on her about having responsibilities and helping out. It seems to be going in one ear and out the other...
The problem with her doing
The problem with her doing chores for $$$ is that Daddy has always handed her everything. I told him that behavior is going to have to be removed and that earning things is going to have to be learned. You don't just get things because you want them...especially when your grades suck!
I told him that had to
I told him that had to happen! She will be 18 in less than 2 years and she's going to have to have some sort of skill set so she can get the hell out of my house! LOL
I said the same thing...then
I said the same thing...then HE came along. LOL
So it's safe to say the best
So it's safe to say the best men are either gay or have brats in tow? If I EVER have a relationship again, it will be with a childless gay man who loves shopping and earns lots of cash!!
Well unless I wanted to date
Well unless I wanted to date a pup! Which I did do that for a while before I met my current DH. At my age...anyone that is suitable for me to actually have a relationship with is going to have kids I guess. Sad but true. HOWEVER I like your idea!
So you locked yourself back
So you locked yourself back up in Bedlam again??
Clearly I am a glutton for
Clearly I am a glutton for punishment....
I think we all are! Hopefully
I think we all are!
Hopefully this round will go better for you.
The teen years blows goats, that's for sure. Makes you want to stuff them in a trunk until they're 18.
Don't give me any ideas! LOL
Don't give me any ideas! LOL
Do it! Do it! Do it!
Do it! Do it! Do it! }:)
(disclaimer: Just don't get caught.)
As long as you can keep a
As long as you can keep a secret! }:)
Aw, sweetie, no! Always
Aw, sweetie, no! Always sucks to see someone who "got out" back in the fight!
Your DH needs to grow a set and man up. Maybe a frank conversation with him explaining that he is setting her up for failure in life would help a little. Lay it on thick---that unless she shapes up the only men she will attract will be LOSERS who are not good enough for her! (And, yes, you've gotta suck it up and say they're not good enough for her because you know he thinks she deserves prince freaking charming!)
Now, you're just a loving SM who's concerned for her future happiness!!!
Great minds must think alike
Great minds must think alike because I had almost that exact conversation with him! He has been standing his ground more lately! Now she just thinks he's being mean by asking her to do things she should have been doing all along!
There is only one reasonable
There is only one reasonable explanationg for diving into that sea of madness again...
You've been dickmatized!
(No harm intended-just a goofy old ST meme)
HAHAHA! That's a good one!
HAHAHA! That's a good one!
Trust me...I did NOT want back in this situation. He's just that good to me...
Are you sure you're not a
Are you sure you're not a secret massochist?? You got free woman!
It's a possibility!
It's a possibility!
Just one BM. The youngest
Just one BM. The youngest ones mom but I have basically no contact with her whatsoever. She's actually not like the other BMs I have had to deal with. I think she and DH butt heads sometimes but I just stay out of it. I DID learn that in my other marriage.
In my last marriage I was
In my last marriage I was constantly fighting with the BMs. This time I know better and just stay out of it! It only caused me stress and never got me anywhere last time. This one is nice to me whenever we do talk. She annoys DH but that's his ex not mine! LOL
I would never marry a man
I would never marry a man with a kid again even if the bio was dead and the skid was an adult. I'm tired of being 2nd/ last priority
I know...I know
I know...I know