Advice needed regarding items for Ss's school
So when we went to Ss's(stb7) parent teacher conference, the teacher advised us that the classroom was in need of hand sanitizer & dry erase markers, so Dh and I agreed to purchase a few bottles of sanitizer for the class as well as a pack of markers. Ss's school is almost an hour away and school lets out at 1:30 every day. The earliest that either Dh or myself gets out is at 3:30 (dh) buuut he picks Dd up from the babysitters so realistically he'd get to the school close to 5.
Is it unreasonable for us to send these items back to Bm's when Dh drops Ss off so that Ss can just take them to school with him or should we take the time off of work to get them in to the school because we agreed to donate them? I mean they are for HIS class but at the same time I know this will bother Bm just because, well, everything bothers Bm.
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BM may bring them in and say
BM may bring them in and say they were form her? Might be cheaper just to mail them than to pay the gas to drive them there?
I thought about that, but I
I thought about that, but I figured we'd email the teacher and let her know we sent them for Ss to take in and then also attatch a note advising Bm that the teacher is expecting the items.
I thought about mailing them too... is that weird to do that???
It isn't worth the drama,
It isn't worth the drama, just drop it off later. BM will assume you are trying to "out mom her". Everything I do nice for the skids becomes some sort of competition to insecure BM.
I agree. And the school may
I agree. And the school may not even get the items because they didn't come from BM.
That is very true, Bm here is
That is very true, Bm here is terrified of the idea of me being any type of mother figure to Ss. It's pathetic.
Omg, I hadn't even thought of
Omg, I hadn't even thought of this! I just signed up for amazon prime too!
Thank you!!!
Can you go by the school
Can you go by the school before work one morning and just leave it at the front office with a note for his teacher?
Thank you! I like the idea
Thank you!
I like the idea of a gift card too... I think we will either do that or the amazon delivery suggested above.
We buy things like this for
We buy things like this for the school all the time. We put the items in the kids backpack and the teacher gets them. BM has never taken the items or took the time to go into the school and say they were from her.
Also, does it really matter. SS's class needs the items. Just send the items in.
I like the gift card
I like the gift card idea...They buy the stuff all the time, this way they can just get what they want. Mail it and put a note in that this was easier than sending the stuff to school. Teacher will appreciate it.
I really like this idea as
I really like this idea as well.
LOL! Apparently not. I looked
LOL! Apparently not. I looked online and the school site says that they are always "accepting" donations for hand sanitizer, tissue, paper towels. The dry erase markers weren't on there but according to Ss, the students use them.