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I about fell out of my chair this weekend

Elizabeth's picture

Oh if I could go back and do it all over again and not marry a man with a kid. How naive I was to think everything would be OK in the end.

Not a big thing, but just one more element of dealing with stepparent crap:

Dh took our two BDs to see SD22 a couple of weekends ago. Our BDs probably only see her max twice a year for a few hours at a time at the most. This was a brief visit, they weren't around her more than 4 hours total.

Well, we are driving somewhere this weekend and my two BDs who are 11 and 8 get in a tiff and BD8 says to BD11 something along the lines of (I don't remember the exact words):
SD22 is a better sister than you are/SD22 is my favorite sister

Hold the phone! She NEVER remembers your birthday, NEVER calls you, NEVER sends you a text or a card, sends a "gift" ($1) from the Dollar Store more than two months after your birthday (she forgot BD8's birthday until MONTHS later), and you say she is the best/your favorite? I think not!

WTH?! I know she only did it to upset her sister, but if she really feels that way, whew ...


zerostepdrama's picture

Of course she doesnt feel that way. She was just trying to think of something to hurt her sister. Kids do that.

Elizabeth's picture

I probably felt really bad for BD11 because she has been a pretty good big sister to BD8 and is always there for her, SD22 hardly sees her and BD8 says she likes her better than BD11. You're right, probably just meant to hurt her, and it worked.

Elizabeth's picture

Oh, and then BD11 pulled the same thing yesterday:

I like being a little sister (to SD22) more than being a big sister (to BD8).

I said:

"Let's be realistic here. SD22 is not involved in your life. Does she call you on your birthday?"

