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how would you handle it.

Raggles's picture

Still major 'basic manners' issues with SD17.
My SO says i should be the adult and my up bringing is to be polite. However when ever i used to speak to SD17 either i had a grunt back or no answer at all.
The other day SO forced her to say hello to me!!!! Quite entertaining but im not sure what the point of that battle was.
Anyway all sat around the dinner table and so i said hello to her and yes true to form got totally ignored again. (SO didnt even noticed!! And i havent mentioned it )
This doesnt bother me BUT i dont know how to deal with my SO over this
As far as i am concerned I have no inclination to speak to her ever again. She doesnt exist in my book. However the arguements SO and I will have over this is something i dont particular want.
How would you deal with this situation???


Raggles's picture

My SO would never ask her to leave the table.
i truely believe he is scared of her and he is scared that if he confronts her over anything he believes he will send her into a mental breakdown!

hereiam's picture

I don't get this. My DH would be more pissed at his daughter for acting like this than he would at me for ignoring her.

You don't live with them anymore, if I remember correctly, I just wouldn't go over for dinner if she's going to be there and he's going to make such a big deal out of you not speaking to her.

When does he think she should learn some manners?

Raggles's picture

Unfortuantely last night i wasnt expecting her to be home when i agreed to go over and spend the night (only reason i did agree)
i have also found out that tomorrow i have to drive SO and myself to a swimming gala as his car is at the garage and he has informed me that SD 17 is coming too.
I told him he had better speak to her about her manners because if she cant be bothered to be polite then she will not be going in my car!!
He was taken back by that comment and agreed her behaviour was rude, so i said he needs to sort it. I understand she doesnt like me but manners/respect cost nothing. I am not expecting conversation and would prefer it if she didnt try but i do expect please thankyou hello and goodbye!

Im looking forward to the morning conversation!