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Go on, back to hell with you small Satan

Red_panda7's picture

The two Skids SD13 and SS9 will be leaving today. They can't go fast enough. Even SO and SS15 said they couldn't wait till she left. All she does is start drama. SD was made to apologize for calling me a Bitch and BM was told to which I believe her reply was along the lines of good for SD. I am really trying not to just flat out hate her. I like the boys so why does SD have to be so irritating and rude and mean.

I need a really good nickname for her as she has some Very interesting ones for me. (Demon, Ava, useless waste of matter) Most of which I believe her mom came up with. If I give a list of her (SD's) irritating traits would anyone like to weigh in on names to match?

OK I also have a quick story to add on the end here. Some of you may find it as funny as I did, some of you won't. I sure as hell was amused because I know what she meant but I also know after her Very long talking to she wasn't about to say to my face or even general facility what she said before (aka I'm a bitch)

So SD was talking to her brother 9 and he said he said he wanted to send our 9week old German Shepherd puppy to the pound for nipping him. She told him we don't talk like that. He said ok. She then said just loud enough to be heard we can send the other dog to the pound. He goes what other dog, she quickly goes Never mind! Don't tell anyone I said that.

I just laughed on the inside. What else could I do? SO had left for work and I wasn't gonna give her the satisfaction of knowing I even heard her. I can just as easily ignore it. She just wanted attention.


Red_panda7's picture

I had thought about Little Cow but cows are kinda endearing; and there is nothing endearing about this girl. She's controlling manipulative rude self-centered mean to her Autistic brother and f***ing praised by her BM for it. She likes to stir the pot and then step back and let it explode.

Red_panda7's picture

My Ex's nickname is C/A stands for cactus ass. Have you ever seen little Nicky, the scene where Hitler gets a pinnapple shoved up his butt, I told my SM I wished that would happen to my ex but with a cactus and it stuck.

DaizyDuke's picture

all I could think of when I say the title of your post "...small Satan" was that God awful movie with Adam Sandler called "Little Nicky"... and wasn't he like the son of Satan in the movie? I can't really remember because it's old and it was super stupid. But Little Nicky would be a good name for her.. you could even say it around her and she'd be clueless! }:)

I dubbed my SD16 Miss Nasty... nothing more to really say about that Sad

onstrike's picture

Sd8 aka "Ruby Sue",from National Lampoons Christmas reminds me so much of her,from her sloppy look to her hillbilly baby voice and behavior. Yuck!

Jsmom's picture

In my head, I call SD18, Succubus. She sucks all the life out of this house when she is here.